Students can read the important questions given below for Tissues Class 9 Science. All Tissues Class 9 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 9 Science Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Science Question Bank Class 9 is available on our website for free download in PDF.
Important Questions of Tissues Class 9
Question. Which is not a function of epidermis?
(a) Protection from adverse condition
(b) Gaseous exchange
(c) Conduction of water
(d) Transpiration
Question. Which cell does not have perforated cell wall?
(a) Tracheids
(b) Companion cells
(c) Sieve tubes
(d) Vessels
Question. Which of the following tissues has dead cells?
(a) Parenchyma
(b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Collenchyma
(d) Epithelial tissue
Question. Intestine absorbs the digested food materials. What type of epithelial cells are responsible for that?
(a) Stratified squamous epithelium
(b) Columnar epithelium
(c) Spindle fibres
(d) Cuboidal epithelium
Question. Which muscles act involuntarily?
(i) Striated muscles
(ii) Smooth muscles
(iii) Cardiac muscles
(iv) Skeletal muscles
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Question. Find out incorrect sentence
(a) Parenchymatous tissues have intercellular spaces
(b) Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners
(c) Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues
(d) Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles
Question. Select the incorrect sentence
(a) Blood has matrix containing proteins, salts and hormones
(b) Two bones are connected with ligament
(c) Tendons are non-fibrous tissue and fragile
(d) Cartilage is a form of connective tissue
Question. Meristematic tissues in plants are
(a) localised and permanent
(b) not limited to certain regions
(d) growing in volume
Question. Bone matrix is rich in
(a) fluoride and calcium
(b) calcium and phosphorus
(c) calcium and potassium
(d) phosphorus and potassium
Question. Cartilage is not found in
(a) nose
(b) ear
(c) kidney
(d) larynx
Question. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated. Which among the following may be the possible reason?
(a) Tendon break
(b) Break of skeletal muscle
(c) Ligament break
(d) Areolar tissue break
Question. Nerve cell does not contain
(a) axon
(b) nerve endings
(c) tendons
(d) dendrites
Question. Fats are stored in human body as
(a) cuboidal epithelium
(b) adipose tissue
(c) bones
(d) cartilage
Question. While doing work and running, you move your organs like hands, legs etc. Which among the following is correct?
(a) Smooth muscles contract and pull the ligament to move the bones
(b) Smooth muscles contract and pull the tendons to move the bones
(c) Skeletal muscles contract and pull the ligament to move the bones
(d) Skeletal muscles contract and pull the tendon to move the bones
Question. Contractile proteins are found in
(a) bones
(b) blood
(c) muscles
(d) cartilage
Question. Girth of stem increases due to
(a) apical meristem
(b) lateral meristem
(c) intercalary meristem
(d) vertical meristem
Question. Which of the following helps in repair of tissue and fills up the space inside the organ?
(a) Tendon
(b) Adipose tissue
(c) Areolar
(d) Cartilage
Question. Voluntary muscles are found in
(a) alimentary canal
(b) limbs
(c) iris of the eye
(d) bronchi of lungs
Question. In desert plants, rate of water loss gets reduced due to the presence of
(a) cuticle
(b) stomata
(c) lignin
(d) suberin
Question. Survival of plants in terrestrial environment has been made possible by the presence of
(a) intercalary meristem
(b) conducting tissue
(c) apical meristem
(d) parenchymatous tissue
Question. Nervous tissue is not found in
(a) brain
(b) spinal cord
(c) tendons
(d) nerves
Question. The muscular tissue which function throughout the life continuously without fatigue is
(a) skeletal muscle
(b) cardiac muscle
(c) smooth muscle
(d) voluntary muscle
Question. The dead element present in the phloem is
(a) companion cells
(b) phloem fibres
(c) phloem parenchyma
(d) sieve tubes
Question. A nail is inserted in the trunk of a tree at a height of 1 metre from the ground level. After 3 years the nail will
(a) move downwards
(b) move upwards
(c) remain at the same position
(d) move sideways
Question. Which of the following does not lose their nucleus at maturity?
(a) Companion cells
(b) Red blood cells
(c) Vessel
(d) Sieve tube cells
Question. A long tree has several branches. The tissue that helps in the sideways conduction
of water in the branches is
(a) collenchyma
(b) xylem parenchyma
(c) parenchyma
(d) xylem vessels
Question. Parenchyma cells are
(a) relatively unspecified and thin walled
(b) thick walled and specialised
(c) lignified
(d) none of these
Question. The water conducting tissue generally present in gymnosperm is
(a) vessels
(b) sieve tube
(c) tracheids
(d) xylem fibres
Question. If the tip of sugarcane plant is removed from the field, even then it keeps on growing in length. It is due to the presence of
(a) cambium
(b) apical meristem
(c) lateral meristem
(d) intercalary meristem
Question. Flexibility in plants is due to
(a) collenchyma
(b) sclerenchyma
(c) parenchyma
(d) chlorenchyma
Question. Choose the wrong statement
(a) The nature of matrix differs according to the function of the tissue
(b) Fats are stored below the skin and in between the internal organs
(c) Epithelial tissues have intercellular spaces between them
(d) Cells of striated muscles are multinucleate and unbranched
Question. Cork cells are made impervious to water and gases by the presence of
(a) cellulose
(b) lipids
(c) suberin
(d) lignin
Question. Which of the following cells is found in the cartilaginous tissue of the body?
(a) Mast cells
(b) Basophils
(c) Osteocytes
(d) Chondrocytes
Give reasons for
Question. Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole.
Cells of meristematic tissue are capable of division. Hence, prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm are present in these cells. Since these cells continuously undergo division hence they do not need to maintain a particular shape and store food. Due to this, vacuoles are not required in these cells.
Question. Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues.
Cell wall in sclerenchyma is lignified. Due to this, intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues.
Question. We get a crunchy and granular feeling, when we chew pear fruit.
In a pear fruit, cells of scelerenhyma are small and called stone cells. We get the crunchy feeling due to these stone cells.
Question. Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity.
Collenchyma is present at junction of a branch. Collenchyma provides rigidity with flexibility. Due to this, branches of tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity.
Question. It is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut tree.
The husk of coconut tree is composed of sclerenhyma. Due this, the husk is very hard and is difficult to be pulled out.
Fill in the blanks
Question. Cork cells possesses __________ on their walls that makes it impervious to gases and water.
Question. __________ have tubular cells with perforated walls and are living in nature.
sieve tubes
Question. Bone possesses a hard matrix composed of __________ and __________.
calcium and phosphorus
Question. Lining of blood vessels is made up of __________.
squamous epithelium
Question. Lining of small intestine is made up of __________.
columnar epithelium
Question. Lining of kidney tubules is made up of __________.
cuboidal epithelium
Question. Epithelial cells with cilia are found in __________ of our body.
respiratory tract
Question. __________ are forms of complex tissue.
Xylem and phloem
Question. __________ have guard cells.
Question. Cells of cork contain a chemical called __________.
Question. Husk of coconut is made of __________ tissue.
Question. __________ gives flexibility in plants.
Question. __________ and __________ are both conducting tissues.
Xylem; phloem
Question. Xylem transports __________ and __________ from soil.
Water; minerals
Question. Phloem transport __________ from __________ to other parts of the plant.
food; leaf
Question. Animals of colder regions and fishes of cold water have thicker layer of subcutaneous fat. Describe why?
Answer. Fat acts as subcutaneous insulation of body for thermoregulation.
Question. Differentiate the following activities on the basis of voluntary (V) or involuntary (IV) muscles.
(a) Jumping of frog
(b) Pumping of the heart
(c) Writing with hand
(d) Movement of chocolate in your intestine
Answer. (a)—V, (b)—IV, (c)—V, (d) —IV
Question. (a) Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.

Question. Define the process of differentiation.
Answer. The loss of ability to divide by taking up a permanent shape, size and function is called differentiation.
Question. Name any two simple and two complex permanent tissues in plants.
Answer. Simple: Parenchyma/collenchyma/sclerenchyma Complex: Phloem/xylem.
Question. Match the column (A) with the column (B)

Answer. —(v); b—(iv); c—(iii); d—(i); e—(ii); f—(vi);
Question. Match the column (A) with the column (B)

Answer. a—(i); b—(ii); c—(iv); d—(iii); e—(v);
Question. Write true (T) or false (F)
(a) Epithelial tissue is protective tissue in animal body.
(b) The lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules are all made up of epithelial tissue.
(c) Epithelial cells have a lot of intercellular spaces.
(d) Epithelial layer is permeable layer.
(e) Epithelial layer does not allow regulation of materials between body and external environment.
Answer. (a)—T, (b)—T, (c)—F, (d) —T, (e)—F
Question. Name the different components of xylem and draw a living component?
Answer. Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres.

Question. Draw and identify different elements of phloem.
Answer. Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma.

Question. Why is epidermis important for the plants?
Answer. Epidermis is important for plants due to the following reasons
(i) it gives protection
(ii) helps in gaseous exchange
(iii) checks water loss
(iv) root hairs arising from epidermis helps in absorption of water and minerals.
Question. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Give one example of each type.

Question. List the characteristics of cork. How are they formed? Mention their role.
Answer. Characteristics
a) – Cells of cork are dead at maturity
– These cells are compactly arranged
– Cells do not possess intercellular spaces.
– Cells possess a chemical substances suberin in their walls
– They are several layers thick.
b) As plants grow older, a strip of secondary meristem replaces the epidermis of the stem.
Cells cut on the outer side by this meristem are called cork.
c) They are protective in function for older stem/twigs/branches. They are impervious to gases and water.
Question. Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites?
Answer. Epidermis having thick cuticle and waxy substances to prevent the invasion of parasites.
Question. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissues. Draw well labelled diagram.

Question. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapours appear on the wall of glass jar. Explain why?
Answer. Transpiration takes place through stomata. Water vapour comes out of leaves during transpiration. When a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapour (coming out becomes of transpiration) condenses on the wall of glass jar and hence it appears as fine droplets.
Question. Describe the structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues. Draw diagram of each type of epithelial tissue.
Answer. Epithelial tissues are the covering or protective tissues in the animal body. Epithelium covers most organs and cavities within the body and keep different body systems separate. The skin, the lining of the mouth, the lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules are all made of epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue cells are tightly packed and form a continuous sheet. They have only a small amount of cementing material.
between them and almost no intercellular spaces. The permeability of the cells of various epithelia play an important role in regulating the exchange of materials between the body and the external environment and also between different parts of the body. Regardless of the type, all epithelia are usually separated from the underlying tissue by an extracellular fibrous basement membrane.
Epithelial tissues are of following types— (1) Simple squamous epithelium (2) Stratified squamous epithelium (3) Columnar epithelium, and (4) Cubodial epithelium. These tissues differ in structure that correlate with their unique functions. For example, in cells lining blood vessels or lung alveoli, where transportation of substances occurs through a selectively permeable surface, there is a simple flat kind of epithelium. This is called the simple squamous epithelium. Simple squamous epithelial cells are extremely thin and flat and form a delicate lining. The skin, oesophagus and the lining of the mouth are also covered with squamous epithelium.
Skin epithelial cells are arranged in many layers to prevent wear and tear. Since, they are arranged in a pattern of layers, the epithelium is called stratified squamous epithelium. Where absorption and secretion occur, as in the inner lining of the intestine, tall epithelial cells are present. This columnar epithelium facilitates movement across the epithelial barrier. In the respiratory tract, the columnar epithelial tissue also has cilia, which are hairlike projections on the outer surfaces of epithelial cells. These cilia can move, and their movement pushes the mucus forward to clear it. This type of epithelium is thus ciliated columnar epithelium.
Cuboidal epithelium forms the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands, where it provides mechanical support. Epithelial cells often acquire additional specialisation as gland cells, which can secrete substances at the epithelial surface. Sometimes a portion of the epithelial tissue folds inward, and a multicellular gland is formed. This is glandular epithelium.

Question. Draw well labelled diagrams of various types of muscles found in human body.

Question. Water hyacinth float on water surface. Explain.
Answer. A special type of parenchyma; called aernchyma is present in water hyacinth. This tissue
has air-filled spaces inside. Due to this, water hyacinth floats on water surface.
Question. Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissues? How are they different from one other?
Answer. Both xylem and phloem consist of more than one type of cells, which coordinate to perform a common function.