Check the below NCERT Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level MCQ Questions with Answers available with PDF free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Vistas with Answers were prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Our teachers have provided below The Third Level Class 12 English Vistas MCQs Questions with answers which will help students to revise and get more marks in exams
NCERT Class 12 English Vistas The Third Level MCQs Questions with Answers
Refer below for NCERT Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level MCQ Questions with solutions. Solve questions and compare with the answers provided below
Class 12 English The Third Level MCQ with answers by Jack Finney has been gathered for students to rehearse. Students can prepare this MCQ of The Third Level from the NCERT Vistas book. Each question has four choices with answers. Firstly, Solve all these Questions and check your answer with the given answer. If your answers do not match with the right answer, Don’t worry try again because You need to prepare daily to score higher marks in Class 12 English Exam.
Question. Charley wants to purchase tickets for…….
a. Galesburg
b. America
c. New York
d. The US
Question. Who is the writer of the story “The Third Level”?
a. Jack Finney
b. Franz Jinney
c. Krack Finney
d. Frank Finney
Question. What does Charley’s psychiatrist friend think about Charley when he talks about the third level?
a. Charley is sad
b. Charley is mad
c. Charley is befooling him
d. Charley has been day-dreaming
Question. What is the name of Charley’s wife?
a. Darwin
b. Pursia
c. Louisa
d. Jessica
Question. The area was lit up with …………………………..
a. gas lamps
b. bulbs
c. candles
d. fire places
Question. The ticket clerk suspected Charley for ……….
a. tendering old currency
b. tendering real currency
c. tendering fake currency
d. both a. & c.
Question. Charley was quite an ordinary man from …………………………..
a. Chicago
b. New York
c. Seattle
d. Galesburg
Question. How old was Charley?
a. 30 years
b. 31 years
c. 32 years
d. 34 years
Question. Who was Sam in “The Third Level”?
a. a doctor
b. a friend of main character
c. a psychiatrist
d. all of the above
Question. Who is the central character of the story?
a ) Marley
b. Charley
c. Harley
d. Darley
Read the extracts given below and attempt by answering the questions that follow.
Extract 1
The presidents of the New York Central and the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads will swear on a stack of timetables that there are only two. But I say there are three, because I’ve been on the third level of the Grand Central Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step: I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine, among others. I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking dream wish fulfilment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, who doesn’t? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station.
Question. How many levels are there in the Grand Central?
a. Two
b. Three
c. One
d. Four
Question. Why did the author say that there are three levels?
a. He heard from others
b. There are three levels
c. Timetables say so
d. He has been to level three
He has been to level three
Question. What is ‘waking dream wish fulfilment’?
a. A pleasant wish that one wants to happen
b. A pleasant wish that takes one to the future
c. A pleasant wish which inspire to work
d. A pleasant wish that makes one forget the past
A pleasant wish that one wants to happen
Question. According to Sam why did Charley wish to escape?
a. His wife was mad
b. He wanted to go to third level
c. He wanted to get away from insecurities
d. He wanted to meet his grandfather
He wanted to get away from insecurities
Extract 2
I turned into Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue, and went down the steps to the first level, where you take trains like the Twentieth Century. Then I walked down another flight to the second level, where the suburban trains leave from, ducked into an arched doorway heading for the subway — and got lost. That’s easy to do. I’ve been in and out of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m always bumping into new doorways and stairs and corridors. Once I got into a tunnel about a mile long and came out in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. Another time I came up in an office building on Forty-sixth Street, three blocks away.
Question. Where did the author get lost?
a. Vanderbilt Avenue
b. Second Level
c. Going for subway
d. None of the above
Going for subway
Question. How can you say that author knew Grand Central?
a. He has visited Grand Central many times
b. He has visited Grand Central not many times
c. He didn’t board trains from Grand Central
d. He had studied well the map of Grand Central
He has visited Grand Central many times
Question. Why did the author say that it was easy to get lost in Grand Central?
a. Grand Central has three levels
b. Grand Central has two levels
c. Grand Central was huge
d. Grand Central was like a maze
Grand Central was like a maze
Question. How can you say that the author didn’t come out of expected exits?
a. Once he came out near Roosevelt Hotel
b. Once he came out on Forty-sixth Street
c. Twice the underground tunnels led him far away
d. All the above
All the above
Extract 3
To make sure, I walked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at his feet. It was The World; and The World hasn’t been published for years. The lead story said something about President Cleveland. I’ve found that front page since, in the Public Library files, and it was printed June 11, 1894. I turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here — on the third level at Grand Central — I could buy tickets that would take Louisa and me anywhere in the United States we wanted to go. In the year 1894. And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois.
Question. What was the name of the newspaper?
a. Grand Central
b. President Cleveland
c. Galesburg
d. The World
The World
Question. How can we say that the newsboy was selling newspapers from the past?
a. The newspaper talked about President Cleveland
b. The newspaper carried a news of 11.06.1894
c. The news in the newspaper was of a past time
d. The newspaper could be found in a public library
The news in the newspaper was of a past time
Question. Why tickets bought at third level of Grand Central could take Charley and Louisa to anywhere in USA?
a. Because in the past for more money you could get less
b. Because in the past for less money you could get not much
c. Because inflation results in bringing down the value of currency
d. Because inflation results in increasing the value of currency
Because inflation results in bringing down the value of currency
Question. Where did Charley want to take his wife?
a. Galesburg, Illinois
b. The Third Level
c. The Grand Central
d. Into the past
Galesburg, Illinois
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Why was Charley not able to find the third level again?
It was a waking dream
A wish fulfillment
A flight of fancy
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. Do you find an intersection of time and space in the story ? if yes , give details ?
Answer. Charley is transported from the present time to the year 1894
1. Reaches the ancient time – the third level.
2. sees people dressed in four buttoned coats with small lapels , open flame gas lights, brass spittoons gold pocket- watch , fancy moustaches, sideburns , etc.
3. Again comes back to reality/ present world
4. Sam disappears, charley suspecs tthat he also has found the third level.
5. Finds the first day cover from same addressed to his grandfather dated 18 th July 1894.
Attempt the questions given below in 30-40 words each.
Question. What does the third level refer to?
Answer. The third level refers to a railway station in the Grand Central Terminal at New York, USA. In reality there is no third level as there are only two levels but, in the story, the third level serves as a portal leading to the past. There’s no logic behind that except the fact that it helps in some sort of time travel which is theoretically possible.
Question. Would Charley ever go back to the ticket-counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife?
Answer. It entirely depends on chance. If he could locate the third level then he will surely go for he is fascinated by the idea of settling in the past as money taken from the present to the past can have a reverse impact on devaluation of currency and make him rich in the past. Till the end of the story he is not able to achieve that.
Question. What is a first day cover?
Answer. A first day cover is a new stamp with the post mark pasted on an envelope containing a blank paper. When a new stamp is issued, on the first day, people mail a blank paper to themselves and then retain that unopened letter with the date on the postmark. Such an envelope is known as a ‘first day cover’.
Attempt the following questions in 120-150 words
Question. “The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?
Answer. The different ways by which we attempt to overcome them are by hallucinating, taking psychedelic drugs (LSD), making virtual friends online, taking part in death defying adventure sports, watching movies, taking part in various cultural activities, taking up a hobby and perusing it, taking a break in the form of a holiday or a journey to a destination, pampering us in spas and health resorts, going on a spending spree, dabbling in technological gizmos, flaunting our sexuality and breaking gender stereotypes etc. We try to indulge in some activity which is neither routine nor necessitated by our livelihood. We prefer to take controlled risks to get an adrenaline rush. We try to do things which results in an adventure and which adds thrill and excitement to our life.
Question. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?
Answer. Yes, the dimensions of time and space overlap each other and creates a bridge between individual fantasy and public reality. Public time encroaches into personal space. A doorway through time that expands the boundaries of space is created in the story by means of Charley’s narrative and Sam’s letter from the past. Space and time come together to mould a new reality – the third level. Third level is a defined space but that belongs to the past. However, in the story that space from the past is accessible in the present time. So, the past becomes present in the story by means of a common and shared space. Third level is the common space which is from the past but also accessible in the present. The boundaries between past time and present time is merged in a common space called the third level.
Question. How does Jack Finney describe Galesburg, Illinois as it was in 1984?
Answer. The author using words paints a beautiful picture of Galesburg, Illinois as it was in 1894. The author presents that through the mouth of the central character named Charley. Charley describes the place as quiet and peaceful. It is far removed from the rush hour of a modern city. The lifestyle is relaxed, and the residents have enough time for socialising and leisure. The strong presence of nature adds beauty to the landscape. The community living there lived a peaceful life among trees, fireflies and picturesque landscape. He refers to the huge trees and lawns. He also talks about the rural nature of the community contrasted to the fast-moving life of an urban settlement. Then he also talks about the World Wars emphasizes how that community was unaware of the death and destruction, fear and trauma, enmity and hatred of the wars and still lived happily believing in human friendship and sharing.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)-NCERT Class 12 English Vistas The Third level
The new corridors and tunnels were attempting to arrive at Times Squares and Central Park. Yet, he lost himself and arrived at the Third Level. The most interesting thing was the corridors that had driven into the past.
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