MCQ Question For Class 11 Sociology Chapter 4 Culture and Socialisation

MCQs Class 11

Students can refer to the following MCQ Questions for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation with Answers provided below based on the latest curriculum and examination pattern issued by CBSE and NCERT. Our teachers have provided here collection of multiple choice questions for Culture and Socialisation Class 11 covering all topics in your textbook so that students can assess themselves on all important topics and thoroughly prepare for their exams. We have provided MCQ Questions for Class 11 Sociology on our website.

Culture and Socialisation Class 11 Sociology MCQ Questions with Answers

We have provided below chapter wise MCQs questions for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation with answers which will help the students to go through the entire syllabus and and practice multiple choice questions provided here with solutions. As Culture and Socialisation MCQs in Class 11 pdf download can be really scoring for students, you should go thorough all problems provided below so that you are able to get more marks in your exams.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation

Question. Who introduced the cultural capital theory?
(a) C Wright Mills
(b) Alfred Schutz
(c) William Graham Sumner
(d) Pierre Bourdieu



Question. A symbol is anything
(a) that represents something else
(b) that represents itself
(c) that represents only emotions
(d) None of the above



Question. Cultural lag occurs when
(a) Non-material culture changes faster than material culture
(b) Material culture changes faster than non-material culture
(c) High culture changes faster than popular culture
(d) Popular culture changes faster than high culture



Question. ________ is the process of learning about something previously unknown or unrecognized
(a) Diffusion
(b) Research
(c) Examination
(d) Discovery



Question. ________ are established rules of behavior or standards of conduct.
(a) Laws
(b) Norms
(c) Guidelines
(d) Decrees



Question. _________________ is the motive to realize one’s full potential
(a) Self esteem
(b) Self actualization
(c) Role taking
(d) None of the above



Question. Our biological and genetic makeup determines our ________
(a) Nurture
(b) Nature
(c) Nation
(d) Ethnicity



Question. Popular culture is also known as
(a) Mob culture
(b) Group culture
(c) Public culture
(d) Mass culture



Question. Cultural universals are
(a) Values or modes of behavior shared by all human cultures
(b) Values or modes of behaviour shared by a few cultures
(c) Values or modes of behaviour shared by a majority of cultures
(d) None of the above



Question. Sociology’s recent emphasis on understanding the role of culture in daily life is known as
(a) Cultural ascendance
(b) Cultural gravity
(c) Cultural turn
(d) Cultural consequence



Question. Non-material culture is
(a) Corporeal
(b) Substantial
(c) Manifest
(d) Intangible



Question. _______ are the standards people have about what is good and bad
(a) Values
(b) Benefits
(c) Laws
(d) Mandates



Question. ___________ is the process by which one generation passes culture to the next.
(a) Cultural tradition
(b) Cultural transfer
(c) Cultural reproduction
(d) Cultural reciprocation



Question. Oral cultural tradition refers to
(a) transmission of culture through speech
(b) transmission of culture through art
(c) transmission of culture through images
(d) transmission of culture through craft



Question. When a person travels to a foreign land, she/he experiences
(a) Culture joy
(b) Culture absence
(c) Culture misfit
(d) Culture shock



Question. Culture consists of
(a) Knowledge
(b) Language
(c) Norms
(d) All of the above



Question. Culture is a ___________ for survival
(a) Guide
(b) Lexicon
(c) Glossary
(d) Dictionary



Question. ‘Human beings have instincts’. Is this statement true?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely



Question. ___________ allows people to transform resources into a usable form
(a) Magic
(b) Technology
(c) Science
(d) Observation 



Question. Which hypothesis states that language shapes the view of reality of its speakers?
(a) Brown-Merton
(b) Radcliffe-Merton
(c) Sapir-Mathew
(d) Sapir-Whorf



Question. Norms that state what behavior is appropriate or acceptable are
(a) Proscriptive norms
(b) Primary norms
(c) Denigrative norms
(d) Prescriptive norms



Question. Norms that state what behavior is inappropriate or unacceptable are
(a) Proscriptive norms
(b) Primary norms
(c) Denigrative norms
(d) Prescriptive norms



Question. Formal, standardized norms that have been enacted by legislatures and are enforced by formal sanctions are called
(a) Rules
(b) Laws
(c) Regulations
(d) Orders



Question. Who introduced the concept of ‘cultural lag’?
(a) Raymond Williams
(b) William Graham Sumner
(c) William F. Ogburn
(d) William I. Thomas



Question. Socialisation is the process by which people acquire
(a) Culture
(b) Language
(c) Values
(d) Norms



Our teachers have developed really good Multiple Choice Questions covering all important topics in each chapter which are expected to come in upcoming tests and exams, as MCQs are coming in all exams now therefore practice them carefully to get full understanding of topics and get good marks. Download the latest questions with multiple choice answers for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation in pdf or read online for free.

The above NCERT based MCQs for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation have been designed by our teachers in such a way that it will help you a lot to gain an understanding of each topic. These CBSE NCERT Class 11 Culture and Socialisation Multiple Choice Questions have been developed and are available free for benefit of Class 11 students.

Advantages of MCQ Questions for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation with Answers

a) MCQ Questions for Class 11 Culture and Socialisation will help the kids to strengthen concepts and improve marks in tests and exams.

b) Multiple Choice Questions for Culture and Socialisation Class 11 have proven to further enhance the understanding and question solving skills.

c) Regular reading topic wise questions with choices will for sure develop very good hold over each chapter which will help in exam preparations.

d) It will be easy to revise all Culture and Socialisation chapters and faster revisions prior to class tests and exams.

Free Printable MCQs in PDF of CBSE Class 11 Culture and Socialisation are designed by our school teachers and provide best study material as per CBSE NCERT standards.

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