Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions

Important Questions Class 10

Please refer to Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions given below. These solved questions for Management of Natural Resources have been prepared based on the latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. We have provided important examination questions for Class 10 Science all chapters.

Class 10 Science Management of Natural Resources Important Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. State 2 advantages of constructing dam across a river.
Answer : It helps in generating electricity in irrigation.

Question. State two disadvantages of constructing dam.
Answer : It can cause earthquakes, loss of habitat, submerging of plants releases methane gas that causes green house effect.

Question. Name the bacteria whose presence in the water indicates its contamination with disease causing microbes.
Answer : Coliform bacteria.

Question. Name any one stake holder.
Answer : Bishnoi community in Rajasthan.

Question. Name the place where “Chipko Andolan” organised.
Answer : Reni Village in Garhwal.

Question. Who started the “Chipko Movement”?
Answer : Sunderlal Bahuguna.

Question. Define biodiversity.
Answer : The number of species found in an area is called biodiversity.

Question. Name the main constituents of coal and petroleum.
Answer : Carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulphur.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question. State two reasons each of conserving [AI CBSE 2008]
(a) Forest and (b) Wild life
Answer : (a) Forest: It needs to be conserved as it is a natural resource, many industries depend on it and will exploit and deplete the forest. It is biodiversity hot-spot.
(b) Wildlife: It maintains the ecological balance. Hence all animals which are hunted for skin, fur, tusk, horns etc. need protection and their habitat also need to be conserved.

Question. What are natural resources? State two factors that work against an equitable distribution of these resources.
Answer : The resources obtained from the earth and which are naturally occuring are called natural resources.
Two factors which works against an equitable distribution of these resources are:
(i) Materialisation and (ii) Energisation

Question. What is water harvesting? Write any two advantages of it.
Answer : Water harvesting means capturing water to recharge water reservoirs.
Benefits of water harvesting:
(i) It provides water for potable use.
(ii) It provides water for irrigation.
(iii) It increases the ground water level.
(iv) It provides water for the growth of vegetation.

Question. What is wild life? How is wild life important for us? 
Answer : Wild life means all the animals and plants that grow and live in forest, grow naturally, are not cultivated, domesticated and tamed.
Importance of wildlife:
(i) They help in maintaining ecological balance.
(ii) They provide aesthetic value for human beings.

Question. List any two causes of our failure to sustain availability of underground water. 
Answer : Two causes which led to the failure of sustaining the availability of underground water are:
(i) Population: With the increase in population the demand is also increasing which is depleting the underground water.
(ii) Industrialisation: As the industries need more water to manufacture its goods, this led to decrease in the level of underground water.

Question. Why must we conserve our forests? List any two causes for deforestation taking place.
Answer : We must conserve our forest as they are very useful.
(i) It conserves soil by preventing soil erosion, prevents flood and holds lot of water,maintain ground level of water and brings rainfall.

(ii) It provides lot of raw material for many industries like timber, sal, wood, bidi, tendu leaves, coir etc.
Two causes of deforestation:
(a) Exploitation by industries.
(b) Due to increase in population, lot of forest land is converted to build roads and dams for the infrastructure development. Pressure of human settlement is also a major cause.

Question. What is Chipko Movement? Why should we conserve forests?
Answer : It is the movement initiated by local people in the Reni Village of Garhwal by preventing the cutting down of trees by hugging the trees. It was initiated by Sunder Lal Bahuguna to stop the commercial exploitation of forest.
We should conserve forest because it is of great benefit to us as it holds soil, water, prevents floods, brings rain fall, maintain ecological balance on the earth.

Question. Explain 3R’s with one example each.
Answer : Reduce—Less use of products like paper, clothes, plastic, wood, coal, petroleum so that it is not exploited from the nature.
Recycle—To make new items from the used articles like plastic, paper, wood, glass etc.
Reuse—Use the same thing again and again. E.g., use the jam and pickle containers for keeping kitchen stuff etc.

Question. Give three changes you will make to stop or lower the use of coal and petroleum.
Answer : (i) Switch off lights when not required, and use CFL bulbs.
(ii) Not to use petrol fuel vehicles instead opt for CNG.
(iii) Use cycle or walk to go short distances.

Question. An environmentalist on visit to your school suggested the use of three R’s to save the environment. Explain what he meant by three R’s and how you would follow his advice at home. 
Answer : The 3R’s to save the environment means:
(i) Reduce—It means we should use less resources. The demand of exploiting resources should be reduced by switching off lights, fans when not required, by not wasting paper, pencil etc.
(ii) Recycle—It means, to make new products from the old, used ones, e.g., recycle used paper, plastic bags, glass material and metals like tins, cans, foils etc.
(iii) Reuse—It is the best option i.e., use the things, materials again and again. e.g., use the envelope which was already used, make use of plastic bottles, jam and pickle containers etc.

Question. What changes would you suggest in your home in order to be environment-friendly?
Answer : The following changes can be made to be environment friendly:
(i) Check the wastage of water, close the taps properly, recycle the water of washing machine into toilets.
(ii) Stop the use of bulbs and switch over to CFL lights.
(iii) Use solar water heater and cookers, install solar cell panel for electricity.
(iv) Reduce the garbage by not throwing such items which can be reused and recycled.

Question. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment-friendly?
Answer : (i) Recycle the waste paper thrown instead of dumping it in garbage.
(ii) Rain water harvesting system should be made.
(iii) Plant more and more trees.
(iv) Make compost of bio-mass collected like food waste, fallen leaves etc.

Question. We saw in this chapter that there are four main stakeholders when it comes to forests and wildlife. Which among these should have the authority to decide the management of forest produce? Why do you think so?
Answer : The local people staying near the forest should be given the authority to decide the management of forest produce. They can keep a check on and control the misuse of the forest and its goods. They are the ones who do not exploit the forest and they know how to manage so it stays there for their future generations to come.

Question. What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
Answer : (i) Do not throw garbage on the road side.
(ii) Switch off lights, fans, TV when not required.
(iii) Use less water for bathing, washing jobs.
(iv) Use jute bags instead of polyethene.
(v) Walk or cycle to cover short distances.

Question. What would be the advantages of exploiting resources with short-term aims?
Answer : Exploitation of resources with short-term aims means misuse of the resource and harm to the earth.

Question. How would these advantages differ from the advantages of using a long-term perspective in managing our resources?
Answer : In long-term perspective we are managing the resources in such a way that we are accountable for its misuse. We use it wisely and let the future generation also get its benefit of using. Pollution is controlled and minimised.

Question. List four advantage of water harvesting.
Answer : Water harvesting is useful because
(i) It provides water for potable use.
(ii) It provides water for irrigation.
(iii) It provides water for recharging underground water reservoir.
(iv) It provides water for vegetation to grow.

Question. How do advantages of exploiting natural resources with short-term aims differ from the advantages of managing our resources with a long-term perspective? 
Answer : Exploitation of natural resources with short-term aims means exploiting it for need,money and make them extinct but using the same resources with a long-term perspective means managing the resources wisely, judiciously and using them in such a manner that they are present for future generations to come i.e., sustainable management.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question. What is sustainable development? Explain it with respect to forest, wildlife and water resources.
Answer : The proper management of natural resources using it wisely and judiciously so that it is available for the coming generations also. All these resources are maintained. 
The population is increasing, demand for these resources is also increasing but they are limited in nature.
The management would prevent the exploitation of these resources and keep them available for future generations.
Forest—Many industries like timber, wood bidi, tendu leaves etc are dependent on the trees in the forest. They keep cutting the trees for use.
This need to be managed properly and checked that new plantation of trees take place, animals are not harmed and are preserved.
Wildlife—All animals in the forest are disturbed due to the intervention of people into the forest. They are also killed for trade of skin, fur, tusk horn etc. If the animals in the forest are not managed and taken care of then they will be extinct which will disturb the ecological balance of the earth.
Water Resources—The main water resources are rivers, lake, ponds, underground water. The sources of water are getting polluted and the underground water is also discharged, used and the level of water is declining. Hence the recharge of water under the ground by rain water harvesting is necessary.

Question. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.
Answer : For conservation of forests:
(i) It should be checked that illegal cutting of trees is banned and made a punishable act.
(ii) Stakeholders should take care of the maintenance of the forest.
(iii) Forest fires should be checked and controlled.
(iv) Nearby villages or people should be trained and educated to manage forests.

Question. What is rain water harvesting? How can it be done at local level? What are its benefits?
Answer : Rain water harvesting is the indigenous water saving methods to capture every trickle of water that had fallen on land. For this we need to dig small pits and lakes, build small earthen dams, construct dykes, sand and lime stone reservoirs, set up roof top water collecting units. This will recharge ground water levels and bring rivers back to life.
Water harvesting techniques give people control over their local water resources, ensures, that the mismanagement and over exploitation of these resources is reduced/removed.
The advantage of water stored in the ground are many. It does not evaporate, but spreads out to recharge wells and provide moisture for vegetation over a wide area.
It does not provide breeding area for mosquitoes. It is also protected from contamination by human and animal waste.

Question. Why do you think there should be equitable distribution of resources? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources?
Answer : Equitable distribution of resources will help the resources reach every individual in cheaper and easier way.
The people who need to obtain only money out of these resources would work against it.

Question. Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?
Answer : Conservation of forest is important as forest is useful to us in many ways:
(i) Provides raw material for timber industry.
(ii) Prevents soil erosion and flood.
(iii) Provides medicines, herbs, gum, resin.
(iv) Provides habitat to many animals.
(v) Maintain water-cycle by bringing rain fall.
Wildlife conservation is important because:
(i) It maintains ecological balance in nature.
(ii) It also maintains the forests by facilitating growth of plants in different places by dispersing seeds.
(iii) By grazing grass it also maintains the soil fertility.
(iv) It also helps in cleaning of forest.

Question. Dams are constructed on the river for multipurpose use give its advantages and disadvantages.
Answer : Advantages of dams:
(i) The water stored in the dams is used for irrigation by constructing canals which carry water to the fields.
The Indira Gandhi Canal carries water from Bhakra dam Punjab to villages in Rajasthan desert where it has brought greenery and added life to the soil.
(ii) The water in dams is continuously available for the people in the vicinity to make use of it after purification.
(iii) The water of dam is also used in producing electricity. The water in dam that falls from a certain height gains kinetic energy and rotates turbines to generate electricity. Hence this way it makes hydroelectricity.
Disadvantages of dams:
(i) Social Problems: Due to dam’s construction large number of human settlements are submerged in water, many people become homeless. Govt. must provide adequate compensation for the rehabilitation of these people which is not being done.
(ii) Ecological problems: Lot of deforestration takes place for the construction of dams, which leads to loss of biodiversity. Many plants get submerged under water and on decomposition this releases methane gas; that is the greenhouse gas; causing global warming.
(iii) Economic problems: For the construction of dams large funds are required, Govt.
invests lot of money in its construction and the benefits or the output is not equivalent.

Question. What are fossil fuels? How are they formed? Why should we use them judiciously?
Answer : Fossil fuels are obtained from the remains of plants and animals which got burried under the earth some millions of year ago. They changed into fuel due to tremendous heat and pressure.
The fossil fuels should be used judiciously because they are non-renewable resources, and can not be made again. It releases harmful and polluting gases like CO2, which causes green house effect and oxides of nitrogen and sulphur which causes acid rain.

Question. Pritam stays in a village near a forest. He plays the best role of being a stakeholder of the forest by taking care of it, reporting on illegal cutting down of trees and forest fire etc.
(a) Name two industries based on forest produce.
(b) Give two causes of forest depletion in India.
(c) What values are reflected in Pritam?
Answer : (a) Paper, timber.
(b) Deforestation and forest fires.
(c) Pritam shows the values of personal responsibility and participating citizenship.

Question. Arjun’s father dropped him to school every day in his car but when he learnt about the pollution he started using school transport thereafter.
(a) Give two disadvantages of using fossil fuel.
(b) Why should we use these resources wisely and judiciously?
(c) What value of Arjun is reflected?
Answer : (a) Two disadvantages of using fossil fuels are: It causes pollution and it is expensive resource which cannot be replenished.
(b) These resources are limited and take long time in formation.
(c) Arjun is showing responsible behaviour and self-discipline.

Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions