NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science Download PDF

NCERT Books Class 6

Free download NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science English and Hindi medium for 2021 academic year. By clicking on the links below for the ebooks you can download in pdf for Class 6 Social Science. If you need the full textbook issued by NCERT or whether you require the relevant PDF of the chapter in the textbook, all options are given below for NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science. You can download the entire textbook or each chapter in pdf, All these books are strongly suggested by Class 6 Social Science teachers in your school as they have been carefully designed as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE. Students of Class 6 are recommended to download and read latest NCERT books and also remember to refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Social Science Book Class 6 PDF Free Download

Students in Class 6 should strictly follow NCERT book for Class 6 Social Science issued as per the syllabus designed by CBSE. These books have bee designed by the best Social Science teachers and if you follow these books then you will be able to understand all topics and concepts properly and get good marks in class tests and examinations

Download entire book for Class 6 Social Science here

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies History Our Past

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies The Earth Our Habitat

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Hamare Ateet

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Social And Political Life

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Samajik Evem Rajnitik Jeevan

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Prithavi Hamara Avas (Bhugol)

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Hamare Maazi (Urdu)

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Zameen Hamara Maskan (Urdu)

NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Studies Samazi Aur Siyasi Zindagi (Urdu)

NCERT Books For Class 6 History

Chapter 1: What Where, How and When?

Chapter 2-a: On The Trail Of The Earliest People

Chapter 2-b: From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food

Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities

Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

Chapter 7: Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up War

Chapter 8: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

Chapter 9: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims

Chapter 10: New Empires and Kingdoms

Chapter 11: Buildings, Paintings and Books

NCERT Books Class 6 Political Science

Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity

Chapter 2: Diversity and Discrimination

Chapter 3: What is Government?

Chapter 4: Key Elements of a Democratic Government

Chapter 5: Panchayati Raj

Chapter 6: Rural Administration

Chapter 7: Urban Administration

Chapter 8: Rural Livelihoods

Chapter 9: Urban Livelihoods

NCERT Textbooks For Class 6 Geography

Chapter 1: The Earth in the Solar System

Chapter 2: Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

Chapter 3: Motions of the Earth

Chapter 4: Maps

Chapter 5: Major Domains of the Earth

Chapter 6: Major Landforms of the Earth

Chapter 7: Our Country – India

Chapter 8: India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife

NCERT Books For Class 6 Social In Hindi

अध्याय 1: क्या, कब, कहाँ और कैसे?

अध्याय 2: आखेट – खाद्य संग्रह से उत्पादन तक

अध्याय 3: आरंभिक नगर

अध्याय 4: क्या बताती हैं हमें किताबें और कब्रें

अध्याय 5: राज्य, राजा और एक प्राचीन गणराज्य

अध्याय 6: नए प्रश्न नए विचार

अध्याय 7: अशोक: एक अनोखा सम्राट जिसने युद्ध का त्याग किया

अध्याय 8: खुशहाल गावँ और समृद्ध शहर

अध्याय 9: व्यापारी, राजा और तीर्थयात्री

अध्याय 10: नए साम्राज्य और राज्य

अध्याय 11: इमारतें, चित्र तथा किताबें

NCERT Books For Class 6 Geography In Hindi

पाठ 1: सौरमंडल से पृथ्वी

पाठ 2: ग्लोब: अक्षांश एवं देशांतर

पाठ 3: पृथ्वी की गतियां

पाठ 4: मानचित्र

पाठ 5: पृथ्वी के प्रमुख परिमंडल

पाठ 6: पृथ्वी के प्रमुख स्थलमंडल

पाठ 7: हमारा देश: भारत

पाठ 8: भारत: जलवायु, वसस्पति तथा वन्य प्राणी


NCERT Books for Class 6 Social Science are published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for latest 2021 academic session for Class 6. These books issued are by NCERT for Social Science Class 6. They are recommended by all schools and is being implemented in almost all states in India as questions on exams for Class 6 Social Science normally comes from Books by NCERT only. Standard 6 students studying Social Science should strictly follow the chapters and topics given here while studying for class tests and exams, and if they use these only then they can be sure that their preparation for Class 6 exams is as per suggested syllabus. Students should also note that there are unsolved problems in class 6 books for Social Science. You should solve them and refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science. Solve the questions first and then see the solutions designed by our teachers Class 6.

Advantages of NCERT Books for Class 6 Social Science

a) NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science has been developed by experienced Social Science teachers at the board based on the best educational tools available.

b) They have been developed to help all types of Class 6 students so that when they refer to NCERT Books and solutions for Class 6 Social Science then they can understand all topics in a simple and logical manner.

c) In your exams and class tests you will see that Class 6 teachers give most of the questions from these books only.

d) As the books have been designed as per 2021 CBSE syllabus, Class 6 students can study based on these.

NCERT Books and Solutions of CBSE Class 6 Social Science are available for free download. We bring here best collection of free downloadable ebooks for grade 1 to grade 12. You can easily click on given links and download PDF for each chapter in your book. PDF Download latest Class 6 Social Science chapter wise PDF ebooks and read them daily as it will help you in exam preparation. On daily basis you should study one important chapter of CBSE Grade 6 Social Science book.

All latest study material for Class 6 for Social Science has been developed for free download by best teachers of schools in India

Frequently Asked Questions

I need latest 2021 NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science in PDF, where can I get it ?

You can easily download latest 2021 NCERT Book for Class 6 Social Science from

I need the full ebook of NCERT for class 6 Social Science in PDF, from where can I get it for download?

Its easy, you can simply click on the links provided here and in one click download entire book or even each chapter of PDFs for standard 6 Social Science

For which academic session the books are available for?

Yes – The ebooks issued by NCERT have been made available here for latest 2021 session

How can I download the NCERT ebooks ?

Just click on links above for Class 6 books in Social Science and download the for each chapter

Can I also download NCERT solutions for Class 6 Social Science ?

Yes – our team of teachers have prepared free solutions for all problems given in NCERT Class 6 Social Science textbook

Are the books and solutions free to download for all students?

The books and solutions for Class 6 are free and can be easily downloaded

I want books for all other subjects too, can I get it here?

Yes – you can download books and solutions for all other classes and subjects in Class 6 in both English and Hindi Medium for year 2021