Please refer to Gender, Religion and Caste Class 10 Social Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Social Science books for Class 10. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
Class 10 Social Science Gender, Religion and Caste Notes and Questions
Question. How much representation do local governments provide for women in India?
One third
Question. What do you mean by a patriarchal society?
A male dominated society
Question. By what term is now the person known who believes in equal right and opportunities for women?
A feminist
Question. At which level of government in India 1/3rd of seats are reserved for women?
Local self government bodies.
Question. In which constitutional institution have seats been reserved for women?
Local self government bodies
Question. Which one of the following laws was enacted by the Government of India in October 2005?
(a) The Right to Property Act
(b) The Right to Education Act
(c) The Consumer Protection Act
(d) The Right to Information Act
(a) The Right to Property Act.
Question. In which regions of the world, the representation of women in the national parliaments is the lowest?
(a) India
(b) Europe
(c) Sub Saharan Africa
(d) North America
(a) India
Question. Explain the term Feminist Movement.
A movement to secure legal, economic and social equality for women.
Question. “Women still lag much behind men in India despite some improvements since independence.” Analyse the statement.
In our country, women still lag much behind men despite some improvements since Independence. Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways :
(a) The literacy rate among women is only 64.60 percent as compared with 80.90 percent among men (2011 data).
(b) Similarly, a smaller proportion of girl students go for higher studies. Girls are performing as well as boys in school. But they drop out because parents prefer to spend their resources for their boy’s education rather than spending equally on their sons and daughters.
(c) The proportion of women among the highly paid and valued jobs is still very small. On an average an Indian woman works one hour more than an average man every day.
(d) The Equal Wages Act provides that equal wages should be paid for equal work. However, in almost all areas of work, from sports and cinema, to factories and fields, women are paid less than men, even when both do exactly the same work.
(e) In some parts of India, parents prefer to have sons and find ways to have the girl child aborted before she is born. Such sex selective abortion has led to a decline in child sex ratio.
(f ) Women often face harassment, exploitation and violence on the domestic front.
Question. How is gender division understood in Indian society? To what extent does political mobilization on gender basis help to improve women’s role in public life?
In the Indian society gender division has proved to be hugely disadvantageous to women. The literacy among women is low compared to men. Percent of women in highly paid jobs is much less then men. For the same job women are paid less. Over all women spend more hours at work than men at most homes. Parents spend more resources on their male children. Political mobilization on gender basis has raised the awareness about discrimination against women and stereo types. Now more girl children go to school. There are reservations in job vacancies. One third seats are reserved in local government bodies. By the 2005 Right to property Act, now daughters and sons have the same inheritance rights.
Question. Suggest any three measures to enhance the participation of woman in politics.
(i) Women should be given proper education, so that they are aware of their rights and duties and participate actively in politics.
(ii) Every woman should be self reliant, so that she enjoys a respectable position in the society and is confident about her meaningful contribution in politics as well.
(iii) It should be legally binding to have a fair proportion of woman in the elected bodies. That is why 1/3rd of seats in local government bodies in panchayats and in municipalities are now reserved for women.
Question. “Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.” Support the statement.
(i) Gender division is a form of hierarchical social division based on social expectation and stereotypes.
(ii) Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibilities of women is house work and bringing up children.
(iii) There is a sexual division of labour in most families where women do all the household chores and men work outside the home.
(iv) Majority of women may do some paid work in addition of domestic labour both in rural and Urban areas but their work is not valued and does not get recognition.
Question. Explain the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies.
The status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies are as follows :
(i) Central Legislature : Less than 10% of its total strength are women.
(ii) State Legislature : Less than 5% of their total strength are women.
(iii) Panchayati Raj : One-third of the seats are reserved for women. There is a demand for similar reservation in the Parliament and assemblies.
Question. Define Feminist Movements. Write their objectives.
Definition : Agitations or movements demanding enhancement in the political and legal status of women and improving their education and career opportunities is called Feminist Movement.
Main Objective : The main objective of Feminist Movement is to attain equality among men and women.
Question. Explain any five methods to raise the political representation of women in India.
The political representation of women in India can be improved by adopting a holistic approach. This would include :
(a) By improving the literacy rate. Presently the literacy amongst women is only 65.46% as compared to over 82% in men. This would improve the political awareness amongst women.
(b) The percentage of women in highly paid jobs is still very small. At many workplaces, women are paid less than men for the same job. When equal pay comes the voice of women will get strengthened.
(c) The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 removes discriminatory gender practices. The daughters now have equal right of inheritance to their father’s estate as sons. This definitely has increased the political power of females.
(d) The political representation of women had been very poor in the Indian legislatures. Even in the cabinet, the number of women ministers is very low. The political parties must give more representation to female candidates in union and state elections. The Supreme court of India must intervene in this matter.
(e) One-third of seats in local government bodies have been reserved for women candidates. This has helped in increasing women’s representation in panchayats and municipalities. There is a need to enhance this to 50%.
A bill for providing one-third reservation in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies has been pending in the Parliament for more than a decade. Political parties are yet to arrive at consensus on this issue.
Question. Describe the different ways in which the women are discriminated in the Indian society.
In India, women still lag behind men in different fields despite some improvements since Independence. Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways :
(i) The literacy rate among women is only 65 percent as compared with 82 percent among men.
(ii) A smaller proportion of girl students go for higher studies. Girls perform as well as boys in schools, but they drop out because parents prefer to spend their resources for their son’s education rather than spending equally on their sons and daughters.
(iii) The proportion of women among the highly paid and valued jobs is still very small. On an average an Indian woman works many hours more than an average man but gets paid less than the male counterpart.
(iv) The Equal Wages Act provides that equal wages should be paid to equal work. However, in almost all areas of work, from sports and cinema, to factories and fields, women are paid less than men, even when both do exactly the same work.
(v) In many parts of India, parents prefer to have sons and find ways to have the girl child aborted before she is born.
(vi) Woman face harassment, exploitation and violence in their domestic life.
Question. How is gender division understood in the society? To what extant does political mobilizations on gender help to improve Moment’s role in public life?
(i) In Indian society, gender division tends to be understood as natural and unchangeable. It is based on social expectations and stereotypes.
(ii) This attitude leads to sexual division of labour i.e., boys and girls are brought up to believe that, the main responsibility of women is house work and bringing up children whereas all the outside works are to be done by men.
(iii) The result of this division of labour is that though the women constitute almost half the population, their role in public life in minimal.
(iv) Political mobilization on this issue has helped to improve women’s role in public life. We now find women working as scientists, doctors engineers, teachers, etc. (v) Now 33% seats are reserved for women in local government bodies and a similar demand has been made for Assemblies and the Parliament.
Question. Examine the standard of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies.
The status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies is as follows :
(i) Central Legislature : Less than 10% of its total strength are women.
(ii) State Legislature : Less than 5% of its total strength are women.
(iii) Panchayati Raj : One-third of the seats are reserved for women.
(iv) India is among the bottom group of nations in the world, in this aspect.
(v) Women’s organizations and activists have been demanding a reservation of at least one third of seats in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. But the bill to this effect has not been passed.
Question. What was the Feminist Movement? Explain the political demands of the Feminist Movement in India.
Feminist Movement was a radical movement which demanded equality for women in personal and family life and also in politics, society and education field.
The political demands of the Feminist Movements in India were :
(i) More women representatives in local government.
(ii) More political representatives for women by having elected women representatives.
(iii) Reserving at least one-third of the seats in Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies for women.
(iv) They demanded equal pay as men for same work done.
(v) They demanded same inheritance rights for daughters as given to sons.
Question. State any one provision in the Indian constitution which makes India a secular state.
There is no official religion for the Indian states. Unlike the status of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, that of Islam in Pakistan and that of Christianity in England, our Constitution does not give a special status to any religion.
Question. Secularism is not an ideology of some political parties, but it is one of the foundations of a country. Examine the statement.
Communalism was and to an extent continues to be one of the major challenges to democracy in our country. The makers of our Constitution were aware of this challenge. That is why they chose the model of a secular state. The important provisions that makes India a secular state are :
(i) There is no official religion for the Indian states. Unlike the status of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, that of Islam in Pakistan and that of Christianity in England, our Constitution does not give a special status to any religion.
(ii) The Constitution provides to all individuals and communities freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion, or not to follow any.
(iii) The Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion.
(iv) At the same time the Constitution allows the state to intervene in the matters of religion in order to ensure equality within religious communities. For example, it bans untouchability.
Question. What is Communalism? How does it affect the political life of the people?
Communalism : When beliefs of one religion are presented as superior to those of other religions, when the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to another and when state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest, we call it as communalism.
Communalism is a hindrance in the functioning of our democracy because :
(i) Communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nation.
(ii) Any attempt to bring all followers of one religion together is bound to suppress the voices of others.
Question. Suppose a politician seeks your vote on the religious ground. Why is his act considered against the norms of democracy? Explain.
His act is against the spirit of democracy as the said politician is not working as per the Constitution.
(i) It also exploits the social difference.
(ii) It may create social discord and may lead to social division.
(iii) It is also biased attitude and neglects the principle of equality.
Question. Indian is a secular country. Justify the statement.
India is a secular country. With 29 states and 7 union territories there is a large diversity of culture, religion and language.
India does not have a state or official religion.
It gives fundamental right to its citizens to practice, propagate, profess any religion.
The Indian constitution does not discriminate against any religion. The above reasons justify the statement.
Question. Suggest any two measures to check communalism in India.
(i) Communal prejudices and proganda need to be countered in everyday life.
(ii) Religion based mobilisation to meet political must be needs countered.
Question. How can communalism pose a great threat to Indian democracy?
Communalism can pose a great threat to Indian democracy as :
(i) It leads to the dangerous belief that people belonging to different religion cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either group has to dominate the rest or they have to form a different nation.
(ii) Any attempt to bring followers of one religion together in the context of politics bound to suppress many voices within that society.
Question. “The Government of India gives holidays for the festivals of most of the religions.” Why is it so? Give your view point.
It is so because :
(i) India is a secular state, there is no official religion in our country.
(ii) The Constitution provides us freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion or not to follow any.
(iii) The Constitution prohibits discrimination on the ground of religion.
Question. Why did the framers of the constitution choose the ideals of secularism for India? How is this choice reflected in the constitutional provisions? Explain.
Secularism in India means equal treatment for all religions by the state. The term ‘Secular’ was added along with the term “Socialist’ through the 42 Amendment in the Preamble of the Constitution of India in 1976. The Preamble of Constitution of India asserts that India is a secular country.
The Indian Constitution does not profess any state religion. The state recognizes and accepts all religions. It enforces parliamentary laws and not religious laws, and respects pluralism.
The framers of constitution chose the model of secular state because of the following reasons :
(i) India emerged as an independent country amidst heavy turmoil and faced many problems like partition based on religion. The constitution makers did not want to give importance to any religion as it could again divide the country.
(ii) After getting independence, the important leaders of India made it clear that India has to be a secular state as they could not afford any disturbance in the country based on religion.
(iii) The framers of constitution knew that if any particular religion was promoted then there would be a chance of conflict among people of various religions and that would harm the progress of the country. This would also brings a feeling of insecurity among the people who follow other religions.
There is no discrimination among people based on the religious grounds in India. No religion is given superiority over any other religion.
Question. Explain the constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.
Secularism means no special status is given to any religion.
(i) There is no official religion for India unlike the status of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, or that of Islam is Pakistan.
(ii) The constitution provides freedom to practice and propagate any religion, or not to follow any.
(iii) The Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion.
(iv) The Constitution allows the state to intervene in the matters of religion to ensure equality within religious communities. For example, it bans untouchability.
Question. Define communalism. Explain any three forms of communalism in the Indian Politics.
(i) Communalism is a situation when beliefs of one religion are presented as superior to those of other religions. When the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to another and when state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest.
(ii) Various forms of communalism in politics :
(a) The most common expression of communalism is in everyday beliefs and practices.
(b) Practice of political dominance of one’s own religious community over others.
(c) Political mobilisation on religious lines is another frequent form of communalism. This involves the use of sacred symbols by religious leaders, emotional appeals to spread fear.
Question. What form does communalism take in politics?
Communalism can take various forms in politics :
(i) The most common expression of communalism is in everyday beliefs. These involve spread of religious prejudices, stereotype of religious belief, in the superiority of one’s religion over other religions. This is so common that we often fail to notice it, even when we do not believe in it.
(ii) It often leads to a quest for political dominance of one’s own religious community, this takes the form of majoritarian dominance. For those belonging to the minority community, it leads to formation of a separate political unit.
(iii) Political mobilisation on religious lines is another frequent form of communalism. This involves the use of sacred symbols by religious leaders. Emotional appeals are made to bring the followers of one religion together in the political arena.
(iv) Sometimes communalism can lead to communal violence, riots and massacre.
Question. How can the relationship between politics and religion be beneficial and problematic at the same time? Explain.
Beneficial :
(i) Influence of religion can make politics value based.
(ii) Religious communities can politically express their needs and interests.
(iii) Political authorities can monitor and control religious discrimination and oppression.
Problematic :
(i) Religion can become the base for the development of nationalist sentiments which can lead to conflicts between religious groups.
(ii) Political parties can try to make political gains by pitting one religious group against the other.
(iii) State power may be used to establish the domination of one religions religious group over another.
Question. “Politics and social divisions should not be allowed to mix.” Justify the statement.
It is absolutely correct to say that politics and social divisions should not be allowed to mix. This is because :
(i) It can make social divisions into political division and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a country.
(ii) In Northern Ireland, there has been a violent and bitter ethno-political conflict for many years.
(iii) It caused disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent countries.In Sri Lanka, when the ethno-social difference between Sinhalas and Tamils were politicized, the result was the Civil War in the country.
Question. Describe the three factors which determine the outcome of the politics of social divisions.
Factors that decide the outcome of the politics of social divisions are
(i) When the people’s perception of their identities is strict, the accommodation of other identities becomes difficult in the group.
(ii) Representation of a community by political leaders : While representing a community, if politicians raise demands that are constitutional, then, it is easier to accommodate those demands.
(iii) The government’s reaction : If the reasonable demands of a community are suppressed by the government, then it leads to social divisions, which in turns threatens the integrity of the country.
Question. Describe three advantages of the political expression of caste differences.
Advantages of the political expression of caste differences are :
(i) It gives disadvantaged groups the opportunity to demand a share in power and decision-making.
(ii) Many political parties have taken up the issue of ending caste discrimination.
(iii) Measures for uplifting the status of the backward castes has also been undertaken.
Question. Literacy and urbanisation combined with economic growth have changed the value system of Indian society. Explain with reference to India’s social problems.
(i) The caste system is very old in India and was also very rigid at one point of time but due to rise in literacy and economic development the caste barriers are breaking down. People in urban areas who are literate mostly do not believe in inequality based on caste. It is accepted that all are equal. Rising economic status of backward castes has helped in eroding the caste barriers.
(ii) The problem of communalism has decreased and there is less violence in the name of religion. People who are literate mostly do not get swayed by appeal to religious emotions. Economic progress and urbanisation has greatly helped in spread of in spread of secularism.
(iii) The position of women too has improved with the spread of literacy among women. Now they can earn and be economically independent. This helps to increase self-esteem and decreases dependence on male members of society.
(iv) The system of dowry at the time of marriage is getting diluted due to literacy and economic development of women.
(v) The practice of child marriage is decreasing due to spread of literacy.
(vi) There is occupational mobility due to spread of urbanisation and literacy and people are free to follow the profession of their choice rather than follow hereditary professions.
Question. Describe the adverse effects of caste in politics in India.
Adverse effects of caste in politics in India :
(i) Political parties try to use caste to gain votes.
(ii) Promise to take care of interests and demands of particular caste.
(iii) It leads to conflicts and tensions among various caste groups as some castes get discriminated against.
Question. Why are caste barriers breaking down in India? Explain with three reasons.
Caste barriers are breaking down in India due to the following reasons :
(i) With the economic development, large scale urbanisation, growth of literacy and education, occupational mobility and the weakening of the position of landlords in the villages, the old notions of caste hierarchy are breaking down.
(ii) Due to socio-economic changes, i.e. now, most of the times, in urban areas it does not matter much who is walking along next to us on street or eating at the next table in a restaurant.
(iii) The Constitution of India prohibits any caste based discrimination and lays the foundation of policies to reverse the injustices of the caste system.
Question. How do castes get politicised ? Give three points.
(i) Each caste group tries to become bigger by incorporating within it neighboring castes or sub-castes which were earlier excluded from it.
(ii) Various caste groups enter into a coalition with other castes or communities and thus enter into a dialogue and negotiation.
(iii) New kinds of caste groups have come up in the political area like ‘backward’ and forward’ caste groups.
Question. Caste has not still disappeared from contemporary India. Justify the statement.
It is true the caste factor has still not disappeared from our society :
(i) Most people marry within their own caste or tribe.
(ii) Untouchability has not ended despite provisions in the constitution.
(iii) Effects of centuries of advantages to upper cast and disadvantages to lower castes continue to be felt today.
(iv) Large number of low caste people still do not have access to education.
(v) Caste is still linked to economic and social status.
Question. The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give an impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else. Do you agree? Explain.
No, I do not agree. The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give an impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else is not correct because–
(i) No parliamentary constituency in the country has a clear majority of one single caste. So, every candidate and party needs to win the confidence of more than one caste and community to win elections.
(ii) No party wins the votes of all voters of a caste or community. When people say that a cast is a ‘vote bank’ of one party, it usually means that a large proportion of the voters from the caste vote for the party, not all.
(iii) Many political parties may put up candidates from the same caste (if that caste is believed to dominate the electorate in a particular constituency). Some voters may have more than one candidate from their caste while many voters may have no candidate from their caste.
(iv) The ruling party or the sitting M.P. or M.L.A. frequently lose elections in our country. That could not have happened if all castes or communities were frozen in their political preferences.
Question. Explain the factors that have led to the weakening of the caste system in India.
Decline of the caste system in India :
(i) Efforts of social reformers like Jyotiba Phule, Gandhiji, Ambedkar against caste system have helped to promote a casteless society.
(ii) Economic development has reduced the emphasis on caste.
(iii) Large scale urbanisation has diminished the awareness of caste, as people rub shoulders in buses, trains and offices.
(iv) Growth of literacy and education has helped to decrease the belief in caste.
(v) Occupational mobility is possible now and children are not compelled to continue the profession of the family or father.
Question. Explain the forms of casteism in India politics.
Casteism is rooted in the belief that caste is the sole basis of social community. Caste takes various forms in Indian politics.
(i) When parties choose candidates in elections, they keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from the caste so as to get necessary support to win elections.
(ii) When governments are formed, the political party takes care that representatives of different castes and tribes get a place in the ministry.
(iii) During the campaigning, political parties and candidates make appeals to people to give their votes on the basis of caste. Some political parties are known to favor some castes and are seen as their representatives.
However, Universal Adult Franchise and the principle of one-person-one-vote has compelled political leaders to gear up to the task of mobilizing and securing political support. It has brought new consciousness among the people who were so far treated as inferior and low.
Question. Describe the positive and negative aspects of relationship between caste and politics.
Positive aspects :
(i) It gives the disadvantaged group the opportunity to demand a share in power and decision-making.
(ii) Many political parties take up the issue of ending caste discrimination.
(iii) Measures for uplifting the status of the backward castes can be undertaken seriously.
Negative aspects :
(i) Caste-based politics diverts attention from main issues such as poverty, corruption, etc.
(ii) Caste based politics leads to tensions, conflicts and violence amongst caste segments.
Question. Assess the influences of politics on caste system.
Influence of politics on caste system :
(i) Each caste group tries to become bigger by incorporating within its sub-castes.
(ii) Various caste groups are required to enter into a coalition with other castes of same community.
(iii) New kinds of caste groups have entered politics like ‘backward’ and ‘forward’ castes.
(iv) Politics in caste has allowed many disadvantaged caste groups to demand their share of power.
(v) Caste politics has helped the dalits and OBC to gain better access to decision-making and political power.
Notes For NCERT Class 10 Social Science Democratic Politics – II Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste
• Sexual Division of labour – Woman do all the work inside the home or take the help of domestic helpers and men do work outside home.
• Feminist Movement- A movement aimed at equality in personal and family life as well.(believe in equal rights and opportunities).
• Role of Women in the societya)
a) Belief that responsibility of woman is house work and brining up children
b) Their work were not valued and recognized
c) Though constitute half the population their role is minimal especially in politics.
d) Gender issue raised in politics – for equal rights, for voting, improve the political and legal status of women – for education &career (Feminist Movement)
• Changing the Scenario of women’s role in public life
a) Women working as Scientist, doctors, managers and college and university teachers.
b) The participation of women in public life is high in developed Countries like Sweden, Norway and Finland.
• Ways in which women are discriminated and oppressed –
a) Literacy rate among women 54% and men 76% Reason – Girl students going for higher studies is less, More drop outs – as parents prefer to spend more for boys education
b) Proportion of women in highly paid jobs are small –
c) The Equal Wages Act provides that equal wage must be paid – but women are paid less than men
d) Parents prefer to have sons and so decline in six – ratio
e) Women are harassed and exploited in rural & urban areas – domestic violence
f) Family laws of religions show discrimination against women
g) Ours is still a male dominated , patriarchal society.
• Women’s political representation
a) Elected women member in Lok Sabha has not reached 10% and in State Assemblies 5% – very low
b) A different scenario in Panchayatraj in India
(i) 1 / 3 Seat in the local government is in Panchayat’s and Municipalities – reserved for women- more than 10 lakh women representatives in their bodies.
c) Proposal of bill before the parliament:-
Reservation of at least 1/3 of seats in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies for women
Communalism –
o The division based on religious differences.
o A major challenge to democracy.
1) Relationship between Religion and politics
• Gandhiji’s view :- Religion can never be separated from politics – it must be guided by ethics from religion
• Human Right groups view – Victims of Communal riots in our country are religious minorities –
• Women’s Movement view – Family laws of religions discriminate against women demanded that such laws should be changed to make them equitable
2) Various forms of communalism in politics :-
• Religious prejudices – belief in the superiority of one’s religion over other religions
• A communal mind leads to political dominance of one’s own religious Community-
• Special appeal in electoral politics involving the use of Sacred symbols, religious leaders, emotional appeal and plain fear to bring the followers together.
3) Constitutional provisions given in the Constitution base on Secularism, to crub communalism:-
• No official religion for the Indian state – no special status.
• Freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion.
• Prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion.
• Ensures equality within religious communities.
4) Communal politics-
• based on the idea that religion is the principle basis of social community-
• State power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest.
• One religion and followers are pitted against another.
Caste :-
• Caste division based on – hereditary occupational division – exclusion and discrimination against ‘our caste’ groups – Causing social inequality.
• Social reformers – who fought against Caste System are Gandhiji, Jotibaphule, B.R.Ambedkar, Periyar Ramaswami Naicker.
• Reasons for changes undergone in Caste system – Urbanization, -occupational mobility, – breaking down of caste hierarchy(old notions) – Constitution of India prohibited any caste based discrimination – Ban on un touchability – access to modern education.
5. Various forms of Caste in politics –
• To win elections parties choose candidates from different castes and tribes
• Make appeals to caste sentiments – favour some caste, and are seen as their representatives
• One person – one vote, No parliamentary constituency in the country has majority of one
• Single caste – so they need more than one caste, to win election.
• It brought a new consciousness among the people of caste that they were treated low
• The ruling party MP or MLA frequently loose election – will not happen if it was not Caste bias.
Result –
* Caste group become bigger by incorporating with other caste or sub caste
* Some Caste enter into dialogue and negotiation with other
* Formation of new caste groups –backward, forward caste groups.
Public / Private Division
– In fact the majority of women do some sort of paid work in addition to domestic labour. But their work is not valued and does not get recognition.
– Although women constitute half of the humanity, their role in public life especially politics, is minimal in most societies.
– Women in different parts of the world organised and agitated for equal rights. There were agitation demanded enhancing the political and legal status of women and improving their educational and other opportunities. More radical women movements aimed at equality in personal and family life as well. These movements are called feminist movements.
Patriarchal Society : Mostly societies are male dominating even day to day participation of women may increase than also our society is a patriarchal society on the basis of :
– Literacy rate
– No wonder the proportion of women among the highly paid and valued jobs is still very small.
– Her work is not paid and therefore often not valued.
– Women are paid less than men.
– Girl child aborted before she is born.
– various kinds of harassment, exploitation and violence against women.
Religion, Communalism and Politics
– Unlike gender differences, the religious differences are often expressed in the field of politics.
– Communalism happens when beliefs of one religion are presented as superior to thoseof other religions, when the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to another and when state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest. This manner of using religious in politics is communal politics.
Communalism can take various forms in politics :
– Stereo types of religious communities and belief in the superiority of one’s religion over other religions.
– a desire to form a separate political unit.
– Often involves special appeal to the interests in preference to others.
– Ugly form of communal violence, riots and massacre.
Secular State
– No official religion
– constitution does not give a special status to any religion.
– freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion.
– The constitution prohibits discrimination on ground of religion.
– allows the state to intervene is the matter of religion.
– ensure equality within religious communities.
Caste and Politics :
– They keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from different castes.
– Political parties and candidates in elections make appeals to caste sentiments to muster support.
– No parliamentary constituency in the country has a clear majority of one single caste.
– No party wins the votes of all the voters of a caste or community.
Short Answer Questions
Questions 1. Explain the factors responsible for low female literacy rate in our country?
• It is only a smaller proportion of girl students go for higher studies.
• Girls dropout because parent’s prefer to spend their resources for their boys education rather than spending equally on their sons and daughters.
Questions 2. Give any three provisions that make India a secular state ?
• There is no official religion for Indian state.
• The constitution provides to all individuals and communities freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion.
• The Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion.
Questions 3.Explain any three factors responsible for breaking down the caste hierarchy in our country?
• With economic development, large scale urbanization, growth of literacy and education.
• Occupational mobility and weakening of the positions of landlords in the villages, the caste hierarchy is breaking down.
• The Constitution of India prohibited any caste-based discrimination. We don’t see the practice of untouchability anywhere today.
• Caste system also weakened due to the efforts of our political leaders and social reformers like Jyothiba Phule, Gandhiji, B.R. Ambedkar and Periyar Ramaswami Naicker.
Questions 4. Why was the Equal Renumeration Act,1976 passed?
• In almost all areas of work, from sports and cinema, to factories and fields, women are paid less than men, even when both do exactly the same work.
• This Act provides that equal wages should be paid to equal work.
Questions 5. Explain any three forms of caste politics in India?
• When parties choose candidates in elections, they keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from different castes so as to muster essential
support to win elections.
• Political Parties and candidates in elections make appeals to cast sentiments of the electorate in order to muster support.
• When governments are formed, political parties usually take care that representatives of different caste and tribes find place in it.
Long Answer Questions
Question 1. Discuss any five steps taken by the government towards women empowerment and gender inequality.
• One-third of seats in the local government bodies in Panchayats and Municipalities are now
• reserved for women.
• The provision of equal wages for women without any discrimination has been made under the
• Equal Wages Act.
• Female infanticide has been reduced as sex-selective abortions has been taken away, in many parts of the country.
• Domestic violence against women, their exploitation etc. always have been the part of daily news. In this regards, the government has brought Domestic Violence Act which proves and effective steps.
• Girl students are given concessions and free education in many states.
Question 2. What are the various forms that communalism can take in politics in India?
• Communalism in daily beliefs – These routinely involve religious prejudices, stereotypes of religious communities and belief in the superiority of one’s religion over other religions. This is so common that we often fail to notice it, even when we believe in it.
• Formation of Political parties based on religious communities- A communal mind often leads to a quest for political dominance of one’s own religious community. For those belonging to majority community, this takes the form of majoritarian dominance. For those belonging to the minority community, it can take the form of a desire to form a separate political unit.
• Political mobilization on religious lines- It is another frequent form of communalism. This involves the use of sacred symbols, religious leaders, emotional appeal and plain fear in order to bring the followers of one religion together in political arena. In electoral politics this often involves special appeal to the interests or emotions of voters of one religion in preference to others.
• Communal Riots- Sometimes communalism takes its most ugly form of communal violence, riots and massacre. India and Pakistan suffered some of the worst communal riots at the time of the Partition. The post- Independence period has also seen large scale communal violence.
Question 3. What are the various ways by which women face discrimination, disadvantage and oppression in our society today?
• The proportion of women among the highly paid and valued job is still very small.
• Parent’s prefer to spend their resources for their boys education rather than spending equally on their sons and daughters. Thus the literacy rate among the women is low.
• Women are paid less than men, even when both do exactly the same work.
• In many parts of India parents prefer to have sons and find ways to have the girl child aborted
• They are not safe even in their home today. Beating, harassment and other forms of domestic violence continue.
• Women are paid less than men, even when both do the same work.

We hope the above Gender, Religion and Caste Class 10 Social Science are useful for you. If you have any questions then post them in the comments section below. Our teachers will provide you an answer. Also refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science