Please refer to Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set B provided below. The Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science have been prepared based on the latest pattern issued by CBSE. Students should practice these guess papers for class 10 social science to gain more practice and get better marks in examinations. The Term 1 Sample Papers for Social Science Standard 10 will help you to understand the type of questions which can be asked in upcoming examinations.
Term 1 Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science With Solutions Set B
Question 1. Why was the Simon Commission sent to India?
Answer : For constitutional reform.
Question 2. Name the painting prepared by Frederic Sorrieu in 1848.
Answer : The dream of worldwide democratic and social republic.
Question 3. Who were the Allies during the First World War
What are trade guilds?
Answer : France, England, Russia.
A guild is an association of artisans or merchants who oversee the practice of their craft/trade in a particular area. They were organized in a manner something between a professional association, a trade union, a cartel, and a secret society.
Question 4. What is calligraphy?
Answer : The art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.
Question 5. Define sustainable development.
Answer : Economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.
Question 6. What is commercial farming?
Answer : Commercial farming is a type of farming in which crops are grown for commercial use only. It is a modernized method of farming that is undertaken on a large scale. In this type of farming the large land, labour and machines are used.
Question 7. Which is the best variety of iron ore?
Answer : Magnetite.
Question 8. Give an example of agro-based industry.
Answer : Cotton textile industry.
Question 9. When did Belgium gain independence?
Answer : 4 October 1830
Question 10. What do you mean by Decentralization of power?
Answer : Decentralization is the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.
Question 11. Which state in India has the lowest infant Mortality rate?
Answer : Kerala.
Question 12. Which country has one-party system?
Answer : China.
Question 13. What does a legitimate government mean?
Answer : A government generally acknowledged as being in control of a nation and deserving formal recognition, which is symbolized by the exchange of diplomats between that government and the governments of other countries.
Question 14. Which form of government is found in most of the countries of the world?
Answer : Democracy.
Question 15. Write any one indicator of Human Development Index.
Answer : Per-capita income/literacy rate/life expectancy etc.
Question 16. What is the full form of GDP?
Answer : Gross domestic product.
Question 17. What is secondary sector?
Answer : The sector of the economy concerned with or relating to secondary industry.
Question 18. What are the modern form of money?
Answer : Modern form of money includes currency, paper notes and coins. As we used money earlier modern currency is not made up of precious metals such as gold, silver and the copper.
Question 19. What is a cheque?
Answer : An order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer’s account, written on a specially printed form.
Question 20. What is meant by trade barrier?
Answer : A barrier to trade is a government imposed restraint on the flow of international goods or services. The most common barrier to trade is a tariff—a tax on imports. Tariffs raise the price of imported goods relative to domestic goods (goods produced at home).
Question 21. Why is it said that there was no other war earlier like First World War? State in three points.
How did the seasonality of employment affect the lives of Indian workers during 18th century? Explain.
Answer : There was no other war earlier like First World War because of the following reasons.
• This was the only war in the modern world which involved almost all countries in one or the other way.
• In this war, the weapons used had a deadly potential to kill and destroy whatever came in their way.
• There was an immense loss of young and productive population.
• Economies of the countries round the world crashed beyond the level of recovery. The winners were the losers themselves.
Seasonality of employment affected the lives of the Indian workers during the 18th century in the following ways.
• Seasonality of work meant prolonged period of unemployment. Workers were forced again on streets.
• Many went back to their villages.
• Others looked for odd jobs in the cities.
Question 22. Efficient means of transport are pre-requisites for the fast development.’ Express your views in favour of this statement.
Answer : Efficient means of transport are pre-requisites for fast development because:
• The movement of goods and services from the supply location to demand locations necessitates the need for transport. It widens the market for goods.
• It allows distant and remote areas to be linked with urban and developed, regions.
• The development and improvement of transport have made delivery of goods faster across long distances and thus reduced cost.
• Immediate relief during war, natural calamity, famine or flood can be easily accessed through efficient means of transport.
Question 23. Explain the vertical division of power sharing. Supplement it with example from India.
Answer : The power shared among the different levels of the government is known as the vertical distribution of power. It involves higher and lower levels of government. These levels are the Union government, the State government and the Local government. In India, the Union government is at the highest level. The government at the provincial or regional level is the State government. The Indian Constitution has further laid down the provision of distribution of power. This division of power is further extended to the levels of the government lower than the state governments. They are also called Municipal Corporations and the Municipalities in urban areas and Panchayati Raj in rural areas.
Each level of the government exercises its power. There is no specification of the system of checks and balances. Each level has its own powers and areas of jurisdiction and no level can interfere in each other’s functioning. Such an arrangement ensures deepening of democracy.
Question 24. Suggest any two measures to check casteism in India.
Answer : The following are the two measures to check casteism in India.
• Spread of education: Education upgrades one’s level of thinking and helps in eradicating the misconceptions of one’s mind. All possible steps should be taken to educate the masses.
• Economic equality: Inequality in the economic life creates the feeling of superiority and inferiority among the members of different caste groups. Steps need to be taken to maintain economic equality of all castes.
• Abolition of Reservation Policy: Reservation in government job, education and other sectors creates conflicting attitude among the members of two different castes. When the people of higher castes having adequate educational qualification are deprived of all facilities, they revolt against the lower caste people.
• Political reforms: Political leaders and parties based on caste should be banned from the political participation.
• The name and aim of educational institutions referring to castes need to be given up.
Question 25. What is meant by a National Political Party? State the conditions required to be a national political party.
Answer : A national political party is a party that is present in several or all units of the federation. In other words, it is a country-wide party. It has its units in various states. By and large, all these units follow the same policies. The following are the conditions required for a party to become a national party.
• A party has to secure at least six per cent of total votes polled in the Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four states.
• It has to win at least four seats in the Lok Sabha to be recognised as a national party
Question 26. “People have conflicting development goals”. Support the statement with suitable example.
Answer : It is true to say that people have conflicting developmental goals. What may be the development for one may not be for the other. Different people have different interests, life situations and state of mind. They visualize things, actions, etc. according to their level of understanding.
For example, the construction of a flyover to reduce the congestion and traffic jams may be a development goal especially for the daily commuters. But for the construction of the flyover, surrounding houses, shops, etc. need to be demolished which may not be like by the occupants of these shops and houses. This may not be a development goal for them.
Question 27. Name the sector that is the largest employer in India. Why does this sector produce only a quarter of the National GDP?
Answer : The agricultural sector (Primary) is the largest employer in India. Nearly 51% of the population is engaged in this section in one way or the other. However, its share in the national GDP is very less because of the following reasons.
• The average size of the land holdings is very low which results in low productivity per holder.
• Less use of modern technology and knowhow among the farmers to increase crop productivity.
• The systems of providing financing and marketing facilities have been insufficient since independence. The farmers are not able to get benefits from the loan facilities and access to large markets.
• Absence of alternate income generating activities in rural areas give rise to disguised unemployment where efficient labour force is not used to its optimum.
Question 28. How can money be easily exchange for goods or services? Give an example to explain.
Answer : Transactions are made in money because a person holding money can easily exchange it for any commodity or a service. It solves the problem of double coincidence of wants by acting as a medium of exchange.
For example, a shoe manufacturer wants to sell shoes in the market and wants to buy rice. Under barter system, both parties selling shoes and rice have to agree to buy and sell each other’s commodities and this creates a problem which is referred to as double coincidence of wants. This problem is overcome by the introduction of money. Now, the shoe manufacturer will sell the shoes for money and with that money he can buy rice.
Question 29. Analyse the measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.
Answer : The measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people were as follows.
• The idea of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasised the idea of united people enjoying equal rights under a constitution.
• A new French flag, the tricolour, was chosen to replace the former royal standard.
• The Estates General was elected by the active citizens and renamed the National Assembly.
• New hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated in the name of nation.
• Regional dialects were discouraged and French, as it was spoken and written in Paris, became the common language of the nation.
• A centralised administrative system was put in practice and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its territory.
• Internal customs duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.
Question 30. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlett Act of 1919? How was it organized?
Answer : Gandhi decided to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act of 1919 because of the following reasons.
• In 1919, Rowlett Act was hurriedly passed by the Imperial Legislative Council.
• Indian members unitedly opposed it.
• The Act gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities and allowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years.
• The Act deprived the Indians of their civil rights.
It was organised in the following ways:
• Gandhi wanted a non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust laws.
• It started with hartal on 6th April 1919.
• Rallies were organised in various cities in India.
• Workers in the railway work shop went on strike.
• Shops were closed down in protest.
Question 31. Highlight the importance of petroleum. Explain the occurrence of petroleum in India.
Answer : The importance of petroleum is as follows:
• It provides fuel for heating and lighting.
• It provides lubricants for machinery and raw materials for many manufacturing industries.
• Petroleum refineries act as a ‘nodal industry’ for synthetic textiles, fertiliser and chemical industries
The occurrence of petroleum in India:
• Most of the petroleum in India is found in anticlines and fault traps in the rock formations of the tertiary age.
• In regions of folding, anticline s or domes, it occurs where oil is trapped in the crest of the upfold.
• The oil-bearing layer is porous limestone or sandstone through which oil
Question 32. “The economic strength of the country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries”. Support the statement with arguments.
Answer : The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries.
• Industries create a variety of goods and thus reduce the dependence of people on agriculture and contributes to modernisation of agriculture.
• Industrial development helps to reduce unemployment and poverty levels by initiating income and high standard of living.
• Export of manufactured goods add value to the economy. It expands trade and commerce and brings to foreign exchange.
• Industries utilise primary materials and convert them into articles of utility, thus adding value to the raw materials.
• Countries that transform their raw material into a wide variety of furnished goods of higher value are prosperous. India’s prosperity lies in diversifying its manufacturing industries
Question 33. Bring out any two sharp contrasts between Belgium and Sri Lankan democracies.
Answer : Sri Lanka and Belgium are both democratic countries yet have a very diverse social set-up. Both the countries have adopted very different approaches when it comes to power sharing.
• Belgium produced an ideal example of democratic system. It adopted the policy of accommodation of social and ethnics divisions. On the other hand, Sri Lanka also adopted democratic system but followed majoritarian policies.
• Under the Belgium model of democracy, power was shared among two ethnic groups. Sri Lanka favoured the interests of the majority Sinhala community.
• In Belgium, both the groups had equal share in working of government but in Sri Lanka the minority community was isolated.
• To maintain political stability and unity, equal representation was provided to both the groups. Apart from that, community government of both the ethnic groups also existed at the local level. Sri Lanka, however, had no such arrangement.
• Belgium constitution was amended four times before arriving at a final draft to prevent civil strife. In Sri Lanka, majoritarianism led to civil war for twenty long years.
Question 34. What is globalisation? Describe the role of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in promoting globalisation process.
Answer : Globalisation means integrating the economy of a country with the economies of other countries under conditions of free flow of trade and capital and movement of persons across borders.
MNCs play an important role in promoting globalisation process in the following ways:
• They serve as agents for the transfer of superior technology. They have provided advanced technology, manufacturing process and improved skills to underdeveloped countries.
• They help in the transfer of capital from countries where it is abundant to where it is scarce.
• They help in building up knowledge base and development of human resources, (id) They help in creating large scale employment opportunities by setting up their branches and subsidiaries.
• The operations of MNCs have a favourable effect on the balance of payments account of the host country.
Question 35. Locate and level the following points on the given map of India:
a. Place where the congress session of 1929 was held.
b. Place where Gandhi break salt law.
c. Place where the congress session held to adopt non-co-operation program.
d. Black soil covers area.
e. Major rubber plantation area.
f. Tuticorin port.
Answer : a. Lahore.
b. Dandi.
c. Nagpur.
d. Deccan plateau.
e. Kerala.
f. Kerala coast.