Please refer to Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 With Solutions Set F provided below. The Sample Papers for Class 10 English have been prepared based on the latest pattern issued by CBSE. Students should practice these guess papers for class 10 English to gain more practice and get better marks in examinations. The Term 1 Sample Papers for English Standard 10 will help you to understand the type of questions which can be asked in upcoming examinations.
Term 1 Sample Paper for Class 10 English With Solutions Set F
I. Read the passage given below:
I. ‘Look Back in Anger’ gives us a glimpse into the mood and temper of England after World War II. The British Labor Party after coming to power introduced some social reform to build up a welfare state in their country. Yet some young idealists were not satisfied. The people found themselves in precisely the same situation that Jimmy Porter the hero of the play faces.
II. When the play opens we find Jimmy speaking in a discontented, restless manner. He is discontented with the Sunday newspapers; he is discontented with his wife Alison and he is dissatisfied with his friend Cliff. The Sunday newspaper, he complains, makes one feel ignorant. His wife Alison, he complains, hardly listens to him but goes to sleep when he begins to speak. As for Cliff, he is too ignorant to understand what the newspapers have to say. Jimmy then goes on to make fun of the Bishop of Bromley and of the woman who in her religious fervor got four of her ribs broken and got kicked in the head at a religious assembly. He cynically declares that those who ostensibly make sacrifices-whether of their careers, their beliefs of sexual pleasures-never wanted those things in the first place.
III. Jimmy is also against class-distinctions. He himself comes from a working-class family, while his wife comes from a rich middle class family. Alison’s parents had opposed her marriage to Jimmy, and Jimmy has never been able to forget this fact even though four years have passed. He keeps criticizing not only Alison but also her father’s family.
IV. Throughout the play we find Jimmy raging against things, persons, and institutions. The ringing of church-bells annoys him because he is opposed to formal religion and its ritual. He feels very irritated with Alison when he learns that under Helena’s influence, she is going to church. (306 words)
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 1. ‘Look Back in Anger’ portrays the condition of England post-
(a) World War I
(b) World War II
(c) Sepoy Mutiny
(d) Cold War
Question 2. The feeling of Jimmy Porter upon the conditions of England post War can be appropriately described as-
(a) Contentment
(b) Disgust
(c) Hopeful
(d) Sorrow
Question 3. Select the option that lists the elements of disgust of Jimmy Porter-
(1) Newspaper (2) His wife, Alison
(3) His friend, Cliff (4) The post-war societal condition
(5) The indifferent attitude of people
(a) All 1-5
(b) 2 and 3
(c) Only (5)
(d) (2), (3) and (5)
Question 4. Is Jimmy a religious person? Select the option which suggests the correct answer.
(a) Jimmy is very religious and goes to church every Sunday
(b) Jimmy is neutral when it comes to religion
(c) Jimmy is not at all religious as he is seen to get angry when Alison goes to Church with Helena
(d) Jimmy is religious but does not go to Church
Question 5. Select the option that would appropriately fill the spaces in the sentence, Jimmy belonged to the ________ class whereas Alison belonged to _________ class.
(a) Lower middle, Upper middle
(b) Working, Upper middle
(c) Aristocratic, Working
(d) Upper middle, Aristocratic
Question 6. Which party introduced some social reforms for the welfare of the state?
(a) The British Labour Party
(b) The Democrats
(c) The Republican
(d) The Congress Party
Question 7. Select the appropriate synonym for ‘cynical’
(a) Skeptical
(b) Trustful
(c) Optimistic
(d) Idealistic
Question 8. Jimmy is seen making fun of matters of church focusing on-
(a) Pope of Vatican City
(b) Pope of France
(c) Bishop of Bromley
(d) Pope of Italy
Question 9. Select the option that appropriately describes Jimmy Porter with the suitable adjective-
(a) Hopeless, disgusted, pessimistic, irritated
(b) Hopeful, cheerful, happy
(c) Pessimistic but happy
(d) Sadistic yet sometimes cheerful
Question 10. Select an option that appropriately suggests the antonym of ‘raging’-
(a) Calming
(b) Agonizing
(c) Storming
(d) Foaming
II. Read the passage below:
1. The rising share of working age population creates a potential for many benefits: first, an increase in the labor force who produce more than they consume. Second, lower fertility rate induces greater participation of females in the labor market. Third, greater investment in health, education, and skills of the population as lower resources are needed to be diverted for child caring and rearing. Fourth, household savings increase as working age people are more capable of saving than the dependents and accord capital for investment purposes. The fifth argument follows from the LifeCycle Hypothesis which states that people in the working age save more for their retirement due to improvements in life expectancy (Bloom, Canning, & Sevilla, 2003; Bloom, 2011; James, 2008; Kumar, 2013). However, the realization of DD is conditional on the existing policy environment such as better education, skills, and health, and disability outcomes, growing employment opportunities for a rapidly growing young population, trade openness, etc. Also, this dividend is transitory in nature and vanishes over time with further demographic changes.
2. An analysis of India’s population since 1856 reveals that there has been a marginal increase in the population before independence but it rises tremendously thereafter to 1.2 billion in 2011. Its size is estimated to rise further to reach 1.7 billion people by 2060 but after this, a downfall in population size is estimated. The trends in the exponential growth rate of the population at all India level displays an inverted U-shaped pattern with continuously falling population growth rate recorded since 1990-91 (Fig. 1). This pattern of decreasing exponential growth rate of population is also discernible in all the states of India, except for Tamil Nadu where the growth rate of population is small and the present increase in its population growth is mainly attributed to its inward migration. Therefore, to comprehend this eccentric pattern of demographic change in India, one has to delve into the underlying forces of fertility and mortality (James and Goli, 2016).

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 11. Select the option that lists the advantages of potential rise in working age population.
(1) An increase in labour force
(2) Low fertility rate inducing more females to work in the labour market
(3) Low mortality rate
(4) Greater investment in health, education, skills of the population
(5) Greater investment for primary schools
(a) All 1 to 5
(b) (1), (3) and (5)
(c) (2) and (3)
(d) (1), (2) and (4)
Question 12. An analysis of India’s population since 1856 reveals that there has been a ________ increase in the population before independence. Select the option that suggests the correct answer to fill in the blank.
(a) Drastic
(b) Marginal
(c) Rapid
(d) Eventual
Question 13. Describe the trend of exponential growth rate of population of India according to Fig.1. Select the most appropriate option :
(a) A gradual growth with steep decline
(b) A steep growth with gradual
(c) A somewhat steep growth with a gradual decline
(d) A gradual growth
For the Visually Impaired Candidates
For what reason there is growth in the population of Tamil Nadu in recent years? Select the option that appropriately answers the question.
(a) Inward migration
(b) Growth in birth rate
(c) Sudden advancement in medical facilities
(d) Low death rate
Question 14. What was the population of India in 2011 and how much is expected in 2060? Select an option that lists the answers for both the parts of the question.
(a) 1.2 billion, 1.7 billion
(b) 2.9 billion, 3.6 billion
(c) 1.3 billion, 1.6 billion
(d) 1.9 billion, 2.1 billion
Question 15. Select the option that suggests the shape of the pattern that displays the trends in the exponential growth rate of the population at all India level.
(a) Inverted U-shaped
(b) U-shaped
(c) V- shaped
(d) C-shaped
Question 16. After which year a decline in population is expected ? Select the option that states the appropriate answer to the question.
(a) 2035
(b) 2050
(c) 2060
(d) 2056
Question 17. To comprehend this eccentric pattern of demographic change in India, one needs to study the details of changing_______ and _______.
Select the option that suggests the correct answer to fill in the blank.
(a) Life expectancy, job market
(b) Fertility rate, mortality rate
(c) Demand, supply
(d) Sex pyramid, pie graphs
18. What does the passage mostly talk about? Select the most appropriate option to answer the question.
(a) Change in demographic features for the last few decades and probable change in the future
(b) Distribution of population throughout India
(c) Reasons for unequal distribution of population
(d) Change in demographic features for the past few decades
III. Answer any four out of the five questions given, with reference to the context below.
The Meteorological Department of Kolkata, has put up a notice to inform the residents of Kolkata and adjoining areas about a storm that is going to hit upon the towns, which may cause some amount of devastation across the towns.
Question 19. Select an appropriate title for the notice.
(a) Stay at home
(b) Caution About a Devastating Storm
(c) Take precaution
(d) Storm will hit
Question 20. Select an appropriate opening line for the notice.
(a) This should bring to the notice of the citizens of Kolkata about…
(b) Greetings and attention please, to every resident of…
(c) I wish to share a piece of news with all the officials of Kolkata about …
(d) This notice is written to make all the residents of Kolkata and its adjoining areas cautious about….
Question 21. Select the option that lists the informative points that should be included in the notice.
(1) Name of the storm
(2) Velocity of the wind movement
(3) Approximate time and location of when the storm is going to hit the towns
(4) Name of the officials working in this project
(5) Precautions taken by the department and Government to protect the citizens from the devastating storm
(6) Source of origin of the storm
(a) All 1 to 5
(b) All of the options except(4)
(c) (1), (2), (3) and (6)
(d) (1), (3) and (6)
Question 22. Should the names of the officials of the Department be mentioned in the notice?
(a) No, that piece of information will be irrelevant in a notice.
(b) Yes, people should know who are working in this project.
(c) Yes, people will get confidence if they knew the names of the officials.
(d) No, people are busy to read so much in a piece of notice.
Question 23. Select an appropriate concluding line for the notice.
(a) Inconvenience regretted
(b) Stay alert
(c) Stay at home
(d) Collaboration solicited
IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given, with reference to the context below.
Misha, a resident of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, wants to write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India, expressing her grievances regarding the faulty lamp-posts in Chittaranjan Avenue and appealing for their quick repairing.
Question 24. Select a suitable subject for the letter.
(a) Appeal for immediate repairing of faulty lamp-posts
(b) Repair lamp-posts
(c) Please look into the matter immediately
(d) Immediate actions need to be taken
Question 25. Select the option that suggests a suitable opening line for the letter.
(a) I want to tell the concerned authority…
(b) This letter is to bring to your notice the poor infrastructure quality…
(c) Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to the notice of the authorities concerned…
(d) The letter should find itself at the hand of the concerned authority…
Question 26. What informative point should not be added in the body of the letter?
(a) Name of the concerned authority
(b) Problems faced by the residents of the area
(c) Duration of the problem
(d) Whether the problem had occurred before and not addressed to
Question 27. Select the option that lists the informative points to be included in the body.
(1) Problems faced by the people of the area
(2) Problems faced by the people of other areas
(3) Duration of the persistent problem
(4) Proper location where the problem has occurred
(5) Number of faulty lamp-posts
(a) All 1 to 5
(b) All of the options except (2) and (5)
(c) Only (3)
(d) Either (1) or (4)
Question 28. Select the option that suggests who is the appropriate concerned authority to look into the matter.
(a) The President of the country
(b) The Mayor of the town
(c) The Prime Minister of the Country
(d) Local Panchayat Pradhan
Question 29. Select an option that most appropriately suggests the opening line of the conclusion.
(a) I would like if you tell the concerned authority…
(b) Hence, through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to appeal to the concerned administrative authority of the city…
(c) The authority must take necessary steps to…
(d) You should make immediate contact between the concerned authority and me, and we will discuss further about…
Question 30. Select an appropriate suggestion for the problems faced by Misha and others in her locality.
(a) Mayor himself should try to fix the problem
(b) The local residents should fix the problem themselves
(C) The police should come and investigate the matter
(d) Immediately inform the electricity department to fix the faulty lamp-posts
V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the bulletin-board. For the last two years all our bad news had come from there – the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer – and I thought to myself, without stopping, “What can be the matter now?”
Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamel’s little garden all out of breath.
Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands over our ears to understand better, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table. But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open the door and go in before everybody. You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.
Question 31. Where was the narrator hurrying to reach?
(a) To his school
(b) To the marketplace
(c) To his house
(d) To the playground
Question 32. What happened when the narrator reached his destination?
(a) He got a scolding from his teacher
(b) The door was closed so he could not get into the place
(c) His teacher did not scold him, rather asked him politely to quickly take his seat
(d) He lost his will to reach the destination and started roaming on the streets
Question 33. On the way to his destination who commented about reaching his destination?
(a) Bob, the carpenter
(b) John, the cobbler
(c) Wachter, the blacksmith
(d) Jack, the goldsmith
Question 34. What lesson the teacher was going to ask the narrator and others in his class that day?
(a) Gerund
(b) Voice
(c) Participle
(d) Subject verb agreement
Question 35. Why there was hustle and bustle at the beginning of school ?
(a) Because the students are very talkative and disobedient
(b) Because girls practice dance at the beginning of school
(c) Because of the clamour of desks, repetition of lessons in unison and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table
(d) Because of students’ whispers at the beginning of school.
VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain…
Question 36. What did the poet realize with pain?
(a) The poet realized that her mother has grown as old as she actually looked.
(b) The poet realized that her mother is sick and had to be taken to the hospital.
(c) The poet realized that her mother is dying and would not survive long.
(d) The poet realized that she had to go back to her house leaving her maternal house behind.
Question 37. What did the poet do after she realized that her mother has grown very old?
(a) She continued to look at her and remembered her childhood days.
(b) She turned away and looked at the young trees, the children rushing out from their home.
(c) She changed her mind and decided to stay with her mother.
(d) She called a hospital and scheduled for her mother’s check-up.
Question 38. “…doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse…” – What does this phrase signify?
(a) Signifies old age
(b) Signifies adulthood
(c) Signifies signs of aging
(d) Signifies infancy
Question 39. Select an option that appropriately portrays the theme of the poem.
(a) Old age of parents and consequent feelings of the same in their wards
(b) Nostalgia about the poet’s childhood
(c) Discussion of household between mother and daughter
(d) Nostalgia of the poet’s mother about poet’s childhood
Question 40. Select an option that most suitably describes the phrase ‘face ashen like that of a corpse’-
(a) Bright and cheerful
(b) Pale, whitish like a dead body
(c) Dull and yellowish
(d) A face full of wrinkles
VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
For once on the face of the Earth
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
Question 41. Select the option stating what is the poet’s suggestion here –
(a) We should stop doing anything for a moment, neither move nor talk much.
(b) We should continue working at every hour as time is fleeting.
(c) We should discuss how time should be utilized properly.
(d) We should all stop working and sit idly for a moment.
Question 42. Select the option that correctly explains the phrase ‘without rush, without engines’-
(a) The country the poet is talking about is very poor and does not have any vehicle
(b) All the vehicles of the people got damaged, so they cannot travel in them
(c) Everyone should stop rushing to reach somewhere and halt their vehicles
(d) Everyone should stop buying and using automobiles as they are harmful for the environment
Question 43. Select the correct option that suggests the meaning of ‘exotic’-
(a) Native
(b) Familiar
(c) Unusual
(d) Usual
Question 44. Why does the poet want everyone to stop every work, movement, or any other activity?
(a) The poet wants everyone to take rest
(b) The poet wants everyone to stop and introspect
(c) The poet wants everyone to sit idly for some time
(d) The poet wants everyone to procrastinate
Question 45. Select the option that most appropriately suggests meaning of the phrase “sudden strangeness”-
(a) It would be a strange and exotic feeling to unite in silence
(b) It would be strange as people would become still and stopped working
(c) It would be a strange feeling to experience an epiphany
(d) It would be strange to be stationary
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
One winter morning I see Saheb standing by the fenced gate of the neighbourhood club, watching two young men dressed in white, playing tennis. “I like the game,” he hums, content to watch it standing behind the fence. “I go inside when no one is around,” he admits. “The gatekeeper lets me use the swing.” Saheb too is wearing tennis shoes that look strange over his discoloured shirt and shorts. “Someone gave them to me,” he says in the manner of an explanation. The fact that they are discarded shoes of some rich boy, who perhaps refused to wear them because of a hole in one of them, does not bother him. For one who has walked barefoot, even shoes with a hole is a dream come true. But the game he is watching so intently is out of his reach. This morning, Saheb is on his way to the milk booth. In his hand is a steel canister. “I now work in a tea stall down the road,” he says, pointing in the distance.
“I am paid 800 rupees and all my meals.” Does he like the job? I ask. His face, I see, has lost the carefree look. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was his. The canister belongs to the man who owns the tea shop. Saheb is no longer his own master!
Question 46. “I go inside when no one is around,” – Who goes inside of where when no one is around?
(a) Bob goes inside a park when no one is around
(b) Smith goes inside the under-constructed house when no one is around
(c) Saheb goes inside the neighbouring club when no one is around
(d) Mukesh goes inside the primary school when no one is around
Question 47. “Saheb is no longer his own master!” – Why is Saheb no longer his own master?
(a) Saheb started a new business where he has to listen to his clients
(b) Saheb joined a new company where his manager is very strict
(c) Saheb started working at a tea stall down the road where he has to listen to its owner all the time
(d) Saheb got married thus he has to now listen to his wife
Question 48. “Someone gave them to me”- What was given and to whom?
(a) Some old clothes were given to Mukesh
(b) Some leftover food was given to Raju
(c) Some old books were given to Rishi
(d) A pair of tennis shoes was given to Saheb
Question 49. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulder. How much money is paid to Saheb for working at the tea stall?
(a) 700 rupees
(b) 600 rupees
(c) 500 rupees
(d) 800 rupees
Question 50. What happened when Saheb was asked whether he liked his job?
(a) He got really enthusiastic and started to talk about it a lot
(b) He lost the colour of his face, lost his carefree and jolly attitude
(c) He looked sad and pale
(d) He looked happy and excited
IX. Attempt the following:
Question 51. In the poem ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’, the literary personality who is termed as wicked is-
(a) P. B. Shelly
(b) John Keats
(c) William Shakespeare
(d) George Eliot
Question 52. The poet of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ is-
(a) Ezra Pound
(b) Pablo Naruda
(c) Maya Angelou
(d) T.S. Eliot
Question 53. Where was Dr Sadao Hoki’s house built as mentioned in ‘The Enemy’?
(a) On the western coast of India
(b) On the coast of Mediterranean Sea
(c) On a spot of the Japanese coast
(d) On top of Andes Mountains
Question 54. “For the last two years all our bad news had come from there”- Where does ‘there’ refer to?
(a) The bulletin board of the town hall
(b) Common room of the town hall
(c) The market place of the town
(d) The conference room of the parliament
Question 55. What did Mukesh want to be as mentioned in ‘Lost Spring’?
(a) car driver
(b) motor mechanic
(c) pilot
(d) automobile engineer
Question 56. Identify the tone of Pablo Neruda in the following line:
“It would be an exotic moment”-
(a) optimistic and confident
(b) sadistic
(c) cheerful but illusioned
(d) dazed and confused
Question 57. Select the option that most appropriately describes the phrase ‘touch of reason’.
(a) could use his intelligence
(b) lost all hope
(c) stood awestruck
(d) felt dumb and numb
Question 58. The story ‘Deep Water’ is about-
(a) discovering oneself
(b) epiphany
(c) attempt to get past the fear and trying to overcome it
(d) existential crisis
Question 59. The phrase ‘temporary refuge from reality’ in the story ‘The Third Level’ means-
(a) Creating an alternate reality
(b) Involving oneself in activities that help escaping from mundane reality and getting a little joy and happiness
(c) Consulting a psychologist
(d) Going on a trip with friends
Question 60. The story ‘The Last Lesson’ speaks about the narrator’s last lesson on the subject-
(a) French
(b) German
(c) English
(d) Japanese