Please refer to Chapter 12 Consumer Protection Case Study Questions with answers provided below. We have provided Case Study Questions for Class 12 Business Studies for all chapters as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS examination guidelines. These case based questions are expected to come in your exams this year. Please practise these case study based Class 12 Business Studies Questions and answers to get more marks in examinations.
Case Study Questions Chapter 12 Consumer Protection
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Himesh after completing his graduation started working with a multinational company in Delhi. But due to ill health of his parents he had to go back to his village. There he noticed that the villagers were literate but ignorant about their rights. Many vegetable vendors were using stones as weights to sell their vegetables. Some shopkeepers were selling food items without having ‘FPO mark’. Villagers did not find anything wrong with these practices. So to create awareness among villagers Himesh decided to publish a weekly Journal ‘Jan Jagriti’.
Questions :
Question. State the responsibility of consumer violated in the above case.
(a) Consumer must exercise his right
(b) Cautious consumer
(c) Filing complaints for the Redressal of genuine grievances
(d) Insist on cash memos
Question. State the responsibility violated by consumers when they are not insisting on ‘FPO’ mark.
(a) Consumer must exercise his Rights
(b) Insist on cash memos
(c) Consumer must be quality conscious
(d) Filing complaint for genuine defect
Question. State the consumer right violated by the shopkeepers who were selling food items without having FPO mark.
(a) Right to safety
(b) Right to information
(c) Right to choice
(d) Right to be heard
Question. State the consumer right which Himesh has exercised by printing ‘Jan Jagriti’.
(a) Right to safety
(b) Right to consumer education
(c) Right to choice
(d) Right to be heard
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Neha’s elder brother purchased “I Phone 11–Apple” mobile phone for ₹ 65,000 without cash memo from one of his friend—an authorised dealer with a guarantee that the mobile phone will be replaced with a new one if any of its parts becomes defective within 1 year from the date of purchase. Within 1 month, the mobile stopped working. When Neha’s brother approached his friend for replacement of mobile, he refused.
Questions :
Question. State the right violated when his friend refused to file a complaint.
(a) Right to safety
(b) Right to choice
(c) Right to be heard
(d) Right to seek redressal
Question. Neha’s elder brother did not take cash memo, so he:
(a) cannot file a complaint.
(b) can be carried away by advertisement.
(c) is a cautious consumer.
(d) none of the above
Question. State the responsibility violated by Neha’s elder brother while purchasing I-phone.
(a) Consumer must exercise his rights
(b) Insist on cash memo
(c) Consumer must be quality conscious
(d) Filing complaint for genuine defect
Question. State the redressal agency under the consumer protection act where Neha’s elder brother can file a complaint.
(a) District Forum
(b) State Commission
(c) National Commission
(d) Cannot file complaint
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Piyali purchased an ISI marked Heater from Bharti Appliances. She made Cash Payment. But failed to get a Cash Memo. While making use of the heater she observed that it was not working properly. She contacted the shopkeeper immediately and told him the problem. Shopkeeper paid no heed to her complaint. Rather he marked that the good in question was not bought from his shop. Piyali had no evidence of proving that the heater was purchased from his shop only. She discussed the problem with her friend Sohini who advised her to approach Consumer Forum and lodge the complaint. Piyali was convinced with the idea of lodging the complaint against the shopkeeper but due to lack of cash memo it was difficult for her to proceed.
Questions :
Question. Under which Act Piyali can seek to protect her rights being a consumer?
(a) Consumer Protection Act,1986
(b) Consumer Protection Act,1968
(c) The Indian Contract Act,1872
(d) The competition Act,2002
Question. Identify the responsibility of the consumer referred in the above case.
(a) Quality Conscious
(b) Must Obtain Cash Memo
(c) Cautious Consumer
(d) Ready to Lodge Complaint
Question. Piyali cannot lodge a complaint against the shopkeeper. Why?
(a) She do not have the right
(b) She was aware of the fact
(c) She do not have the Cash Memo
(d) She was happy with the product
Question. Identify the Right of the consumer as referred to in the above paragraph.
(a) Right to be Informed
(b) Right to Safety
(c) Right to be Heard
(d) Right to Choose
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Anchal purchased a food processing machine for `10,000 from ‘Kajal Machinery Pvt. Ltd.’ She found that the machine was not working properly. Despite many complaints, the defect was not rectified by Kajal Machinery Pvt. Ltd.
Questions :
Question. Identify the consumer right that has been violated by Kajal Machinery Pvt. Ltd.
Right to be heard
Question. Suggest the appropriate forum where Anchal can file her complaint.
District Commission; because the District CDRC will entertain complaints where value of goods and services does not exceed `1 crore
Question. Can she appeal to the Supreme Court if she is not satisfied with the order of the appropriate forum?
Yes; because appeals from a District CDRC will be heard by the State CDRC. Appeals from the State CDRC will be heard by the National CDRC. Final appeal will lie before the Supreme Court.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
A school owned a swimming pool and offered swimming facilities to the public on payment of a fee. Theschool conducted winter and summer training camps to train boys in swimming and for this purpose engaged a coach. Mr. Ajay enrolled his only son for learning swimming under the guidance of the coach. That due to the negligence of the coach, the boy drowned and died. The school denied any responsibility on its part. The coach claimed that he had considerable experience in coaching young boys for swimming. Mr Ajay decided to file a case in the appropriate consumer court and decided to claim ` 50 lakh.
Questions :
Question. Against whom can Mr. Ajay file a case in the consumer court? Justify your answer.
Mr. Ajay can file a case against the school as well as the coach. Reason: Failure to provide basic safeguards in the swimming pool by the school and the negligence of the coach amounts to deficiency in services.
Question. Where can Mr. Ajay file the case? Give reason.
Mr. Ajay can file the case in the District Commission since he decided to claim ` 50 lakh, which does not exceed ` 1 crore.
Question. If the school authorities are not satisfied with the order of the consumer court, where Mr. Ajay had filed the case, what option is available to them?
If the school authorities are not satisfied with the order of the district commission, they can appeal before the State Commission within 45 days of the passing of the order.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Mr. Man Mohan Singh and his wife Kamlesh had bought a railway journey cum-reservation ticket for `2,000 at Ahmedabad for travel from New Delhi to Kanpur Central by the Shatabdi Express. The details on the ticket, including the coach number, the date of journey, etc., were illegible. Hence, they were forced to buy another ticket for journey from New Delhi to Kanpur. They applied for a refund for the earlier ticket but, as the Forum noted, they had to suffer much for the purpose. In spite of the couple’s giving the Ahmedabad residential address for sending the refund, the Railways sent it to their Delhi address. They approached Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS), Ahmedabad for help. CERS filed a complaint against the Railways before a District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Ahmedabad City and claimed that the two senior citizens had to face mental harassment due to the deficiency in service by the Railways.
Questions :
Question. Can CERS file a complaint against the Railways before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Ahmedabad? Justify your answer.
Yes, CERS can file a complaint against the Railways before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Ahmedabad since as per the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 a complaint before the appropriate consumer forum can be made by any registered consumers’ association also
Question. Which consumer right is being promoted by CERS in this case?
‘Right to be heard’ is being promoted by CERS in this case.
Question. State any two reliefs available to Mr. Man Mohan Singh and his wife Kamlesh.
The District Commission may order the Railways:
(i) To refund `2,000, the charges paid for the railway journey cum-reservation ticket, and/or
(ii) To pay adequate costs or reasonable amount of compensation for any loss suffered.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
On Sonika’s birthday her mother gave her a pair of gold earrings. After one month Sonika observed that the ear-rings are losing their shine. She checked the mark on the ear-rings and found that it was not a proper Hallmark and her mother had been cheated by the shopkeeper. So, she filed a complaint in the district forum which rejected it. Not satisfied by the decision of district forum, she was very much disturbed and after two months decided to appeal further.
Question. Can Sonika appeal against the decision of the district forum? Give reason in support of your answer.
No, Sonika cannot appeal now as the appeal has to be filed within 30 days of passing of the order by the district forum.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Harish purchased a medicine from ‘Hari Govind Medical Stores’ for his son who had high fever. Even after giving the medicine his son’s condition did not improve and he had to be hospitalised. The doctor informed Harish that the medicine given to his son was spurious. Harish complained about this to ‘Hari Govind Medical Stores’. As a result, ‘Hari Govind Medical Stores’ decided to file a complaint against the manufacturer in the consumer court.
Question. Can ‘Hari Govind Medical Stores’ do this? Give reason.
No, ‘Hari Govind Medical Stores’ cannot file a complaint against the manufacturer in the consumer court. The Medical Stores is not a consumer since it buys medicine for re-sale or commercial purpose.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
State any two reliefs that the Consumer court can grant to consumers in case of genuine complaints in each of the following situations:
Questions :
Question. Divya was charged more than the printed maximum retail price (MRP) for a bottle of water.
Reliefs that the Consumer court can grant to the customers are:
(a) To refund the price paid
(b) To discontinue the unfair/restrictive trade practice and not to repeat the same in future.
Question. Clara was sold a car with a defective engine.
Reliefs that the Consumer court can grant to the customers are: (any two)
(a) To remove the defect in engine.
(b) To replace the defective engine with a new one, free from any defect.
(c) To refund the price paid.
Question. Antony suffered injury while using newly bought defective electric heater.
Reliefs that the Consumer court can grant to customer are: (any two)
(a) To remove the defect in electrical heater.
(b) To replace the defective electrical heater with a new one, free from any defect.
(c) To refund the price paid.
(d) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to negligence of the opposite party.
(e) Not to offer hazardous goods like defective electrical heater form sale.
(f ) To cease manufacture of hazardous goods like defective electrical heater.
(g) To pay adequate costs to the appropriate party.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Sudhanshu saw a weight reducing electric machine advertisement on the television. He purchased it and decided to use it. The moment he plugged the machine he got an electric shock. As a result he died instantly. His relatives suggested Vedant, Sudhanshu’s son to file a case claiming compensation of `50 lakh.
Questions :
Question. Who can file a case against the company?
A complaint in a consumer court can be filed by Vedant, legal heir or representative of the deceased consumer, Sudhanshu or any registered consumers’ association, etc.
Question. Where should the complaint be filed and why?
The complaint can be filed at the District Commission since the amount of compensation claimed does
not exceed `1 crore.
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Prakhar purchased an ISI mark electric iron from ‘Bharat Electricals’. While using he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakhar by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this iron. The manufThe manufacturer refused to replace and Bharat Electricals decided to file a complaint in the consumer court.
Questions :
Question. Car ‘Bharat Electricals’ file a complaint in the consumer court against the manufacturer of the electric iron? Give reason in support of your answer.
No, ‘Bharat Electricals cannot file a complaint in the consumer court against the manufacture of the electric iron since Bharat Electricals is not a consumer. As per the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, definition of a consumer does not include a person who obtains goods for resale or any commercial purpose.
Question. Who can file a complaint as per the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019?
A complaint before the appropriate consumer court can be made by:
(i) A consumer; or
(ii) Any voluntary consumer association registered under any law for the time being in force; or
(iii) The Central Government or any State Government; or
(iv) The Central Authority; or
(v) One or more consumers, where there are numerous consumers having the same interest; or
(vi) In case of death of a consumer, his legal heir or legal representative; or
(vii) In case of a consumer being a minor, his parent or legal guardian