Please refer to Rebels and The Raj Class 12 History Important Questions given below. These solved questions for Rebels and The Raj have been prepared based on the latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. We have provided important examination questions for Class 12 History all chapters.
Class 12 History Rebels and The Raj
Very Short Answer Questions :
Question. Why is the Mutiny of 1857 called a struggle for independence?
Ans. People from all sections came together to fight against the British rule .
Question. Mention two economic causes for revolt of 1857?
Ans. (1) Peasants were exploited by British and moneylenders.
(2) Craftmen were jobless.
Question. Which four centres of the revolt were more aggressive against British?
Ans. Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Jhansi, Gwalior.
Question. Give two military causes for revolt of 1857?
Ans. (1) British officers showed sense of superiority.
(2) Greased cartridges.
Short Answer Questions :
Question. Rumours and prophecies played an important part in moving people to action before the Revolt of 1857.Explain.
Ans. (i) There spread a rumour that the British had mixed bone dust of cows and pigs into the flour which was sold in the market.
(ii) A prophecy was made that on the centenary of the Battle of Plassey on 23rd June 1857, the British rule would come to an end.
(iii) The proclamations expressed the widespread fear that the British were bent on destroying the caste and religion of Hindus and Muslims and converting them to Christianity.
Question. Discuss the extent to which religious beliefs shaped the revolt of 1857.
Ans. (1) Common Indian people did not like new education system without any discrimination.
(2) Study of Bible was compulsory in missionary schools.
(3) Christianity was common in Jails.
(4) A law was passed which enabled converted Christian to inherit his ancestral property.
(5) Under general service Enlistment act every new service undertook to serve anywhere in India.
(6) The government decided to replace the old guns by the new rifles.
(7) Abolition of sati and other social reforms.
Question. Why did the mutinous sepoys in many places turn to erstwhile rulers to provide leadership to the revolt?
Ans. (1) Native rulers were natural leader of the people.
(2) They believed that Hindu Muslim unity is compulsory.
(3) They wanted to restore the pre-British world.
(4) Delhi was capital city in Mughal India and last Mughal emperor was there so rebels requested him for the leadership.
(5) Mostly, kings had experience of leadership and organization.
Long Answer Questions :
Question. Why was the revolt particularly widespread in Awadh? What prompted the peasants, Taluqdars and Zamindars to join the revolt?
Ans. (1) All people of the Awadh did not like exploitative system of British.
(2) Wajid Ali Shah was a popular ruler and he had many sons but British dethroned him.
(3) All people of the Awadh wanted to restore rule of the Nawab.
(4) Begum Hazrat Mahal was leader of the rebels.
(5) Many great rebel leaders were also working in Awadh all people were dissatisfied.
(6) Taluqdars’ troops were disbanded and forts were destroyed. The Taluqdars of Awadh badly suffered by Summary Settlement of land revenue.
(7) Zamindars’ zamindaris were snatched by British. The zamindars did not like activities of the British.
(8) Peasants did not like 50% land revenue, to deposit land revenue was compulsory so farmers were selling their properties.
Question. What do visual representation tell us about the revolt of 1857? How do historians analyse these representations?
Ans. (1) The British artist presents the Britishers as heroes.
(2) As saviours the relief of Lucknow painted by Thomas Jones Barker is remarkable in this regard.
(3) Collin Campbell and Jones Outram captured Lucknow defeating the rebels. Recapturing of Lucknow has been described by the British as a symbol of survival, heroic resistance and
ultimate triumph of British power.
(4) In Memoriam was famous painting of Joseph Noel. He expressed helplessness of English ladies and children.
(5) Miss Wheeler has been depicted as an example of defending heroic lady.
(6) The heroic image of Laxmibai inspired Indian for struggle.
(7) Cruel images of British were the symbol of revenge.
(8) Brutal images of Indian soldiers were the symbols of strangeness against British.
(9) Indian artist persuaded nationalism and patriotism in Indians.
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