Please refer to Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations Case Study Questions with answers provided below. We have provided Case Study Questions for Class 10 Science for all chapters as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS examination guidelines. These case based questions are expected to come in your exams this year. Please practise these case study based Class 10 Science Questions and answers to get more marks in examinations.
Case Study Questions Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations
Case/Passage – 1
The reaction between MnO2 with HCl is depicted in the following diagram. It was observed that a gas with bleaching abilities was released .

Question: Identify the correct statement from the following:
(a) MnO2 is getting reduced whereas HCl is getting oxidized
(b) MnO2 is getting oxidized whereas HCl is getting reduced.
(c) MnO2 and HCl both are getting reduced.
(d) MnO2 and HCl both are getting oxidized.
Question: Chlorine gas reacts with _____ to form bleaching powder.
(a) dry Ca(OH)2
(b) dil. solution of Ca(OH)2
(c) conc. solution of Ca(OH)2
(d) dry CaO
Question: In the above discussed reaction, what is the nature of MnO2?
(a) Acidic oxide
(b) Basic oxide
(c) Neutral oxide
(d) Amphoteric oxide
Question: The chemical reaction between MnO2 and HCl is an example of:
(a) displacement reaction
(b) combination reaction
(c) redox reaction
(d) decomposition reaction.
Question: What will happen if we take dry HCl gas instead of aqueous solution of HCl?
(a) Reaction will occur faster.
(b) Reaction will not occur.
(c) Reaction rate will be slow.
(d) Reaction rate will remain the same.
Case/Passage – 2
Chemistry in Automobiles:
For an internal combustion engine to move a vehicle down the road, it must convert the energy stored in the fuel into mechanical energy to drive the wheels. In your car, the distributor and battery provide this starting energy by creating an electrical “spark”, which helps in combustion of fuels like gasoline. Below is the reaction depicting complete combustionof gasoline in full supply of air:
2C8H18(I) + 25O2(g) → 16 ‘X’ + Y
Question: Which of the following are the products obtained from the reaction mentioned in the above case?
Product ‘ X’ Product ‘Y’
(a) CO2 H2O2
(b) H2O CO
(c) CH3OH H2O
(d) CO2 H2O
Question: On the basis of evolution/absorption of energy, which of the following processes are similar to combustion of fuel?
(i) Photosynthesis in plants
(ii) Respiration in the human body
(iii) Decomposition of vegetable matter
(iv) Decomposition of ferrous sulphate.
(a) (ii) & (iii)
(b) (i) & (ii)
(c) (iii) & (iv) (d) (ii) & (i)
Question: ‘Although nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, it does not take part in combustion’. Identify the correct reason for this statement.
(a) Nitrogen is a reactive gas
(b) Nitrogen is an inert gas
(c) Nitrogen is an explosive gas
(d) Only hydrocarbons can take part in combustion
Question: Identify the types of chemical reaction occurring during the combustion of fuel:
(a) Oxidation & Endothermic reaction
(b) Decomposition & Exothermic reaction
(c) Oxidation & Exothermic reaction
(d) Combination & Endothermic reaction
Question: ‘A student while walking on the road observed that a cloud of black smoke belched out from the exhaust stack of moving trucks on the road.’ Choose the correct reason for the production of black smoke:
(a) Limited supply of air leads to incomplete combustion of fuel.
(b) Rich supply of air leads to complete combustion of fuel.
(c) Rich supply of air leads to a combination reaction.
(d) Limited supply of air leads to complete combustion of fuel.