Please refer to Bhakti – Sufi Traditions Class 12 History Important Questions given below. These solved questions for Bhakti – Sufi Traditions have been prepared based on the latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. We have provided important examination questions for Class 12 History all chapters.
Class 12 History Bhakti – Sufi Traditions
Very Short Answer Questions :
Question. What is Shari’a ?
Answer: The Shari’a is the law governing the Muslim Community.
Question. Give the name of any four well known reformers of Bhakti movement.
Answer: Meera Bai , Kabir , Raidas , Gurunanak .
Question. What do you mean by Sufism?
Answer: The Sufis were Muslim saints who left a great impact on the Indian society Sufism originated in Persia.
Question. By which other name we know the Virashaivas ?
Answer: Lingayats.
Short Answer Questions :
Question. Explain with examples what historians meant by the integration of cults?
Answer: Two processes were at work, e.g. dissemination of brahmanical ideas.
– The efforts of brahmanas to rework the belief and practices of other social categories, women & Shudras.
– Deity Jagannaatha was said to be a form of Vishnu.
– Vishnu was visualized in different forms.
– The worship of goddess in the form of a stone smeared with ochre was wide spread.
– Local deities were made a part of the puranic traditions.
Question. Discuss the ways in which the Alvars, Nayanars and the Virashaivas expressed critiques of the caste system?
Answer: The followers (Bhaktas) came from different social background.
– They challenged the idea of caste and pollution attributed by brahmanas.
– She adopted the path of extreme asceticim to gain her goal.
Question. Analyze the influence that the Tamil Bhakti Saints had on the Chola Rulers.
Answer: By giving land grants and constructing temples of Vishnu and Shiva.
– Sculpture of Shiva as Nataraja was also produced.
– To ensure the stability of Chola Kingdoms, they supported these saints.
– These kings introduced the singing of Tamil Shiva hymns in the temple.
– Took initiative to compile these hymns into text called Tevaram.
Long Answer Questions :
Question.The message of Baba Guru Nanak is spelt out in hymns and teachings. He firmly repudiated the external practices of the religions he saw around him. He rejected sacrifices, ritual baths, image worship, austerities and the scriptures of both Hindus and Muslims.
(i) What were the main teachings of Guru Nanak?
(ii) What values do you learn from this passage?
Answer: Guru Nanak was against rituals, superstitions, caste system, and brahmanical domination.
– He wanted to achieve a synthesis between the doctrines of Islam and Hinduism.
– The value are rationalism i.e. to apply reason not to follow religious practice blindly; humanism
– i.e. to treat all equally, secularism – To have respect for all religions.
Question. The Pilgrimage of the Mughal Princes Jahanara, 1643. After praising one God.. this lovely fakir (humble soul) Jahanara – went from the capital Agra in the Company of my great father (Emperor shah Jahan) towards the pure region of incomparable Ajmer ………… and having taken off the rose scarf that I had on my head, I placed it on the top of the blessed tomb………..
(i) Who made the trip to Ajmer and why?
(ii) Who funded the initial construction of this saint’s tomb and which king was the first to visit this shrine?
(iii) Why did this Shrine become popular?
Answer: Jahanara and Shah Jahan, to seek blessings from Saint Muinuddin Chishti.
– Sultan Ghiyasuddin Khaliji funded and Muhammad Bin Tughlaq visited first.
– Because of the piety and austerity of the Shaikh, greatness of his successors and patronage of royal visitors.
Question. Analyze with Illustrations, why Bhakti and Sufi thinkers adopted a variety of language to express their opinions?
Answer: Bhakti and Sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages due to following reasons.
– To ensure their teachings spread rapidly and gained acceptance among the local population.
– Chishti saints conversed in Hindavi.
– Baba Farid composed verses in the local languages.
– Masnavis (long poems) expressing ideas of divine love using human love as an allegory were composed.
– Malik Muhammad Jayasi’s Padmavat revolves around the romance of Padmini and Ratansen.
– In Karnataka (Bijapur) short poems were written in Dakhani (a form of Urdu).
– These poems sung by women while performing household chores. Lorinama and Shadinama were other compositions.
– Sufis were influenced by the Kannada Vachanas and the Marathi abhangs of the saints of Pandharpur.
Question. On the outline map of India, plot three major Sufi shrines and three places associated with temples (one each of a form of Vishnu, Shiva and the goddess).
Answer: Ajmer – Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti.
– Lahore – Data Ganj Baksh.
– Pak Pattan (Pakistan) – Sheikh Fariduddin Ganj-i-Shakar.
– Calcutta – Goddess Durga Temple.
– Karnataka – Nayanar (Shiva) Alvar (Vishnu) Temple.