Class 11 Computer Science Sample Paper

Sample Papers for Class 11

Please refer to the Class 11 Computer Science Sample Paper below. These CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science have been prepared based on the latest guidelines and examination patterns issued for the current academic year. We have provided Term 1 and Term 2 sample papers with solutions. You can click on the links below and access the free latest CBSE Sample Papers for Computer Science for Standard 11. All guess papers for Computer Science Class 11 have been prepared by expert teachers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected to come in the examinations and get better marks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science

Term 1 Sample Papers
Class 11 Computer Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set A

Class 11 Computer Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set A

1. Suppose that the list
list1 = [2,3,4,7,53,23,12,9,0]
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Identify the output of following code.
= list1. pop(9)
(a) [2, 3, 4, 7, 53, 23, 12, 0]
(b) [2, 3, 4, 7, 53, 23, 12, 9]
(c) 9
(d) Error   



(ii) Choose the correct output from the following options for statement list1[−4].
(a) 7
(b) 53
(c) 23
(d) 63 



(iii) Identify the output of following code.
print (list1[5 :])
(a) [23, 12, 9, 0]
(b) [53, 23, 12, 9, 0]
(c) [2, 3, 4, 7, 53]
(d) [2, 3, 4, 7, 53, 23] 



(iv) Which command will be used to add a new element 14 to a list list1?
(a) list1.append(14)
(b) list1.add(14)
(c) list1.addLast(14)
(d) list1.addEnd(14) 



(v) Which value is used to represent the second index of list 1?
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) −2
(d) −1 



2. Find the output of the given questions.
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
L2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
(i) print (L2[2])
(ii) print (L1+L2)
(iii) print (len (L1*2))
(iv) print (L1[4])
(v) print (L2[−3])
(vi) print (L2[:3])
Answer: (i) 7
(ii) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
(iii) 8
(iv) IndexError
(v) 6
(vi) [5, 6, 7]

3. Define the concaten
ate lists with an example.
Or Find the output of the given questions.
tup1 = (23,45,23,12,(12,14,16),34)
(i) print (tup1[4])
(ii) tup1[1 : 8 : 2]
(iii) tup1[2] + tup 1[−3]
Answer: In Python, to perform on the list concatenation, the use of ‘+’ operator can easily add the whole of one list to other list.
l1 = [1, 2, 3]
l2 = [3, 4, 5]
l = l1 + l2
[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]
(i) (12, 14, 16)
(ii) (45, 12, 34)
(iii) 35

4. Write a code to add all the items in a dictionary.
dic1 = {‘One’ : 20,‘Two’ : 15, ‘Three’ : 10, ‘Four’ : 12 }
Or Define the get() method used in dictionary.
Answer: dic1 = {‘One’:20,‘Two’:15,‘Three’:10,‘Four’:12}
sum = 0
for key in dic1:
sum = sum + dic1 [key]
print (sum)
get () method returns the value for the given key, if present in the dictionary. It takes maximum of two parameters.

Here, key to be searched in the dictionary value (optional) to be returned, if the key not found. The default value is None. 

5. Give any three guidelines to avoid plagiarism.
Answer: Follow the below given guidelines to avoid plagiarism:
(i) To avoid plagiarism, instead of copying the language of the book as it is, try to put it in your own language/words.
(ii) One should have a clear understanding of plagiarism and its consequences, so that no one can perform it unintentionally.
(iii) If copying someone else’s work in our task, word for word, then do not forget enclosing it in quotes and also mention its source.

6. Define the following terms :
(i) Softlifting
(ii) Renting
(iii) Hard disk loading
Or What is passive digital footprint? Also, give its two examples.
Answer: (i) Softlifting Purchasing only one licensed copy of a software and distributing and loading it onto multiple systems is called softlifting.
(ii) Renting Selling of a software illegally for temporary use as on rent basis is called renting.
(iii) Hard Disk Loading Installing an illegal copy of software on the hard disk of a personal computer is called hard disk loading.
Passive digital footprint done when you have things about you online that you did not put on the Internet.
(i) Websites that install cookies in your device without disclosing it to you.
(ii) Apps and websites that use geolocation to pinpoint your location.

7. Write a program to calculate the average of the elements which are entered by user.
Or Write a Python program to count the even and odd numbers in a tuple.
Answer: list1 = list()
add = 0
num = int (input (“Enter the number of elements:”))
print (“Enter the number:”)
for i in range (int (num)):
l = int (input (“”))
list1. append (int (l))
add = add + list1[i]
average = add /num
print (“Average =”, average)
tuple1 = (23,45,88,24,21,44,33,51)
even = 0
odd = 0
for i in tuple 1 :
if i %2 == 0 :
even = even +1
odd = odd +1
print (“Even number in the tuple :” , even)
print (“Odd number in the tuple :”, odd)

8. What points should be considered as safety measures to reduce the risk of cyber crime ?
Or How to avoid being stalked on social media by disable geotagging, delete old accounts and hide your contacts?
Answer: Do not visit or download anything from untrusted websites.
♦ Always secure wireless network at home with strong password and regularly change it.
♦ Use an antivirus software and keep it updated always.
♦ Use strong password for web logic and change it periodically. Ignore common words or names in password.
♦ Always update the system software which include the Internet browser and other application software.
♦ Take a regular backup of important data.
♦ Disable Geotagging Geotagging automatically shows your location from your smartphone. This can be  dangerous because a stalker can know where you are. So,you should turn OFF all location and geotagging services for social media.
♦ Delete Old Accounts If you have old accounts that are currently inactive, delete them. This is especially important if the sites have personal information or photos of you.
♦ Hide Your Contacts If you have a friend list on your social media account, hide it. A stalker may try to reach out to a friend of yours in order to get close to you.

9. Explain cyber stalking with its any three examples.
Or Explain online fraud. How to ensure safe sites, while entering crucial information?
Answer: Cyber stalking is a form of cyber crime that takes place online when a criminal uses technology to harass or threaten a person or an organisation. Cyber stalking is often including by real time or offline stalking. A stalker may be an online stranger or a person whom the target knows.
Examples of cyber stalking are
 ♦ Hacking and saving E-mails, text messages and social media posts and using them to harass or blackmail a victim.
♦ Hacking into the victim’s social media account to post offensive material and comments.
♦ Creating malicious websites, fake social media profiles
and blogs about a victim. 
Fraud using the Internet is online fraud or Internet fraud. It is a type of fraud or deception which makes use of the Internet and could involve hiding of information or providing incorrect information for the purpose of tricking victims out of money, property and inheritance.
Before entering private information such as passwords or credit card details on a website you can ensure that the link is secure in three ways
(i) There should be a padlock symbol in the browser window, that appears when you attempt to log in or register.
(ii) The web address should begin with ‘https : //’ where ‘s’ stands for secure.
(iii) Type the URL of the website in the address bar of the browser on your own. Do not click on a link that takes to this website or do not cut/copy the link of this website and paste it.

Sample Paper Class 11 Computer Science