Please refer to Manufacturing Industries Class 10 Social Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Social Science books for Class 10. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
Class 10 Social Science Manufacturing Industries Notes and Questions
I. Importance of Manufacturing :
Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development in general and economic development.
(i) Manufacturing industries helps in modernising agriculture.
(ii) It reduce the heavy dependence of people on agriculture income by providing them jobs.
(iii) Helps in eradication of unemployment & poverty.
(iv) Helps in bringing down regional disparities.
(v) Exports of manufactured goods expand trade & commerce.
II. Iron and Steel Industry :
– Iron and steel industry is the basic industry steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction material, defence, medical, telephonic, scientific equipment and variety of consumer goods.
– Iron and steel industry is a heavy industry because all raw material as well as finished goods are heavy and bulky entailing heavy transportation costs. Iron ore, coking coal and lime stone are required in 4 : 2 : 1
– India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world yet we lag behind because.
(a)High costs and limited availability of coking coal.
(b) Lower productivity of labour.
(c)Irregular supply of energy.
(d) Poor infrastructure.
III. Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation :
Industries contribute significantly to India’s economic growth and development but increase in pollution results in degradation of environment.
4 Types of Pollution :
(a) Air : caused by undesirable gases such as Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, air borne particles such as dust, sprays, mist & smoke.
(b) Water Pollution : Caused by organic & inorganic industrial wastes such as release of lead, mercury pesticides, fertilizers, synthetic chemical, plastics, rubber, fly ash, phosphogypsum etc.
(c) Thermal Pollution : Caused by nuclear power plants nuclear & weapon production cause cancers birth defects & miscarriages.
(d) Noise Pollution : Cause heaving impairment, increased heart rate & blood pressure by making unwanted noise.
(IV) Control of Environment Degradation :
– Minimising the use of water by reusing recycling.
– Harvesting rainwater to meet water requirement.
– Treatment of hot water and effluents before releasing in ponds & rivers, involves 3 steps.
1. Primary treatment by mechanical means.
2. Secondary treatment by biological process.
3. Tertiary treatment by biological chemical & physical processes.
Question. Which one of the following industries generates the largest amount of employment?
(a) Cotton Industry
(b) Jute Industry
(c) Silk Industry
(d) Textile Industry
(d) Textile Industry
Question. Why has the ‘National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council’ been set-up?
To improve the productivity of the industrial sector. However, this has been wound up in March 2016.
Question. Which one of the following countries is giving stiff competition to India with regard to jute industry?
(a) Brazil
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Philippines
(d) Thailand
(b) Bangladesh
Question. Analyse the role of the manufacturing sector in the economic development of India.
Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture which forms the backbone of our economy. Apart from this, manufacturing industries also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income. This becomes possible because of creation of new jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors. Industrial development helps in eradication of unemployment and poverty. When a country manufactures its own products, it becomes more self-reliant. Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings in much needed foreign exchange. A country with high level of manufacturing activities becomes prosperous.
Question. “Manufacturing sector is considered as the backbone of economic development of a country.” Support the statement with examples.
Industrial sector provides the basic inputs to the agricultural sector such as tractors, harvesting machines, fertilizers etc., that make the basic inputs for the sector. It helps in modernization of the agricultural activity. The industrial sector provides employment to a large number of people and improves their economic status. These people in turn are able to buy more of the agricultural products such as food items, clothes etc. Thus the industrial sector improves employment. Because of industrial sector value is added to goods. The country can export products instead of raw materials.
Question. Describe the importance of manufacturing.
The economic strength of a country lies in the development of manufacturing industries:
(i) Manufacturing industries help in modernising agriculture which forms the backbone of our economy.
(ii) It reduces the heavy dependence of people on agriculture sector and creatis jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
(iii) It is necessary for the removal of unemployment and poverty.
(iv) It brings down regional disparities.
(v) Export of manufactured goods expand trade and commerce and enhances prosperity.
(vi) It brings much needed foreign exchange.
Question. Explain with examples, how do industries give boost to the agriculture sector?
(a) Industries provide agricultural implements machine and other products to the agricultural sector such as PVC pipes, irrigation pumps, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides etc.
(b) Due to these products provided by the industries to the agricultural sector, the agricultural production increases. These inputs also improve the efficiency of production.
(c) Green revolution in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh was achieved only because the industries provided products like fertilizers and tractors and irrigation pumps to the farmers.
(d) Thus, agricultural development is possible only due to the support from the manufacturing industries
(e) Because of the inputs from the industry the employment opportunities in the agricultural sector also increases.
Question. Examine the impact of liberalisation on automobile industry of India.
Impact of liberalisation on automobile industry are :
(i) Multi-utility vehicles have been introduced.
(ii) The coming of new and contemporary models which are of international quality.
(iii) Healthy growth and expansion of the market.
(iv) FDI in new technology has come.
(v) The industry has achieved global standard.
Question. Mention any two factors that have contribute to a healthy growth of the automobile industry in India? Name two centres where this industry is located.
(i) The introduction of new and contemporary models stimulated the demand for vehicles in India.
(ii) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) brought in new technology and aligned the industry with global development. The two centres of automobile industry are Jamshedpur and Gurgaon.
Question. Explain the importance of manufacturing sector in the economic development of a country.
People employed in the secondary activities that is manufacturing convert the primary materials into finished goods. The workers employed in steel factories, car, breweries, textile industries, bakeries etc. fall into this category. The share of manufacturing sector in the Indian GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been relatively stagnant at 17% , this is also because other sectors have also been growing steadily.
Importance of Manufacturing in the economic development:
1. Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture; which helps in the efficiencies in agricultural practices.
2. It reduces the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income. This becomes possible because of creation of new jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
3. Industrial development helps in eradication of unemployment and poverty. Industries in underdeveloped areas reduce regional disparity.
4. Export of high quality manufactured goods expands trade and commerce faster and brings in much needed foreign exchange. This is many times better than exporting basic raw materials as was happening during the British era.
5. A country with high level of manufacturing activities becomes prosperous.
Question. Why is economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries?
Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of an economy because of the following reasons :
(a) Utilization of Natural Resources: Utilization of huge volume of natural resources has become possible with the development of industries in the country.
(b) Balanced Sectoral Development: Growth of Industrialization in the country can attain balanced sectoral development and it can reduce the too much dependence of the economy on the agricultural sector.
(c) Enhanced Capital Formation: Increasing volume of investment in industries has led to enhancement in the rate of capital formation in the country.
(d) Increase in National Income and Foreign Exchange:- Industries contribute a good portion of the total national income of our country.
(e) Increase in Job Opportunities: It Increases the job opportunities for a large section of population of the country.
(f ) Development of Industries brings down regional economic and social disparities as incomes rise and people from different strata of the society work together.
Question. Analyse the role of chemical industries in the Indian economy.
(i) It contributes approximately 3% of the GDP.
(ii) It is the 3rd largest in Asia and occupies the 6th place in the world.
(iii) It consists both large and small scale manufacturing units.
(iv) Rapid growth has been recorded in both inorganic and organic sector. Organic chemicals include petrochemicals which are used for manufacturing of synthetic fibers, rubber, plastics, and dye stuffs. Inorganic chemicals include sulphuric acid, fertilizers, synthetic fibers, plastics, adhesives, paints, etc.
(v) The chemical industry is its own largest consumer with value addition.
Question. Explain the contribution of textile industry in the Indian economy.
The Cotton Textile Industry forms the largest single industry in India. Every year the Cotton Textile Industry produces 30% – 35%` of the total industrial products in the country.
In a developing country like India, the Cotton Textile Industry is very important, for it has to meet the demand for clothes from within the country and also for exports.
Question. “The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries.” Support the statement with arguments.
Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of an economy because of the following reasons :
(a) Utilization of Natural Resources: Utilization of huge volume of natural resources has become possible with the development of industries in the country.
(b) Balanced Sectoral Development: Growth of Industrialization in the country can attain balanced sectoral development and it can reduce the too much dependence of the economy on the agricultural sector.
(c) Enhanced Capital Formation: Increasing volume of investment in industries has led to enhancement in the rate of capital formation in the country.
(d) Increase in National Income and Foreign Exchange:- Industries contribute a good portion of the total national income of our country.
(e) Increase in Job Opportunities: It Increases the job opportunities for a large section of population of the country.
(f ) Development of Industries brings down regional economic and social disparities as incomes rise and people from different strata of the society work together.
Question. ‘Agriculture’ and ‘Industry’ are complementary to each other.” Explain with five examples.
(i) Agro industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.
(ii) Industries depend on agriculture for their raw materials.
(iii) Industries sell their products such as irrigation pumps, fertilisers, etc., the farmers.
(iv) Industries have made production processes of agriculture very efficient.
(v) Income generated by industrial sector makes its workers richer so they can afford more food stuff. Similarly money is the hand of agricultural labour makes him able to afford more manufactured goods.
Question. Why is the ‘least cost’ known as decision making factor for ideal location of an industry?
Ideal location of the industry depends on many factors which combines to make the “least cost factor”. It includes important factors like distance from raw material source, nearness to the market, transport and communication facilities etc.
Question. Which one of the following cities has emerged as the ‘electronic capital’ of India?
(a) Delhi
(b) Kolkata
(c) Bangalore
(d) Hyderabad
(c) Bangalore
Question. Which one of the following has been the major source of foreign exchange for IT industry?
(a) BHEL
(b) SAIL
(c) BPO
(d) OIL
(c) BPO
Question. Explain with examples the interdependence of agriculture and industries.
The interdependence of agriculture and industries is based on many things like adequate rainfall and good crops.
Some of the examples are when the rains fail the crops fail, the industries suffer and we have losses in our business as the purchasing power falls.
If the cotton crops fail the clothing industries suffer and the industries suffer.
If the poultry farms does not produce enough eggs the bakery industries which use egg as their important ingredient suffers.
Question. Classify industries on the basis of source of raw material. How are they different from each other?
On the basis of sources of raw material industries are classified as:
Agro based: Agro based industries draw their raw materials from agricultural products. For example, Textiles, Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Edible Oil, etc. Mineral based: They draw their raw material from minerals. For example, Iron and Steel industries, cement, petrochemicals, etc.
While in agro based industries value addition is done at every stage; in case of mineral based industries refining is a more important activity.
Question. “The textile industry is the only industry in the country which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain.” Justify the statement.
The textile industry occupies a unique position in Indian economy, because it contributes :
(i) Significantly to industrial production (14 percent).
(ii) It generates employment (35 million persons directly).
(iii) Earns foreign exchange (about 24.6 percent).
(iv) It contributes to a larger amount towards GDP (4 percent)
(v) Only industry in the country which is self- reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products.
Question. Classify industries on the basis of their main role. How are they different from each other?
Industries can be classified according to the role they play in the economy of the country. They are :
(a) Basic or key industries which supply their products or raw materials to manufacture other goods e.g. iron and steel and copper smelting, aluminium smelting. These industries help in the establishment of other industries.
(b) Consumer industries that produce goods for direct use by consumers – sugar, toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, electric fans etc.
Question. Classify industries on the basis of capital investment. How are they different from one another? Explain with examples.
(i) Classification of the industries on the basis of capital investment :
(a) Small Scale Industry
(b) Large Scale industry
(ii) Difference :
Small scale Industries : They employ less number of people and capital. Most of the work is done by small machines and manpower. They use less raw material and their production is also less. Example Radio, TV making, agricultural implements etc.
Large scale Industries : These industries employ large number of people and capital. Work is done by large machines and manpower. They use large amount of raw materials and produce more products. Examples are textile industry, steel industry, etc.
Question. Classify the industries on the basis of ownership and give one example of each category.
Classification of Industries on the basis of ownership :
S. No. | Category | Examples |
(i) | Public Sector Industries | BHEL, SAIL, etc. |
(ii) | Private Sector Industries | Tisco, Bajaj Auto Ltd. |
(iii) | Joint Sector Industries | Oil India Ltd. |
(iv) | Cooperative sector Industries. | Sugar Industry in Maharashtra. |
Question. How does textile industry occupy a unique position in Indian economy? Explain giving any three points.
Textile Industry: The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14 per cent), employment generation ( over 40 million persons directly – the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about $ 40 billion). It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP.
It is the only industry in the country, which is self- reliant and complete in the value chain i.e., from raw material to the highest value-added products Textile industries create demand for other industries such as chemicals, dyes, packaging materials and engineering works. Thus, it can be concluded that the textile industry occupies a unique position in Indian economy.
Question. “The sugar mills are shifting towards southern states of India.” Support the statement giving three reasons.
Shifting of sugar industries to southern states is because :
(i) Sugarcane that grows there has a higher sucrose content.
(ii) Favourable climate provides longer crushing period and growing season.
(iii) Cooperatives are successful in these states.
(iv) Modern mills have more crushing capacity.
Question. “The iron and steel industry is the basic as well as heavy industry.” Support the statement with three points.
Iron and steel industry is the basic industry as :
(i) All the other industries depend on it for their machinery.
(ii) Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods.
(iii) It provides variety of consumer goods.
(iv) Construction material, defence, medical, telephonic, scientific equipment, are the gift of iron and steel industry.
Question. Explain any three problems faced by Iron and Steel Industry in India.
(a) High cost and limited availability of coking coal.
(b) Lower productivity of labor.
(c) Poor transport infrastructure.
(d) Irregular supply of electricity.
Question. Distinguish between an integrated steel plants and a mini steel plant stating three points of distinction.
(i) An integrated steel plant is larger than a mini steel plant.
(ii) Mini steel plant use steel scrap and sponge iron while integrated steel plants use basic raw materials i.e., iron ore for making steel.
(iii) Mini steel plant produces mild and alloy steel while integrated steel plant produces only steel.
Question. What is the importance of the information technology sector for the Indian economy? Explain.
The importance of IT sector is as follows :
(i) It has provided employment to over one million people.
(ii) This industry is a major foreign exchange earner.
(iii) It has helped in the growth of the service sector in India.
Question. Explain any five factors affecting the location of a industry.
The factors affecting the location of a industry :
(i) Availability of raw material.
(ii) Availability of cheap labour.
(iii) Availability of capital and bank facilities.
(iv) Availability of power and other infrastructure.
(v) Proximity to markets.
(vi) Proximity of adequate and efficient means of transport.
Question. Why was the cotton textile industry concentrated in the cotton growing belt in the early years? Explain.
Cotton textile industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt in the early years because:
(i) Availability of raw cotton e.g. belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
(ii) Nearness to market
(iii) Efficient transport facility
(iv) Port facilities for export
(v) Cheap labour
(vi) Moist climate
Question. “Many of our spinners export cotton yearn while apparel manufacturers have to import fabric.” Explain this statement with appropriate reasons.
(i) The weaving, knitting and processing units cannot use much of the high quality yarn that is produced in the country.
Therefore, many of our spinners export cotton yarn while apparel/garment manufacturers have to import fabric.
(ii) If weaving sector is improved, then yarn can be used in the country and garments can be exported to earn more foreign exchanges for the country.
Question. Evaluate the factors which are responsible for the location of jute industry in west Bengal.
Factors for the concentration of jute mills in West Bengal are as follows.
(i) Proximity of the jute producing areas
(ii) Inexpensive water transport
(iii) Abundant water for jute processing
(iv) Cheap and skilled labour
(v) Port facilities for export
(vi) Kolkata as a large urban centre provides banking and insurance facilities.
Question. “Production and consumption of Steel is often regarded as the index of a country’s development”. Examine the statement.
(i) Steel production is the backbone of any country’s economy since it is the basic unit for the development of the nation.
(ii) Almost every industry depends on iron and steel for its manufacturing and production.
(iii) In today’s era of globalisation, consumption of goods is increasing. Thus, it can be concluded that growth in production of steel is regarded as the index of country’s development.
Question. Describe any five factors responsible for the concentration of iron and steel industry in and around Chota Nagpur Plateau region.
Factors responsible for concentration of iron and steel industries in Chhota Nagpur Plateau :
(i) Low cost and high quality of iron-ore
(ii) High grade raw material in proximity
(iii) Cheap labour
(iv) Vast growth potential in the home market
(v) Good transport connectivity
(vi) Availability of water resources
Question. Suggest any three steps to minimise the environmental degradation caused by the industrial development in India.
Three steps to minimize the environmental degradation caused by industrial development in India are :
(i) Minimizing use of water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
(ii) Harvesting of rain water to meet water requirements.
(iii) Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
(iv) Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smoke stacke to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators.
(v) Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories.
(vi) Generators should be fitted with silencers.
(vii) Almost all machineries can be redesigned to increase energy efficiency and reduce noise.
Question. Analyse any three major challengers faced by the sugar industry in India.
Major challenges of sugar industry are :
(i) Seasonal nature of the industry.
(ii) Old and inefficient methods of production.
(iii) Transport delay in reaching to sugar factories and the need to maximise the use of bagasse.
Question. How does industry pollute the environment? Explain with three examples.
Industries are responsible for four types of pollution i.e., :
(i) Air (ii) Water (iii) Noise (iv) Land.
(i) Air pollution is caused by the presence of high proportion of undesirable gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Smoke is emitted by factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants, and burning of fossil fuels in big and small factories. Air pollution is also caused by fine dust particles from construction industry.
(ii) Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluents discharged into rivers. The main culprits in this regard are paper, pulp, chemical, textile and dyeing, petroleum refineries and electroplating industries. They let out dyes, detergents, acids, salts and heavy metals like lead and mercury, into water bodies. Pesticides, fertilisers, synthetic chemicals with carbon, plastics and rubber, etc., also pollute Into the water bodies.
(iii) Noise pollution is due to industrial and construction activities. Machinery and electric drills cause hearing problems and irritation.
(iv) Land Pollution is caused by damping of waste as glass and harmful chemicals and sludge.
Question. Examine what are the causes of industrial pollution of freshwater resources?
Fresh water sources are polluted by organic and inorganic wastes and effluents discharged by industries into rivers. The main culprits are paper and pulp, chemical, textile petroleum, refineries, tanneries, etc.
Question. Suggest any three measures to reduce the industrial pollution of freshwater resources.
(i) Minimising use of water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
(ii) Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements.
(iii) Treatment of hot water and effluents before releasing them in river and ponds.
Question. How are industries responsible for environmental degradation in India? Explain with examples.
Although industrialization has contributed significantly to India’s economic growth and development the increase in pollution has resulted in gross degradation of our environment. Different industries are responsible for the pollution of (a) Air (b) Water (c) Land (d) Noise.
• Air pollution is caused by the presence of high proportion of undesirable gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide in air.
• Airborne particulate materials contain both solid and liquid particles like dust, sprays mist and smoke. Smoke is emitted by burning of fossil fuels in different industries such as brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants etc.
• Many times pollution norms are not followed by the industries. The effluents are not treated before their discharge into air or water bodies.
• Toxic gas leaks can be very hazardous with long-term effects; as happened after the Bhopal Gas tragedy. Hence meticulous maintenance of equipment is necessary.
• Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents discharged into rivers and lakes. The main culprits in this regard are paper, pulp, chemical, textile and dyeing, petroleum refineries, tanneries and electroplating industries.
• They release toxic dyes, detergents, acids, salts and heavy metals like lead and mercury, various pesticides, fertilizers, synthetic chemicals, plastics and rubber etc., into the water bodies.
• Fly ash, phospho- gypsum and iron and steel slags are the major solid wastes in India.
• Thermal pollution of water occurs when hot water from factories and thermal plants is drained into rivers and ponds before cooling; this greatly harms the aquatic plants and animals.
• Mismanagement of wastes from nuclear power plants can cause cancers and birth defects.
• Soil and water pollution are closely related. Dumping of wastes such as glass, harmful chemicals, industrial effluents, packaging materials, salts and garbage renders the soil useless. Rain water percolates through the soil carrying the pollutants to the ground and the ground water also gets contaminated.
• Noise pollution not only results in irritation and anger. Unwanted sound is an irritant and a cause of stress. Industrial and construction activities machinery, factory equipment, generators, saws and pneumatic and electric drills also make a lot of noise. Health problems caused by sound pollution include : hearing impairment, increased heart rate and blood pressure and other physiological effects
Question. Explain any two main challenges faced by the jute industry in India. Explain any three objectives of National Jute Policy.
Following are the challenges faced by jute industries in India :
1. High cost of production
2. Storage of raw Jute is a problem.
3. Shortage of supply of electricity.
4. Growth of Jute mills in Bangladesh and loss of foreign market.
5. Emergence of synthetic substitute of jute leading to loss in demand and fall in prices.
The Indian government has taken the following steps to boost Jute production :
(i) Government has made it compulsory in the country to use jute packaging.
(ii) In 2005, our government formulated the National Jute policy with the following aims:
To expand production, enhance quality. To provide good prices to the farmers.
Question. Explain the pro-active approach adopted by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC).
The pro-active approach adopted by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) for preserving the natural environment are as follows:
(i) Optimum utilisation of equipment adopting latest techniques and upgrading existing equipment.
(ii) Minimising waste generation by maximising ash utilisation.
(iii) Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance and afforestation.
(iv) Reducing environmental, pollution through ash pond management, ash water recycling system and liquid waste management.
(v) Ecological monitoring, review and online database management for all its power stations.
Question. Explain any five measures to control industrial pollution in India.
Five ways to reduce industrial pollution are as follows :
(i) Restructuring the manufacturing processes to reduce pollutant by pollution prevention methods.
(ii) Creating cooling ponds, which are designed to cool the hot waters from industries.
(iii) Treatment of sewage in water treatment plants attached to industries.
(iv) Polluting industries should be set-up far from residential areas.
(v) Industries must follow the government norms of pollution control strictly.

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