Please see Chapter 8 Infrastructure Case Study Questions and answers below. We have provided Case Study Questions for Class 11 Economics with answers for all chapters. Students should read the case study for Chapter 8 Infrastructure which is an important chapter in Class 11 Economics and then attempt the questions provided below. Our teachers have provided answers too so that students can check their solutions.
Case Study Questions Chapter 8 Infrastructure
Development of a country depends very much on the availability of its infrastructural facilities. The development of agriculture and industry depends solely on its infrastructure. Without having a sound infrastructural base, a country cannot develop its economy. More important and difficult job in the development process of the country is to provide the basic infrastructural facilities. These infrastructural facilities include various economic and social overhead viz., Energy (Coal, Oil, Electricity), Irrigation, Transportation and Communication, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Science and Technology and other social overheads like education, health, and hygiene. All these facilities jointly constitute the infrastructure of the country. Like other countries, the developmental process of India put much emphasis on the growth of infrastructure.
Question. The two categories of infrastructure are ____________ and _____________ .
Economic, Social
Question. Self accelerated process of development largly depends on ____________ of its infrastructure
Question. What is economic and social infrastructure?
Answer. Economic infrastructure directly influences the production process whereas social infrastructure indirectly influences it.
Question. Without having a sound infrastructural base, a country cannot develop its economy. True / false
Health is not only absence of disease but also the ability to realise one’s potential. It is a yardstick of one’s well being. Health is the holistic process related to the overall growth and development of the nation. Though the twentieth century has seen a global transformation in human health unmatched in history, it may be difficult to define the health status of a nation in terms of a single set of measures. Generally, scholars assess people’s health by taking into account indicators like infant mortality nd maternal mortality rates, life expectancy and nutrition levels, along with the incidence of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Development of health infrastructure ensures a country of healthy manpower for production of goods and services. In recent times, scholars argue that people are entitled to health care facilities. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure the right to healthy living. Health infrastructure includes hospitals, doctors, nurses and other paramedical professionals, beds, equipment required in hospitals and a well-developed pharmaceutical industry. It is also true that mere presence of health infrastructure is not sufficient to have healthy people: the same should be accessible to all the people. Since, the initial stages of planned development, policy-makers envisaged that no individual should fail to secure medical care, curative and preventive, because of the inability to pay for it.
Question. Health refers to the __________ of a person.
Well being
Question. Name any two indicators of health.
Answer. life expectancy and nutrition levels
Question. Good health infrastructure means good accesiibility to health facilities. State True/False
Question. It si important to have __________ as well as ____________ heaclth care facilities
preventive , curative
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the entire human civilization. The period has made us realize the importance of the most vital resources is- health. In reality, ‘health is wealth’. Health is the most important component of socialinfrastructure. On the basis of this information, answer the following questions:
Question. Choose the essential indicator of good health:
(a). high death rate
(b). low nutritional levels
(c). high expectancy of life
(d). high infant mortality rate.
Question. Name three healthcare centres in two tier cities.
Question. What does AYUSH stands for?
Answer. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Sidha, Naturopathy, Homeopathy.
Question. __________ means choosing to travel outside your local area for medical services.
Medical Tourism
In his address to the nation on 15 August 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised an investment of Rs. 100 trillion over five years in the infrastructure sector. To this end, a task force was constituted to draw up a national infrastructure pipeline (NIP) for each year from 2019-20 to 2024-25. The task force submitted a host of recommendations in its final report to the Union finance ministry in April 2020. A total investment of Rs. 110 trillion was earmarked, with energy, roads, railways, and urban projects accounting for nearly 70% of the outlay. Crucially, the report envisaged that nearly 50% of the total funding for these infrastructure projects would come from governments themselves. It assumed the Centre and states would increase their capital expenditure by 10% each year. Gupta from money control explains how funding for the National Infrastructure Pipeline and the construction of roads may take place. He says urban infrastructure projects may also be in focus, as it could bring back migrant labourers to cities and generate employment.
Question. What do you mean by infrastructure?
Answer. Infrastructure refers to all such activities, services and facilities, which are needed to provide different kinds of services in an economy.
Question. How does infrastructure contribute to economic development of a country
(a) By increasing the productivity of factors of production.
(b) By improving the quality of life of its people.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.
Question. __________ includes those facilities which have a direct impact on production of goods and services.
Economic Infrastructure
Question. What possible benefits can be there in present scenario to promote urban infrastructure?
Answer. It could bring back migrant labourers to cities and generate employment.
ANM is the first person who provides primary healthcare in rural areas. In order to provide primary health care, hospitals have been set up in villages and small towns which are generally manned by a single doctor, a nurse and a limited quantity of medicines. They are known as PHC, Community Health Centres (CHC) and sub-centres. When the condition of a patient isnot managed by PHCs, they are referred to secondary or tertiary hospitals. Hospitals which have better facilities for surgery, X-ray, Electro Cardio Gram (ECG) are called secondary healthcare institutions. They function both as primary health care provider and also provide better healthcare facilities. They are mostly located in district headquarters and in big towns. All those hospitals which have advanced level equipment and medicines and undertake all the complicated health problems, which could not be managed by primary and secondary hospitals, come under the tertiary sector.
Question. What is the full form of ANM.
Answer. Auxiliary Nursing Midwife(ANM)
Question. What is the full form of PHC.
Answer. Primary Health Centres (PHC)
Question. ‘India’s health infrastructure and health care is made up of a three-tier system’. What is it?
Answer. primary, secondary and tertiary
Question. The tertiary sector also includes many premier institutes which not only impart quality medical education and conduct research but also provide specialised health care. Name any one.
Answer. All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi.
Community participation involves training and involvement of people in the primary health care system. SEWA in Ahmedabad and ACCORD in Niligiris are some of the examples of such NGOs working in india.Rural organisations have taken initiatives to build alternative health care initiatives. For example, Kashtakari Sangathan is working in the tribal district of Thane in Maharashtra. It aims to provide training to women health workers at the village level to treat simple illnesses at minimal cost.
Question. _____________ is the community health centres.
Primary Health care System
Question. Rural India has only about____________ the number of dispensaries.
Question. Name states of India that are relatively lagging behind in health care facilities.
Answer. Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan
Question. _____________ Infrastructure is not well developed in rural areas.
Over years India’s soft infrastructure grew much faster than the hard infrastructure. For example, India’s rising trade has been reflected in growing container port traffic ,which increased from less than a million in 1991 to about 5 million in 2005 with an annual growth rate of about 266% since 1991.In contrast, hardware components ,like railway ,roadways and airways witnessed little expansion in last one and half decades. In general, performances of these sectors (hardware) are never the less poor, when counted their densities in terms of country’s surface area of population .Densities in terms of access or spread of rail and road length clearly indicate that road sector has been successful ,compared to railways ,in spreading the network as well as providing and assess in the economy. in order to unleash India’s full potential development of hardware component of India’s physical infrastructure perhaps deserves utmost attention This also indirectly indicates high investment potentials in roadways, railways ,power and the associated components in India
Question. Infrastructure contributes to growth and development on account of which of the Following:
(a) it promotes productivity
(b) it generates linkages in production
(c) it reduces the size of the market
(d) both A and B
Question. The infrastructure referred to in the above paragraph is ____________ . (social /economic infrastructure)
economic infrastructure
Question. Social infrastructure includes:
(a) roads
(b) health infrastructure
(c) railways
(d) airways
Question. Economic infrastructure leads to growth in human development. True or False
Infrastructure is one of the most important backbone of any economy. Development of infrastructure leads to proper growth of the economy, social infrastructure like health an education helps indirectly in growth of the economy. Social infrastructure, like health and education helps indirectly in growth of GPD and Physical Infrastructure helps directly. They both help in solving the problem of unemployment. Thus, the government needs to focus on improving the social infrastructure of the economy at large. Expenditure in Health and education leads to the development of the Human capital and enables the better supply of work force which is both healthy and skilled. With regard to physical infrastructure like roads and railways help to foster the growth of Industries, all small scale, medium scale and large scale industries. As the population of India is large, so in order to remove the disguised unemployment, government has set up committees aimed at helping the development of small scale industries and villages as they are more labour intensive unlike the large scale industries. One such committees was Karve Committee constituted in 1955 which witnessed the potential of utilizing small scale industries for promoting rural development
Question. Social infrastructure helps in production and distribution:
(a) In direct form
(b) In indirect form
(c) In no way
(d) In Both (a) and (b)
Question. _____________ (Health expenditure/Food for All/Skill Development Programme) directly increases the supply of healthy labour force. .
Health expenditure
Question. Which type of unemployment is more in india:
(a) Open unemployment
(b) Disguised Unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment
(d) Educated unemployment
Question. In 1955, Karve Committee was constituted for aiming the_____________ .
(a) Development of Small Scale industries
(b) Development of Large Scale industries
(c) Feasibility of LPG
(d) Development of infrastructure
In recent times while the public health sector has not been so successful in delivering the goods about help private sector has grown up by leaps and bounds more than 70% of hospital in India are run by private sector they control nearly 2/5 of beds available in the hospitals nearly 60% of dispensary’s are run by the same private sector they provide healthcare for 80% of outpatients and 46% of inpatients in recent times private sector has been playing a dominant role in medical education and training medical technology diagnostics manufacture and sale of Pharmaceuticals hospitals constructions and medical services. Since 1990s where is need arise an industrial companies have set up super speciality hospitals to attract India is rich and medical tourist.
Question. Which factors has led which factors have led to rapid development of private sector in health infrastructure
Answer. Super speciality hospital, good facilities and better diagnostic facilities, like x ray and all.
Question. There are file 4 recognised systems of Indian medicine. True or False
Question. Define the term medical tourism.
Answer. It is the travelling outside your country for medical services.
Question. Right any 2 problems off private sector in medical field
Answer. Private hospitals are very costly so cannot be taking their services by poor people they work for their profit motive only.
Traditionally, the government has been solely responsible for developing the country’s infrastructure . But it was found that the government’s investment in infrastructure was inadequate. Therefore, today the private sector by it self and also in joint partnership with the public sector called public private partnership, has started playing a very important role in infrastructure development.
Question. ____________ provides, Supporting services in the main areas of industrial and agricultural production,domestic and foreign trade and commerce.
Question. Infrastructure is divided into following two categories:
(a) Economic and non-economic
(b) Social and monitory
(c) Economic and social
(d) Social and political
Question. Industrial progress depends on the development of power and electricity generation, transport and communication. (True/False)
Question. Why has public private partnership started playing a very important role in infrastructure development?
Answer. Traditionally, the government has been solely responsible for developing the country’s infrastructure. But it was found that the government’s investment in infrastructure was in adequate. Therefore, public private partnership has started playing a very important role in infrastructure development.