Check the below NCERT MCQ Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 5 Should Wizard hit Mommy with Answers available with PDF free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Vistas with Answers were prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Our teachers have provided below Should Wizard hit Mommy Class 12 English Vistas MCQs Questions with answers which will help students to revise and get more marks in exams
Should Wizard hit Mommy Class 12 English Vistas MCQs Questions with Answers
Refer below for MCQ Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 5 Should Wizard hit Mommy with solutions. Solve questions and compare with the answers provided below
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Do you think the father in the story is, more or less, an alter ego of the author, as far as the childhood is concerned?
Answer : John Updike’s childhood was tortured by ‘psoriasis’ and stammering and he had to suffer humiliation and ridicule at the hands of his classmates on account of this. Like him, Jo’s father too recalls certain moments of ‘humiliation of his own childhood. ”Thus the father more or less, was an alter ego of the author.”
Question. Why did the woodland creatures avoid Roger Skunk ? How did their behaviour affect Roger ?
Answer : The woodland creatures avoided Roger Skunk because of his awful smell. As soon as they saw him coming they would cry “Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk and they would run away. Roger Skunk would stand there all alone and weep silently.
Question. This was a new phase, just this last month. ‘What new phase is referred to here in the story “Should Wizard Hit Mommy”?
Answer : Children’s physical and mental growth is very speedy. Earlier Jo used to accept father’s word about magic etc, but now she has started having apprehensions about such spells. She has become more inquisitive and less credulous.
Question. How did the woodland creatures react to the Skunk’s new smell? What did Skunk feel about the new change ?
Answer : The woodland creatures found Roger Skunk’s new smell to be ”so good”. They gladly took him in their fold as a friend and played with him many games. Naturally, Roger was happy to have been accepted by others as their friend Moreover, his inferiority complex had disappeared.
Question. Why in you opinion is the smell of roses obnoxious for the Skunk mother “or How did Skunk’s mother react to his new smell ?
Answer : Nature keeps its own balance and has its own way. The Skunk’s smell is obnoxious for other creatures, but certainly not for other Skunks. Skunks are born with this particular smell and any deviation is violation of Nature. So the mother Skunk does not like the rose smell of Roger Skunk.. She believes that what is natural is not disgraceful.
Question. Why did Jo not approve of Skunk’s mother scolding him for his new smell ?
Answer : Jo was very happy to hear that Skunk had got rid of his awful smell and had been accepted by the woodland creatures. She did not like Skunk’s mother scolding him for his new smell because Jo thought it was a pleasant smell and the one that had won Skunk so many friends. Skunk’s mother, she thought, was wrong in scolding him for his new smell.
Question. Why does mother Skunk hug and pat her son as he prepares to sleep ?
Answer : The obedience shown by Roger Skunk impresses the mother and she pats and hugs him as he prepares himself for sleep. The idea behind her action is that obedient children will always be loved and patted by mothers. The mother’s gesture is also an expression of her satisfaction at her little one getting back his Skunk smell.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. What is the moral issue that the story raises ?
Answer : Although “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” reads like a typical bed time story elders tell little children, it does raise a moral question – Should parents always decide what is best for their children and should children always obey their parents unquestioningly ?
Roger Skunk is a very obedient child but he feels very sad and upset because he smells so awful that nobody wants to befriend him and play with him. One day he gets a change to get his bad smell replaced with the smell of roses. He feels excited about the change for everyone likes his new smell and readily agrees to play with him. However Roger’s mother does not like the change. For her, Roger was better off with his original smell. So, she makes the wizard restore Skunk’s original smell. Roger meekly accepts his mother’s decision and other children get used to Roger’s awful smell and don’t complain about in any more.
But the narrow world view of the little girl, Jo likes to spell out the slogan of equality for all. She believes in the axiom “Tit for Tat”. She feels that mothers is wrong in getting her son’s original smell back and wants her to be spanked by the wizard for her mistake. Her father, who has modeled Skunk’s story on his own story, strongly defends the mother Skunk’s decision.
Thus, the author through this story raises a moral question of how much authority parents should exercise in teaching their children what is wrong, what is right, what they should do and what not. Since, there is no single correct answer to the question, he leaves it for the readers to answer it on the basis of their beliefs, cultures and values.
Question. Who is the author of “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?”?
A) .John Updike
B) Pearl.S.Buck
C .Kalki
D) Colin Dexter
Question. Jack was happy that he was telling his daughter ‘something true something she must know’. What was he telling her about?
A) Violence
B) Discrimination
C) Exploitation
D) Moral values
Question. What stirred Jack to creative enthusiasm from the monotony of narrating the same story?
A) Joe’s excitement
B) Urgency to help his wife
C) A new storyline
D) A new hero
Question. What change did Jo want in the story’s end?
A) Skunk to smell like roses
B) Skunk’s mommy to relent
C) Wizard to hit mommy
D) Animals to love the skunk
Question. How did mommy skunk behave with the wizard?
A) She became angry and hit the wizard
B) She was pleased and hugged the wizard
C) She was indifferent to the wizard
D) She didn’t meet the wizard
Question. Which part of telling the ‘Roger Skunk’ story was Jack’s favourite?
A) Jo asking questions
B) Clare going on with her work
C) Bobby falling asleep
D) Speaking like an old wizard
Question. Why did Jo call Roger Skunk’s mother ‘stupid mommy’?
A) She chanted the wrong magic spell
B) She made the wizard change Roger’s rosy smell
C) She forgot to prepare ‘Pie-Oh-My’ for dessert
D) She did not hit the wizard properly
Question. What is the awful smell that Rodger skunk’s mother refers to?
A) The smell of the skunk
B) The smell of wizard’s dirty room
C) The smell of roses
D) The smell of the Woodland creatures
Question. What is the name of the little girl?
A) Roger
B) Jo
C) Jill
D) Bobby
Question. What was the usual name of the creature that was always present in all the stories that Jack told?
A) Skunk
B) Owl
C) Roger
D) Squirrel
True False Question
Question. Clare was taking care of Bobby downstairs.
Question. Jo empathized with Roger Skunk and accepted whatever did not fit her own narrow world view.
Question. When Jack was telling Jo the story of Roger Skunk, she did not sleep because her mind and body stayed wide-awake, engrossed in the world of fantasy and adventure.
Question. Mommy did not like Roger smell like roses because she preferred the previous smell.
Question. The lesson inspires us to accept ourselves with all our flaws.
Question. Jack feels himself caught in an ugly middle position because he does not know whether he should accept the child’s version of the world or stick to his own.
Question. The story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’ raises a moral issue if the parents should always decide what the children should do or let the children do what they like to do.
Question. Jo could not understand why a mother would want to compromise her child’s happiness just to suit her own point of view.
Question. Joe’s perspective in the story shows the romantic and unrealistic view of life because of her limited intelligence and exposure.
Question. Jack was adamant in ending the story when Roger got back his awful smell again. This showed the discrimination that Jack faced in his own life.
Question. Joe had raised many questions during the story telling that showed she did not accept the father’s perspective.
Question. Jack felt lack of ideas for a new story to be told on every Saturday for Joe as he didn’t enjoy story telling anymore
Question. When Joe asked ‘Are magic spells real?’ it showed that Joe was very foolish.
Question. According to Jack’s story, there were all the magic things jumbled together in a big dusty heap because the wizard did not have any lady to clean.
Question. The story ended with Roger skunk very unhappy with his awful smell.
Question. Joe didn’t go to sleep just after her father had finished narrating the story as she did not feel sleepy at all.
Assertion Reason Type Questions
Question. Assertion-Roger Skunk found three pennies in the magic well.
Reason-He needed to pay the fees of the wise old owl
A) Assertion is true ,reason is false
B) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
C .Assertion is false, reason is true.
D) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Question. Assertion- “What’s pick up-sticks?” Jo asked)
Reason- Jack mentioned this game played by Roger Skunk and his friends.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion- The mother Skunk hit that Wizard right over the heaD)
Reason- The mother was angry because the wizard has changed her son’s original smell.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is false, reason is true.
D) Assertion is true, reason is false.
Question. Assertion: Jo’s perspective on life is different from that of Jack.
Reason: Jack is a grown-up man while Jo is a four-year-old chilD)
A) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack was very patient as a father and story teller.
Reason: Jack narrated a nap time story to Jo every day.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack was willing to accept Jo’s ending of the story.
Reason: Jack believed that parents knew what is best for their children.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack felt caught in an ugly middle position.
Reason: He emphasized that the Skunk’s mother was not stupid as if he was defending his own mother.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack always narrated stories about the same animal, but in different pattern.
Reason: Jo was learning about new animals in school and chose the heroes of the story accordingly.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack told Jo the same story every day with slight variations.
Reason: His imagination was limited and he wanted to instil his own values in his daughter.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: The story reflects on the conflict between the perspectives of parents and children.
Reason: Jack is unhappy because it is his favourite story, and Jo wants to change it.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jack was unhappy with the fact that his daughter was raising questions about his authority.
Reason: He belonged to the generation of people who believed in total parental authority over their children.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: The animal changed in every story, but it was always named Roger.
Reason: Jack liked to portray children to be always obedient, since Roger means to agree to carry out an order.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: The wizard would always solve Roger’s problems.
Reason: Children should listen to strangers.
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Jo wanted the wizard to hit mommy.
Reason: She could not understand why a mother would want her child to smell bad)
A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: The wizard’s voice was one of Jack’s own favourite effects.
Reason: Jack felt being an old man suited him.
A) Assertion is true but reason is false.
B) Assertion is false but reason is true
C) Both assertion & reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
D) Both assertion & reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Question. Assertion: The wizard rummaged around to find his magic wand)
Reason: He wished to change Roger’s smell to roses.
A) Assertion is true but reason is false.
B) Assertion is false but reason is true
C) Both assertion & reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
D) Both assertion & reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
Source Based Question
This custom, begun when she was two, was itself now nearly two years old and his head felt empty.
Question. Who is ‘she’ in the given sentence?
A) Joanne
B) Claire
C) Joanne’s sister
D) The witch
Question. From which lesson have these words been taken?
A) Deep Water
B) The Enemy
C) Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
D) The Third Level
Question. Which custom is being referred to here?
A) Morning walks
B) Story telling
C) Self-eating
D) Doing magic
Question. Whose head is being referred to here?
A) Owl
B) Wizard
C) Jack
D) Skunk
‘Now I want you to put your big heavy head in the pillow and have a good long nap.’ He adjusted the shade so not even a crack of day showed, and tiptoed to the door, in the pretense that she was already asleep.
Question. Who are ‘I’ and ‘you’ in the above passage?
A) Clare and Jack
B) Jack and Jo
C) Jo and Jack
D) Roger Skunk and his Mommy
Question. Which word in passage means the same as ‘curtain’?
A) tiptoed
B) crack
C) shade
D) pretense
Question. How are ‘I’ and ‘you’ related to each other?
A) Father, Daughter
B) Mother, Son
C) Husband, Wife
D) Sister, Brother
Question. What did ‘I’ want to do after ‘you’ fell asleep?
A) Go out and play with his friends
B) Go to his office
C) Go downstairs and help his wife paint the woodwork
D) Type a letter for his office
Questions Answers with details.
Question. Read the extract and answer the question that follow
“Roger……..” Jo squeezed her eyes shut and smiled to be thinking she was thinking. Her eyes opened, her mother’s blue. “Skunk,” she said firmly.
A new animal; they must talk about skunks at nursery school. Having a fresh hero momentarily stirred Jack to creative enthusiasm.
a. Name the chapter and its author.
Answer. The name of the chapter is ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’ and its author is John Updike.
b. How old was Jo?
Answer. Jo was four years old.
c. What does the phrase ‘her mother’s blue’ mean?
Answer. This phrase means that Jo’s eyes were blue, just like her mother.
d. What creative enthusiasm is being talked about in these lines?
Answer Jack’s enthusiasm to create creative stories for Jo is being talked about in these lines.
e. Find from the passage words which mean the same as;
(a) Powerfully
(b) instantly
Answer. (a) firmly
(b) momentarily.
Question. What was the basic tale or plot of stories told by Jack
Answer. Every story told by Jack had a small creature usually named Roger. He had some problem and went with it to the wise old owl. The owl would tell him to go to the wizard. The wizard solved the problem with some magic spell. However, he charged some pennies for it.
Question. Why did Roger Skunk go to the owl? What advice did he get?
Answer. Roger Skunk smelled very bad. Whenever he went out to play, all other little animals would run away from him. He would then fell very sad and humiliated. In order to find a way out of his problem, he decided to go to the wise old owl. The owl advised Roger Skunk to go to the wizard.
Question. When would Jack tell her daughter, Jo, a story? When had this custom begun?
Answer. Jo’s father Jack used to tell her a story in the evenings and for Saturday naps. This custom began when Jo was two but now she was four years old. Thus, he had been telling her the stories for the last two years.
Question. How did the wizard solve the skunk’s problem?
Answer. The wizard asked the skunk what he wanted to smell like. At this the skunk told her that he wanted to smell like roses. The wizard took his magic wand and chanted a spell. Soon, the whole inside of the wizard’s house was filled with the fragrance of roses.
Question. What impression do you form of Jack as a father in the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’
Answer Jack is portrayed as a loving father, who loves telling stories to his four-year-old daughter, Jo. He brings in the dramatic element in his otherwise lame and boring story by using a lot of gestures and dramatic voices. This thrills his daughter, which eventually thrills him. Everything is fine till one day his daughter starts questioning his stories. She views each statement that her father makes with a critical eye and has a lot of questions. Instead of pacifying her by answering her questions, Jack tried to enforce his views on her. Therefore, we can say that Jack is loving and responsible but slightly an immature father.

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