Students can read the important questions given below for Primary Activities Class 12 Geography. All Primary Activities Class 12 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 12 Geography Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Geography Question Bank Class 12 is available on our website for free download in PDF.
Important Questions of Primary Activities Class 12
I. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Depending on the mode of occurrence and the nature of the ore, mining is of two types: surface and underground mining. The surface mining also known as open-cast mining is the easiest and the cheapest way of mining minerals that occur close to the surface. Overhead costs such as safety precautions and equipment are relatively low in this method. The output is both large and rapid. When the ore lies deep below the surface,underground mining method (shaft method) has to be used. In this method, vertical shafts have to be sunk, from where underground galleries radiate to reach the minerals. Minerals are extracted and transported to the surface through these passages.
It requires specially designed lifts, drills, haulage vehicles, ventilation system for safety and efficient movement of people and material. This method is risky. Poisonous gases, fires, floods and caving in lead to fatal accidents. The developed economies are retreating from mining, processing and refining stages of production due to high labour costs, while the developing countries with large labour force and striving for higher standard of living are becoming more important. Several countries of Africa and few of south America and Asia have over fifty per cent of the earnings from minerals alone.
Question. What is the other name of surface mining?
(A) Close-cast mining
(B) Open-cast mining
(C) Loose-cast mining
(D) Free-cast mining
Question. Which type of mining uses the method of excavating a vertical or near-vertical tunnel from the top down, where there is initially no access to the bottom?
(A) Shaft mining
(B) Cast mining
(C) Surface mining
(D) Underground mining
Question. Why developed economies are retreating from mining, processing and refining stages of production?
(A) Time consuming
(B) Old and outdated method
(C) High labour cost
(D) None of the Above
Question. Which type of mining is cheaper, can recover more of the resource, is safer and can use larger-scale mining equipment offering higher production rates.
(A) Surface mining
(B) Underground mining
(C) Shaft mining
(D) All of the Above
II. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Each nomadic community occupies a well-identified territory as a matter of tradition. Pastoral nomadism is associated with three important regions. The core region extends from the Atlantic shores of North Africa east wards across the Arabian Peninsula into Mongolia and Central China. The second region extends over the tundra region of Eurasia. In the
southern hemisphere, there are small areas in South-west Africa and on the island of Madagascar.Movement in search of pastures is undertaken either over vast horizontal distances or vertically from one elevation to another in the mountainous regions. The process of migration from plain areas to pastures on mountains during summers and again from mountain pastures to plain are as during winters is known as transhumance. In mountain regions, such as Himalayas, Gujjars, Bakarwals,
Gaddis and Bhotiyas migrate from plains to the mountains in summers and to the plains from the high altitude pastures in winters. Similarly, in the tundra regions, the nomadic herders move from south to north in summers and from north to south in winters.
Question. Why each nomadic community occupies a wellidentified territory?
(A) As a matter of tradition
(B) As a matter of division
(C) As a matter of enmity
(D) As a matter of segregation
Question. Why do nomadic communities move from one place to another?
(A) Due to change in season
(B) As a part of their traditional habits
(C) Due to terrorist threat
(D) All of the Above
Question. Where are Gaddi tribe found?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Jammu and Kashmir
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Question. In which region the nomadic herders move from south to north in summers and from north to south in winters?
(A) Taiga
(B) Tundra
(C) Equatorial
(D) Polar
III. Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This type of agriculture is characterised by dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings are very small due to the high density of population.
Farmers work with the help of family labour leading to intensive use of land. Use of machinery is limited and most of the agricultural operations are done by manual labour. Farm yard manure is used to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this type of agriculture, the yield per unit area is high but per labour productivity is low.
Question. Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy is practiced in which area?
(A) Southeast Asia
(B) Africa
(C) Antarctica
(D) Russia
Question. Why is wet paddy farming subsistence?
(A) Historically communities grew rice for themselves
(B) Less market demands
(C) Low consumption globally
(D) None of the Above
Question. State one advantage of wet paddy farming.
(A) Saves time
(B) Helps to promote water percolation
(C) Only grown for family
(D) Does not need Sun
Question. ___________ is a decomposed mixture of Cattle dung and urine with straw and litter.
(A) Organic manure
(B) Inorganic manure
(C) Farm yard manure
(D) None of the Above