Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper

Sample Papers for Class 11

Please refer to the Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper below. These CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education have been prepared based on the latest guidelines and examination patterns issued for the current academic year. We have provided Term 1 and Term 2 sample papers with solutions. You can click on the links below and access the free latest CBSE Sample Papers for Physical Education for Standard 11. All guess papers for Physical Education Class 11 have been prepared by expert teachers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which are expected to come in the examinations and get better marks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education

Term 1 Sample Papers
Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set A

Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set A

Question. Ancient Olympic Games wart organized in the honor of good.     
(a) Theodosius
(b) Zues
(c) Posedon
(d) Hercules



Question. The Paralympic Games are organized after the completion of:   
(a) Olympic Games
(b) SAF Games
(c) Common wealth Games
(d) Asian Games



Question. What is the suppleness called in another words.   
(a) Flexibility
(b) Endurance
(c) Strength
(d) Speed



Question. Which of the physical method of doping is   
(a) Steroids
(b) None of these
(c) Gene doping
(d) Stimulants



Question. Effective planning can help in   
(a) Improve Efficiency
(b) reducing chances of mistake
(c) All of these
(d) Proper coordination



Question. What is the another name of synchronisation?   
(a) Strength
(b) Coordination
(c) Speed
(d) Endurance



Question. How many objectives of physical Education are there?   
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Three
(d) Four



Question. Deaf Lympics started in     
(a) 2001
(b) 1960
(c) 1924
(d) 1947



Question. Cochlear implant is not allowed in     
(a) Asian games
(b) Olympic games
(c) Special Olympics
(d) Deaflympics



Question. The headquarter of Paralympics is at   
(a) Denmark
(b) Paris
(c) Germany
(d) New york



Question. The components of pranayama are   
(a) Seven
(b) Two
(c) Five
(d) Three



Question. Which of the following is not a part of Yama?     
(a) Santosh
(b) Aparigraha
(c) Asteya
(d) Satya



Question. What is the meaning of Psyche?     
(a) Science
(b) Soul
(c) Behaviour
(d) Environment



Question. What is not come undergrowth?   
(a) Increase in Weight
(b) Increase in Height
(c) Increase in size
(d) Increase in obesity



Question. Physical Education is the sum of changes in an individual caused by experience centering motor activity Who said this?   
(a) Prince martin
(b) Charls A.Butchar
(c) Millions
(d) Cassidy



Question. Which of the following sport is not related to air?     
(a) Rock Climbing
(b) Bungee Jumping
(c) Paragliding
(d) Free-flying



Question. Which of the following body type like a round shape?   
(a) Mesomorph
(b) None of these
(c) Endomorph
(d) Ectomorph



Question. Which of the following body type like a slim shape?   
(a) Ectomorph
(b) Endomorph
(c) Mesomorph
(d) None of these



Question. Sesamoid bones are found in   
(a) Shoulders
(b) Thigh
(c) Patella
(d) Wrist



Question. Anatomy is the study of   
(a) Application of the Principles
(b) All systems of human body and their mutual relationship
(c) Study of movement
(d) Structure, shape, sire and weight of all the organs of the body



Question. In the childhood, Individual’s behaviour in most influenced by   
(a) School
(b) Community
(c) Peer group
(d) Family



Question. Which of the following is not a physical activity?   
(a) Dancing
(b) Gardening
(c) Domestic work
(d) Reading a book



Question. Which of the following is not a quality of a good leader?     
(a) Attractive personality
(b) Richness
(c) Cooperative
(d) Organisational ability



Question. Enlist the secondary laws of learning and explain any one law. 


Law of belongingness
If the mutual relationship between stimulus and response is natural then learning is more effective for example running, jumping, jumping and throwing are natural activities, therefore, these activities are easy to learn. Along with this, these activities can be learnt quickly. The activities which are artificial or unnatural are difficult to learn such as to run backward while using hands and legs properly is difficult.

Question. Explain the safety measures during surfing.


Always swim or surf at places patrolled by surf lifesavers or lifeguards. Swim between the red and yellow flags. They mark the safest area to swim. Always swim under supervision or with a friend. Read and obey the signs. Don’tswim directly after a meal. Don’t swim under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are unsure of surf conditions, ask a lifesaver or lifeguard. Never run and dive in the water. Even if you have checked before, conditions can change. If you get into trouble in the water, don’t panic. Raise your arm for help, float and
wait for assistance. Float with a current or undertow. Stay calm. Don’t try to swim again stit. Signal for help and wait for assistance.

Question. Explain the functions of heart.


The main functions of heart are given below.
i. It circulates the pure blood to all parts of the body. This is called systemic circulation.
ii. It carries the impure blood from all parts of the body to the lungs for purification.
This is called pulmonary circulation.
iii. It regulates the blood pressure.
iv. It regulates the heart rate.
v. Regular exercise improves the efficiency of the heart.

Question. Discuss healthy diet as a component of positive lifestyle.


Healthy diet or good nutrition is one of the main components of positive lifestyle. In fact, a healthy diet of good nutrition is necessary to lead a healthy or positive lifestyle. The basic of a healthy diet are lots of fruits and vegetable, whole grain food and low fat diary products. Such diet required everyday in order to maintain the adequate amount of vitamins nutrients and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. That is why it is rightly said that to eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art.

Question. Describe the benefits of pranayama.


i. Pranayama is as necessary for the mental purity as bathing is necessary for physical purity. Yogic kriyas such as neti, dhanti, kapalbhati etc. controls the kaph, vaat an pitt.
ii. Continuous performance of mayurasans and other yogic kriyas increases facial beauty and makes the skin glow.
iii. Makarasana, Savasana, Salabhasana help in reducing stress and people feel happy.

Question. Describe in brief the eligibility criteria for Dronacharya Award?


This award is for coaches whose Teams or players have shown outstanding performance in international/national competitions. The following capabilities are necessary for the eligibility of this award:-
i. The player who has won gold, silver or bronze medal at Olympic or world cup championship.
ii. The player who has broken the world record. This record should have been recognized by the international sports federation.
iii. The player who has won the gold medal at Asian or Commonwealth championship.
iv. The player who has won a gold medal at least three times in Asian or Commonwealth championships.

Question. Write a note on career in book writing?


Carrer opportunities are widely available in book writing in the field of physical educations and sports, specially in India. As matter of fact, there is shortage of books on physical education and its allied subjects in India. Some physical educators, who have deep knowledge of various. Sub-disciplines of physical education, such as sports biomechanics, sports sociology, sports medicine, exercise physiology, research methods, sports psychology, spports philosophy, sports pedagogy, sports management and various sports, may write textbooks as a part time careers.

Question. Discuss the procedure of measurement of arm length and upper arm length.   


Procedure of measurement of 4 arm length –
The subject must stand with his arms hanging by the side of his body with his fingers outstretched. A measurement is made from the acromial i.e. the bony tip of the shoulder to the tip of the little finger. Procedure of measurement of upper arm length – 
The subject must stand upright with body weight distributed equally on both the feet.
The right arm should be bent at 90 degree from the elbow with palm facing upwards.
A measurement is made from acromial to the bony part of the mid elbow.
Measurement must be taken to the nearest 0.1 cm. and recorded.

Question. Explain in brief the procedure or Anthropometric measurement of weight?


The scale should be placed on hard floor surface so that the beam gets into balanced position.
Procedure for weight measurement:
i. The subject must wear light clothes.
ii. He should stand in the centre of the platform of the weighing machine with his
body weight equally distributed on both the feet.
iii. Read the measurement in front of the needle and record it to the nearest 0.1 kg.

Question. Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.


In the second world war majority of people suffered. They lost their will power and kept remembering the horrors of wars all the time. In 1960 Rome Olympic, Sir Ludwig Collected 400 disabled Athletes and organized games and it was named Para- Olympics. Shooting was the first game to be introduced in Para Olympic games, the international Para Olympic committee is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic game. The head quarter IPC is situated in Bonn (Germany). The symbol of Para Olympic Games is three colours red, Blue and green flag and the motto of Para Olympic is ‘Spirit in Motion’ 2014 winter para Olympic games was successfully hosted by Russia.

Question. Write a note on special Olympic Bharat?


This organization was established in 2001, its aims is to increase the participation of differently-abled person’s in games and sports. Its another objectives was to develop leadership quality and healthy. This organization organizes sports competition at state level. It also serve talented players and train them for international games. After 2002, about 23,750 participants have participated in national games. Between 1987 and 2013, a total of 671 Indian athletes participated in Olympic. They won 246 Gold medals, 265 Silver medals, 27 bronze medals and they raised the glory of the country in the world. Today around 1 million athletes are the members of this organization and 84905 coaches train these athletes. This organization does the all round development of the players through games and sports.

Question. Discuss methods adopted for management of adolescent problems in details.


Management of Adolescent problems
i. Sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents: A sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents and their cooperative nature can help in solving many problems of adolescents, Parents should take note of the change take place during growth and development of children and adjust their own behaviour towards the adolescents. Liberal and sympathetic attitude of parents develops self-confidence.
ii. Healthy atmosphere at home and school: Unhealthy atmosphere at home or in school or carelessness towards children can force children to fall in bad company. In orders to save children from bad habits and company, it is important to provide sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests at home or school. Activities like music, arts or sports can help in keeping the children busy and indulge in healthy recreation.
iii. Moral and Religious Education: Religious and moral education can help adolescents to get some peace of mind and direction in their lives. Moral education should be a part of school education while home is the best institution for religious education.
iv. Friendly attitude: At this stage, adolescent want to accept the friendly attitudes. So parents and teachers should act more as friends rather strict, disciplined and rigid parents. More over this friendly attitude will bring them more close instead of making gaps between them.
v. Reasonable Independence: They should be given reasonable amount of independence. They should be given the freedom to express themselves and their point of views should be discussed in reasonable manner. They should also be given freedom to go out reasonably keeping their safety in mind.

Question. Elucidate the importance of anatomy and physiology in the field of sports.


Study of anatomy and physiology plays very important role in the field of sports because of following reasons.

i. Helps in physical fitness: Strong and fit body is an inevitable asset in the field of sports. Study of anatomy and physiology helps a sport person to understand thestructure and function of different parts of human body and to acquire a fit andhealthy body. 

ii. Provides knowledge about body structure; on the basis of knowledge of body structure, a sports person knows about the strength and weakness of his body and accordingly they can develop forte in the field of game which is suitable for the sports person as per their body structure.

iii. Helps in selection of games: on the basis of knowledge of body structure, the coach and player can choose an appropriate sport/ game which is suitable for a particular sport. Like tall students can be selected for basketball and volleyball. And short and stout students can be selected for weight lifting.

iv. Protects from sports injuries: on the basis of anatomy, sports equipments are designed that help in safe play.

v. Helps in the process of rehabilitation: knowledge of ligaments, tendons and muscles helps in rehabilitation from the injuries sustained during the game or sport.

vi. Helps in maintaining healthy body: study of anatomy and physiology provides detailed knowledge about all body parts, their nature and functions. This helps the player to adopt good, safe and healthy use of body.

vii. Helps to know about individual differences: there is a lot of difference between the body of male and female. The knowledge of anatomy and physiology helps in understanding these individual differences. On the basis of these differences, the size of the court, time of game and equipment are designed differently for male and female players.

Question. What is the difference between Endomorph and Mesomorph types of personalities?


i. An individuals have short arms and legs.
ii. An individuals have rounded physique.
iii. Under developed muscles.
iv. High fat storage.
v. Pear-shaped body.
vi. Less ability to compete in sports.
vii. They are less active.

i. An individuals have balanced body composition.
ii. An individuals have athletic physique.
iii. Strong muscles.
iv. Fat evenly shorted all over the body.
v. Rectangular shaped body.
vi. Can excel in sports.
vii. The are capable of doing lot of activities.

Question. Explain in detail the side effects of the use of banned or prohibited substance is sports.
The athletes uses different types of banned substances to


i. Stimulants:-
a. Cause insomnia, anxiety and aggressiveness
b. Poor Judgement
c. Increases hypertension and body temperature

ii. Anabolic steroid:-
a. Can cause Sudden heart attack
b. High blood pressure
c. Mood swings, aggresion/depression
d. Can cause impotency and bald ness in males
e. Can cause facial hair growth and deep voice in females

iii. Cannabinoids:-
a. Reduce concentration and co-ordination
b. Reduce lung capacity
c. May cause heart decease and lung cancer
d. Loss of memory

iv. Beta-Blockers:-
a. Reduces endurance
b. Headache and weak digestion.
c. Risk of heart attack due to slow heart rate.

v. Narcotics:-
a. Loss of balance and coordination
b. May cause drowsiness, vomiting, constipation
c. May cause fainting and coma

vi. Diuretics:-
a. Can cause dehydration
b. May lead to kidney damage
c. Mineral imbalance and low blood pressure and drowsiness

vii. Beta-2 Agonists
a. Cold hands, drowsiness
b. Headache, vomiting etc.
c. May cause insomnia and depression.

Question. What are the side effects of prohibited substances?


i. Increased heart rate and Blood pressure
ii. Sexual dysfunction
iii. Features like male in females
iv. Physical and mental weakness
v. Complications like stroke, cardiac problems and even death
vi. Breast enlargement in males
vii. Premature baldness
viii. Enlargement of the prostate gland
ix. Irregularity in menstruation
x. Problem of depression & aggression

Question. How to get ready for a Yoga Nidra?


i. The stomach has to be empty or light before the practice It is not recommended to practice Yoga asanas or Yoga Nidra after a full meal.
ii. A comfortable clutter-free space A yogi’s home is calm, comfortable.

Physical Education Class 11 Sample Paper