Students can read the important questions given below for MS Paint Class 6 Computer Science. All MS Paint Class 6 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 6 Computer Science Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Computer Science Question Bank Class 6 is available on our website for free download in PDF.
Important Questions of MS Paint Class 6 Computer Science
Short Answer type Questions:
Question: What is work area?
Ans: The blank area in the middle of paint windows is called the work area. This area is used to create drawings in paint. This area is usually the area between the ribbon and the status bar.
Question: How to start the MS Paint.
Ans: Following are the steps to start the Paint:
1. Click on Start button
2. Type “PAINT” in the search bar.
3. Press Enter key.

Question: Explain the use of Save command.
Ans: Using the save command, we can save the work done in the Paint application. We can re-open the saved file at any time in the future and use it. We can use the shortcut key Ctrl + S to save the file in Paint.
Question: What is paint?
Ans: Paint is a Graphics application. This application already exists in Microsoft Windows Operating System. We can use this application to create drawings or simple graphics.
Question: Write the names of parts of windows of paint.
Ans: The main parts of the Paint window are as follows:
• Title bar
• Ribbon
• Ruler bar
• Work area
• Scroll bar
• Status bar etc.
Question: What are the types of scroll bars
Ans: There are two types of scroll bars:
1. Vertical Scroll Bar
2. Horizontal Scroll Bar
Long Answer type Questions:
Question: What is paint button? Write names of its commands?
Ans: First button at left side of ribbon is paint button. A Menu is opened after we click on this button. Some important commands from it are as below:
1. New
2. Save As
3. Set as Desktop Background
4. Open
5. Print
6. Exit
7. Save
8. From Scanner or Camera
Question: What is Quick Access Toolbar? Explain its parts.
Ans: The Quick Access Toolbar is an important part of the Paint window. This toolbar is present on the left side of the Title Bar. Its location can be changed to the top or bottom of the ribbon. The user can add more commands or remove existing commands from this toolbar as per requirements.

Question: Define Home Tab Ribbon.
Ans: Ribbon is an important part of the Paint window. To do any type of work in the Paint Window, we need Home tab ribbon. It has various tools, shapes, color palettes and many more commands. These commands are divided into different groups, such as: Clipboard, Image, Tools, Shapes and Colors group.

Question: What is status bar? Explain its parts.
Ans: This button is present at below side of paint window. This bar is useful to us while working in paint. This bar has different parts which gives us different types of information. These parts of this bar are below mentioned:
1. Cursor Position
2. Image Size
3. Zoom Slider
4. Selection Size
5. Disk Size

Question: How work can be saved? Explain
Ans: After drawing image in paint, it is mandatory to save it if we want to do so. Steps to save new file through keyboard in paint are as below:
1. Press CTRL+S keys from keyboard.
2. Type name of file in save as Dialog box.
3. Click on Save button.