Please refer to Microsoft Publisher III Class 10 Computer Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Computer Science books for Class 10. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
Class 10 Computer Science Microsoft Publisher III Notes and Questions
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1 Paper, cloth, wood or part of any other thing which is depicted by pictures or words and provides information about any important place, product or incident.
Question 2 What is a common packing item that is usually made from thin flat material?
Question 3 What is done for giving recognition to a person, group or an organization?
Question 4 What is the name of paper advertisement that is given to or posted to a person at large scale distribution and posted at public place?
Question 5 What is printed report that contains activities or news or information about a business or an organization?
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1 Explain Sign.
Ans: It is a piece of a paper, cloth, wood or any other material which is depicted with painted picture. It provides
information about any important place, product or an event. MS Publisher provides us many types of signs which can
be used to make other Varieties of signs.
Question 2 Explain Resume.
Ans: Resume is one of the most important documents for the applicants seeking jobs. Normally, a resume has a
single page in length. It represents a brief about our qualification, work-history, certificates, and our other
achievements and skills. It may also have the objective of resume and brief of carrier of the individual. Besides these,
a resume may also have many other optional parts. There may also be bulleted lists to keep the information in brief.
Question 3 What is Banner?
Ans: Banner is a publication which can be made with the help of Microsoft Publisher. Banners are used to attract
people in a function. Various types of banners can be designed in Publisher with the help of preview gallery.
Question 4 Explain about News Letter.
Ans: Newsletter is a publication which can be made with the help of Microsoft Publisher. Newsletter is used to
provide information to others about our ceremony/function. Various types of newsletters can be designed in
publisher with the help of preview gallery.
Question 5 What are Menus?
Ans: A Menu is a list. Many options are available in the Menus. The list of various types of eatables and drinkable
item in hotels is also called Menu. Prices of these items are also listed on these menus. Menus can be used to accept
orders from guests. MS Publisher provides many types of templates to create Menus.
Other Important Questions
Question 1 what are advertisements ? explain various print media for using advertisements.
Ans: Advertisement is also called Promotional Publications. These are those things that attract us. Usually these are
designed by an advertisement agency. Advertisements are communicated through various Medias. These
advertisements can be advertised on Television, Radio, Magazines and New Papers. Advertisements are used by
businessmen to promote their products. Various Print-Medias can be used for advertisements. Some of the most
commonly used print-medias are explained below:
a. Broachers
b. Newsletter
c. Banners
d. Catalogues
e. Flyers
We can design different types of advertisements with the help of templates in Publisher.
Question 2 What is a business card?
Ans: A Business card is a small sized card. These cards contain business information about a person or company.
These cards are printed with the information that includes a person’s name, occupation, business address,
telephone number, website, email etc. We can create business cards using variety of designs using various templates
in Publisher.
Question 3 What is a label? Where are the labels used?
Ans: Label is a piece of a paper/cloth/metal that is pasted on a container or a product. The information that is
printed directly on a container or a product is also called a Labelling. Label contains information about manufacturer
of product, its manufacturing date, about its usage etc. Labels can be used for the following things:
a. Label for product.
b. Label for packaging
c. Label for Property/Assets
d. Label for Cloth
e. Label for mailing
f. Label for Security

We hope the above Microsoft Publisher III Class 10 Computer Science are useful for you. If you have any questions then post them in the comments section below. Our teachers will provide you an answer. Also refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 Computer Science