Check the below NCERT MCQ Class 11 Economics Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion with Answers available with PDF free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Our teachers have provided below Measures of Dispersion Class 11 Economics MCQs Questions with answers which will help students to revise and get more marks in exams
Measures of Dispersion MCQ Questions for Class 11 Economics with Answers
Refer below for MCQ Class 11 Economics Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion with solutions. Solve questions and compare with the answers provided below
Class 11 Economics Measures of Dispersion MCQ PDF has been gathered for students to rehearse. Students can prepare for this MCQ of Measures of Dispersion to score good marks in their exams. Each question has four choices with answers. Firstly, Solve all these Questions and check your answer with the given answer. If your answers do not match with the right answer, Don’t worry try again because You need to prepare daily to score higher marks in the Class 11 Economics Exam.
Question. Which of the following methods is useful to calculate standard deviation when the mean is in the whole number.
a. Direct method
b. Short cut method
c. Step deviation method
d. All of the above
Question. Study of scatteredness of observations is known as
a. Standard deviation
b. Measure of dispersion
c. Measure of central tendency
d. None of the above
Question. The measure of dispersion which is expressed in terms of the nits of observations
a. Absolute measure
b. Variance
c. Relative measure
d. None of the above
Question. Lowest value of variance can be?
a. 1
b. -1
c. 3
d. 0
Question. The measures of dispersion can never be
a. Positive
b. Zero
c. Negative
d. Equal to
Question. Which of the following cannot be calculated for open-ended distributions?
a. Standard deviation
b. Mean deviation
c. Range
d. None of the above
Question. The average daily wage of 100 workers in a shipyard was Rs. 200, with a standard deviation of 40. Now, if each worker gets an increment of 20% in their wages, how will it affect the mean wage?
a. The mean wage will remain unchanged
b. The mean wage will be increased by 20%
c. The mean wage will be Rs. 240
d. Both b and c
Question. The measure of dispersion which is expressed in terms of the units of the observations I called________Absolute measure
a. Variance
b. Relative measure
c. None of the above
d. All of the Above
Question. Mean deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation of the values 4,4,4,4,4,4 is?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 2
d. 0
Read the Statement given below and choose the correct alternative.
Question. Statement 1- Standard deviation method of dispersion is very difficult to calculate
Statement 2- Standard deviation method of dispersion gives more importance to extreme values
a. Both are correct
b. Both are incorrect
c. Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d. Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct
Question. Assertion- Lorenz Curve has spread to measure disparity of distribution.
Reason – Lorenz Curve is applied to measure distribution of income and wealth.
a. Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b. Both Assertion and reason are true. Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c. Assertion is true but reason is not
d. Reason is true but assertion is not