Students can read the important questions given below for Nuclei Class 12 Physics. All Nuclei Class 12 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 12 Physics Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Physics Question Bank Class 12 is available on our website for free download in PDF.
Important Questions of Nuclei Class 12
Question. The formula which gives the wavelength of emitted photon when electron jumps from higher nergy state to lower was given by
a) Balmer
b) Paschen
c) Lymen
d) Rydberg
Question. What is the kinetic energy of α-particles bombarded towards the gold nucleus in Geiger and Marsden classic experiment?
a) 8.8×10-13 Joule
b) 8.8×10-15 Joule
c) 8.8×10-13 Joule
d) x 10-13 Joule
e) 8.5×10-13 Joule
Question. What is the range of volume of hydrogen nucleus?
a) 10-45m.
b) 10-30m.
c) 10-15m.
d) 10-60m.
Question. What is true about Bohr’s atomic Model
a) His model was unique totally different from other
b) His model is a modification of Rutherford atomic model.
c) His model is a modification of Thomson atomic model.
d) None of the above
Question. Relative density of nucleus with respect to water is
a) 2.3 × 1017 kgm–3
b) 2.3 × 1014 kgm–3
c) 23 × 1017 kgm–3
d) .23 × 1017 kgm–3
Question. From R = R0 A1/3how can we conclude that density of almost all the nucleus is same
a) Volume being proportional to square of R density becomes independent of mass number A
b) Volume being proportional to cube of R density becomes independent of mass number A
c) Volume being proportional to R density becomes independent of mass number A
d) Density has no relation with R
Question. Bohr’s atomic model is applicable for
a) All types of atoms
b) Only for hydrogen atom
c) For hydrogen like atoms
d) For H2 gas.
Question. The cause of rejection of Rutherford atomic model was
a) It was totally wrong
b) It could not justify its stability
c) Rutherford was unable to explain it
d) None of the above.