Class 10 English Sample Paper with Solutions Set D

Sample Papers for Class 10

Students should go through the below Class 10 English Sample Paper with Solutions Set D provided below. The English Sample paper Class 10 has been prepared based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. All Cass 10 English Sample Papers have been designed by expert teachers based on the latest syllabus and guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS

Class 10 English Sample Paper with Solutions Set D

Class 10 English Sample Paper Set D

Time Allowed : 3 Hours                                                                                                                                   Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very
carefully and follow them.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions

Section A – Reading (20 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8 Marks)

                                                                                        The Camera Can Lie—Sometimes
1. Much to their annoyance, pen-pushers are routinely reminded that a picture is worth a thousand words—except that sometimes they can be wrong “words” as happened last week when Reuters was forced to withdraw more than 900 pictures taken by a freelance photographer after it was suspected that he had “doctored” two recent photographs of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.

2. In one picture, the smoke billowing from an apartment block after an Israeli air strike was allegedly thickened by the photographer, Adnan Hajj, to dramatise the impact of the bombardment — and in another two flares were suspected to have been added to an image of an Israeli jet in action over Lebanon.

3. The allegation of doctoring, first made by several bloggers, was confirmed by Reuters after an inhouse investigation. Mr. Hajj, who had sold pictures to Reuters for more than 10 years, denied manipulating the two photographs and attributed the thick smoke in the first picture to “bad lighting” and the fact that he was “trying to remove dust marks.” As for the second, he said, “there was no problem with it — not at all.”

4. But Reuters was not convinced and said it was removing all of this pictures from its database and would not be using his service any more. “This represents a serious breach of Reuters’ standards and we shall not be accepting or using pictures taken by him,” the news agency said.

5. The idea that the camera never lies is as misleading as the notion that all statistics are meant to mislead. What the “eye” sees is not always what it looks like, thanks to the many ways in which first the camera and then the photograph can be — and is often — manipulated. Indeed, a photograph can be manipulated in more ways — and more effectively — to convey a false reality than it is possible to do through the written word. Ask any clever photographer and he will tell you the tricks camera be made to play.

6. At a seminar recently, one journalist recalled how there was a time when British photographers, covering stories about famine or floods in Third World countries, would carry teddy bears with them in order to use them as prop for pictures supposedly showing that all that was left in household, stricken by death and destruction, were children’s toys. (Source: The Hindu)

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions.(1 × 8 = 8)

(a) To interest the children Teddy bears were used as:
(i) manipulations
(ii) props
(iii) conflicts
(iv) statistics


(a) (ii) props

(b) A _____ can tell us about the tricks played by camera.
(i) picture
(ii) photographer
(iii) reuter
(iv) dramatist


(b) (ii) photographer

(c) The allegation of doctoring was confirmed by:
(i) Israelis
(ii) Adnan Hajj
(iii) Reuters
(iv) Freelancer


(c) (iii) Reuters

(d) The picture of the smoke rising from an apartment block in Lebanon:
(i) was actual picture
(ii) was manipulated by a photographer deliberately
(iii) appeared thick in picture due to bad lighting
(iv) all of these


(d) (ii) was manipulated by a photographer deliberately

(e) As per the passage, a camera:
(i) always gives fake pictures
(ii) never gives fake pictures
(iii) sometimes many give fake pictures
(iv) none of these


(e) (iii) sometimes many give fake pictures

(f ) British photographers left teddy bears in household, stricken by death and destruction in floods in Third World countries with a view to:
(i) Showing that all that was left in household were teddy bears
(ii) Showing that most of the flood victims were children.
(iii) both (i) and (ii)
(iv) neither (i) nor (ii)


(f) (i) Showing that all that was left in household were teddy bears

(g) Reuters deliberately accepted the manipulated pictures. (True/False)


(g) False

(h) The allegation of manipulating pictures was confirmed by _____


(h) Reuters

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12 Marks)

1. Advertising was initially meant to make people aware of the goods available in the market. It was as simple as announcing what you have in your store or the services you offer in your premises. Over the years, advertising has evolved into a major industry that beyond informing to persuading and influencing. It is a form of brainwashing consumers.

2. Advertising has become a type of culture with ardent followers. In the process, it attracts enviable attention from manufacturers and service providers who fancy an edge over their competitors. Unfortunately, in keeping with the ever-increasing demands of the manufacturers, the advertisers have resulted to creating unnecessary wants and excess consumption in most of us. This is a craving for harmful products that we are better off without. It preys on our minds rendering us completely irrational. The billboards (hoardings), television and radio advertisements target us from a very early age, forming our view of the world as we grow. into adults. The buzzwords in advertising are, ‘you are cool and sophisticated’, if you use this or that product.

3. The notion that the media is primarily in place to give us news is not very true. If the truth may be told, the media is there to gather enough audience, package them into a pricey commodity and sell it to the advertisers. The advertisers, on the other hand, are always on the lookout for a target audience to persuade them that this product of service is better than that of the competitor.

4. Advertising does influence people. Most of the advertisements are filled with images that equate emotional well-being with material acquisition and associate independence and leisure with consumption of alcohol. Advertising also makes people lavish their on products rather than real people, thereby destroying human relationships. We have become trapped in the web of advertising where products like brands of beer and cigarette take over our minds, doing away with our core family values.

5. When you look critically at most of the advertisements on the television, you will discover how persuasive the advertisers are in deciding for us what, when, how much and why to buy. But most people think that they are not influenced by advertisements. This is precisely what the advertisers want us to think, that in the end ‘the people decide’. If you think deeply, nobody in this profit-minded sense will pay so much money to make a thirty second advertisement, which might not be seen by a hundred people, leave alone convince them to buy. How we strike a healthy balance between the two will definitely have a direct bearing on the future of our country.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (2 × 4=8)

(a) What was the purpose of advertising?
Ans. Advertising was meant to make people aware of the goods available in the market.

(b) How do advertisements make us irrational?
Ans. Advertising create unnecessary wants and excess consumption in most of us. This is a craving for harmful products that we are better off without. It preys on our minds rendering us completely irrational.

(c) How does advertising affect us?
Ans. Advertising does influence people. Most of the advertisements are filled with images that equate emotional well being with material acquisition and associate independence and leisure with consumption of alcohol.

(d) What do you discover when you look at advertisement critically?
Ans. How persuasive the advertisers are in deciding for us what, when, how much and why to buy

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following: (1 × 4= 4)

(a) The synonym of ‘strong desire’ as given in para 2 is ______
(i) desperate
(ii) wish
(iii) craving
(iv) urge


(a) (iii) craving

(b) The synonym of ‘exactly’ as given in para 5 is _____ .


(b) precisely

(c) The antonym of ‘contradicted’ as given in para 3 is ______ .
(i) allegation
(ii) confirmed
(iii) manipulating
(iv) attributed


(c) (ii) confirmed

(d) The antonym of ‘harmony’ as given in para 1 is _____


(d) conflict

Section B — Writing & Grammar (30 Marks)

3. Water scarcity in some of the areas have created a lot of problems. Write an article in about 100-120 words on “Conservation of Water: The Need of the Hour”.
Ans.                                                                                               Conservation of Water
Water is a natural resource. It is very precious. Earth’s natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate due to increase in human population, rapid industrialisation and urbanisation. Trees are being cut indiscriminately and the result is groundwater levels are falling and the day is not far when wars will be fought for water. It is needless to say that water is the most essential resource for life. If we need water in the future we should conserve it urgently. We can save water through many ways. First of all the taps should be used properly and kept turned off always. Water should not be wasted while bathing or washing floors. Reuse water wherever possible. Fix alarm to water tanks so that overflow can be prevented. We must keep in mind that water should be conserved, not wasted. Conservation helps prevent water pollution in nearby lakes, rivers and local watersheds. Conserving water is something that we all should do.


You are Amit Kapoor, resident of 43/9, Shyam Enclave, Delhi. You visited Manali with your family during the summer vacation. You had two double suites at Lake View resort. Your stay at the hotel fell far short of the description in the brochure. Write a letter of complaint to the Customer Service Department to refund for your hotel stay

43/9, Shyam Enclave
12th August, 2019
Customer Service Department
Lake View Resort
Sub: Complaint about the double suites
Ref. No: Holiday reference Number BM 3278 M
I had booked two double suites of rooms, 111 and 112, at your resort for a week from 10.07.2019 to 16.07.2019 for me and my family. My central complaint is that the hotel fell far short of the description in the brochure. Although the rooms were billed as four-star accommodation, they were cramped, and the furnishings were wornout and dirty. The hotel grounds, described in the brochure as “Pleasant, tranquil, and spacious”, were in fact next to a busy main road. The swimming pool was closed for repairs.
I registered a formal complaint with the front office detailing these issues. I feel that we are due to full refund for this hotel stay as it failed to meet our expectations and ruined our holiday. Looking forward for a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Amit Kapoor
Encl: Copy of the bill
Photographs for evidence

4. Complete the following story in about 150-200 words. (10 Marks)

(a) Suresh worked in a factory. He was a watchman. He was very brave. One day he saw that Mithun was stealing something from a factory. He caught him redhanded. Mithun tried
Ans. Suresh worked in a factory. He was a watchman. He was very brave. One day he saw that Mithun was stealing something from a factory. He caught him redhanded. Mithun tried to give him half of the share but Suresh was a trustworthy and faithful servant. He could not be dishonest. He has always believed that honesty is the best policy. Mithun threatened him with dire consequences if he disclosed his name. But Suresh did not give in to his threat. Suresh caught hold of him (Mithun) and tried to drag him to the owner. But Mithun was stronger than him (Suresh) and overpowered him. Mithun took out a knife and stabbed him. But Suresh caught hold of him tightly with his strong arms. Meanwhile some other workers heard the noise and reached there. All of them started beating Mithun. The master also came hurriedly. He informed the police about it and the police arrested Mithun. The master was impressed with Suresh’s honesty and bravery. Suresh was promoted and awarded by the owner. Honesty always pays.


Given below is an outline of a story. Taking help from the outline, develop an interesting story in about 150-200 words.

(b) Outline: Sachin and Amit arrived at a hill station/decided to explore the place on their own/ visited few tourist places/both returned home disappointed
Ans. Sachin and Amit decided to go to Shimla during their autumn break. This time they had planned to travel without their parents and explore the place on their own. They had done research on interne and had chalked out their plan accordingly. They did all their booking outline. Everything seemed to be exactly as they had planned. Little did they know that their trip would end before it took off. They got off at Kalka and decided to take the mini train to Shimla. The train crawled slowly through the thick forest and bridges over gushing streams. Sachin and Amit decided to jump off the train to take some pictures. The train was running at a speed less than 15-20 km/hr. Judging the speed they both were sure that they could run and catch the train in five minutes. After clicking a few photographs they ran towards the train, Sachin hit a big boulder and fell down. He gave out a big scream. He had fractured his leg. Amit panicked but had the presence of mind to run along and signal to the driver to stop the train. Some passengers carried Sachin back to the train. The drivers informed the police about the emergency. When the train entered the station they saw an ambulance waiting for them. It took them to the nearest hospital where his leg was put in plaster. They came down the very next day.

5. Fill in the gaps by choosing the most appropriate words from the options given below. (1 × 4 = 4)

My mother was both a mother and a father (a) _____ me. She taught us the right values. Until she passed away, (b) _____ all looked towards her (c) _____ support. We were very scared of her. She was a wonderful cook (d) _____ taught us all how to cook.

(a) (i) to
(ii) of
(iii) in
(iv) at


(a) (i) to

(b) (i) they
(ii) we
(iii) she
(iv) then


(b) (ii) we

(c) (i) of
(ii) for
(iii) in
(iv) at


(c) (ii) for

(d) (i) or
(ii) and
(iii) but
(iv) until


(d) (ii) and

6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against each line of the passage. (1 × 4 = 4)

Robinson used to e.g. spent spend spent
Incorrect                                             Correction
hours gazing on merchant ships.             (a)
His father wanted him to being                 (b)
a lawyer but he wanted to exploring        (c)
the world in one of that sailing ships.      (d)


7. Rearrange the following groups of words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (1 × 4 = 4)

(a) today/with/their/the/in/gadgets/children/born/are/hands
Ans. Today the children are born with gadgets in their hands.

(b) games/and/surf/they/to/video/love/internet/play
Ans. They love to play video games and surf Internet.

(c) these/only/lives/their/technology/wonders revolve/of/around
Ans. Their lives revolve around these wonders of technology only.

(d) hampered/any/their/game/they/outdoor/as/growth/is/physical/do not/play
Ans. Their physical growth is hampered as they do not play any outdoor game.

Section C – Literature (30 Marks)

8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: (1 × 4 = 4)

He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

(a) The tiger knows how to ambush his hunt and so:
(i) he lurks in the grass unseen
(ii) he lurks behind the trees unseen
(iii) he lurks in the fields unseen
(iv) he lurks in shadow unseen


(a) (iv) he lurks in shadow unseen

(b) He slides through the long grass:
(i) to comfort himself
(ii) to ease himself
(iii) to ambush his prey unseen and unnoticed
(iv) to ambush his prey silently


(b) (iii) to ambush his prey unseen and unnoticed

(c) The tiger goes to the water hole in search of_________________


(c) his prey

(d) The tiger can hunt his favourite _________________ who come there for drinking water


(d) plump deer


I get along pretty well with all my teachers. There are nine of them, seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing, the old fogey who teaches maths, was annoyed with me for ages because I talked so much. After several warnings, he assigned me extra homework. An essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’. A chatterbox — what can you write about that? I’d worry about that later, I decided. I jotted down the title in my notebook, tucked it in my bag and tried to keep quiet.

(a) Anne got along pretty well with all:
(i) her friends
(ii) her classmates
(iii) her playmates
(iv) her teachers


(a) (iv) her teachers

(b) They were seven men and:
(i) three women
(ii) two women
(iii) four women
(iv) five women


(b) (ii) two women

(c) Mr. Keesing was annoyed with her because _____


(c) she talked so much

(d) He assigned her _____ homework.


(d) extra

9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2×5 = 10)

(a) What encouraged the policy of apartheid in South Africa?
Ans. South Africa attracted the white people because of its minerals and gems. The war for domination ensued henceforth. After the Anglo-Boer war, the white people started ruling over the native blackskinned South Africans. This system of racial domination i.e. the apartheid was used to exploit the blacks.

(b) Justify the title of the story “The Hundred Dresses”.
Ans. Wanda was a gifted painter. She had drawn exquisite hundred designs of beautiful dresses. If she had the fabric she would have made hundred real dresses. That’s why she called them dresses and not designs. She gifts these dresses to the girls. They felt sorry for her. Hence the title is perfectly appropriate.

(c) Who robbed Shotover Grange? Whom did the police arrest and why?
Ans. Actually it was the lady-in-red who robbed the Shotover Grange. The police arrested Horace Danby because his finger prints were found all over the room and on the safe. Nobody believed him when he said that the owner lady asked him to do so.

(d) How do you assess Griffin as a scientist?
Ans. Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He invented some drugs and made himself as an invisible man. But he misused his scientific discovery and became a lawless person. Griffin was thus not a true scientist.

(e) How was Lencho’s life affected by the rain?
Ans. Lencho was a hard working farmer. He lived with his family on the crest of a low hill. He was going to get a very good crop this year. His field needed only a downpour. The rain started. But within a very short time, the rain turned into hailstones. It destroyed his crop completely. Thus the rain affected his life badly.

(f) Why does Anne want to keep a diary?
Ans. In spite of a family and friends, Anne felt rather lonely. There were thirty persons whom she could call her friends. She could talk only ordinary everyday things with them. She couldn’t share most feelings with them. Nor could she confide in them. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She named her friend ‘Kitty’.

10. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words: (8 Marks)

(a) Baking was considered an essential and a profitable profession in a traditional Goan village. What reasons does the writer give to support his point?
Ans. Goa is very much influenced by the Portuguese. Baking was considered an essential and a profitable profession in a traditional Goan village. The Portuguese are famous for preparing the loaves of bread. We can come across the bakers of bread. It is their traditional family work. The villagers were much fond of the sweet bread known as ‘bol’. The marriage gifts were meaningless without it. So the baker’s furnaces were the essential. ‘Cakes’ and ‘bolinhas’ formed an important item on various occasions like Christmas and other festivals. The baker would collect the bill at the end of month. They recorded their accounts on the wall in pencil. Baking was a profitable business in old days. The baker and his family never starved and they looked happy and prosperous

(b) Overcoming fear is the first step to success. How does this saying stand true in context of the story ‘His First Flight”?
Ans. The story is about a young seagull who is yet to learn to fly. Unlike his younger brothers and sisters he is unable to overcome the fear of falling down to the sea, hence remained sitting on the cliff. His younger siblings despite having shorter wings overcame fear and took a plunge as directed by their parents. The seagull continues to be left in isolation without any sympathy from his parents. No amount of his cries, arising out of starvation, is able to melt his parents hearts. Finally the seagull undergoes a mental transformation which helps him to muster courage. By flapping his wings and overcoming fear he takes a plunge. In the process discovers his ever presented talent to fly which till now was not known to him. Hence the seagull proved that overcoming fear is the important key to success.

11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. (8 Marks)

(a)‘Presence of mind and intelligence is more powerful than a gun.’ How far is it true in case of Ausable, the secret agent?
Ans. A good spy need not be handsome, attractive and smart. Physical strength can be additional advantage but certainly not the essential one. Secret agents have to face critical situations at every step. One night, Ausable found Max in his room. There was an automatic pistol in his hand. He had come there to take the report from Ausable. Max was also a secret agent of another organisation. Ausable was not the least afraid of Max’s presence. He thought of a clever trick. He convinced Max about a balcony outside the window. Just then there was a loud knock at the door. Ausable told Max that it was police to provide him security. Max had no time to think. Max rushed towards the window and dropped to the non-existent balcony and met his tragic end. Ausable did not use physical strength. He won over the critical situation by his sheer presence of mind.


(b) How does the ‘lady in red’ outsmarts Horace Danby at Shotover Grange
Ans. Horace Danby as usual had planned the robbery at shotover Grange meticulously. At the place of the robber, unexpectedly, he confronts a lady dressed in red attire. She carries herself with an air of authority giving the impression as if she is the lady of the house. She threatens horace to call police. Horace keep pleading to be let off and admits that he steals only rich people for a good reason to which the lady laughs. She finally agrees to let go Horace only if he opens the safe for her as she needed the jewels for the night party. The lady besides being smart is cool and composed, takes advantage of Horace’s mental state. She takes out a cigarette and instantly Horace in his eagerness to please her takes of his gloves before offering her his lighter. While breaking the safe Horace forgets to wear his gloves. He hands over the jewels to the lady before walking out of the house. But Horace’s freedom is short lived as he is caught by the police on the basis of the fingerprints found at Shotover Grange. No doubt the lady in red had totally outwitted Horace hands down