Please refer to The Bangle Sellers Summary by Sarojini Naidu provided below. The summary has been prepared for the chapters given in Class 10 English Books. You will be able to understand the entire chapter by reading the summary below. This following chapter summary has been prepared by expert teachers of Class 10th English. You can refer to more Class 10 English summary of all chapters pdf here.
Chapter Summary The Bangle Sellers by Sarojini Naidu
The Bangle Sellers (Summary)
The poem ‘The Bangle Sellers’ is written by the Indian poet Sarojini Naidu. She is known as ‘The Nightingale Of India’. In this poem we see that to see bangles, a group of bangle sellers are visiting a temple fair. Among the sellers, the narrator is also one of them. This poem written by Sarojini Naidu is inspired by the life of Indian traditions, Indian women and their cultures. The plot of the poem revolves around bangle sellers and how they urge the passer to look and buy their bangles for their daughters and wives. This poem also shows that each bangle represents a different stage of a woman’s life. It represents the transition from young to old. It also contains about the daily life of the bangle sellers.
Summary of The Bangle Sellers by Sarojini Naidu
In the very first stanza of the poem we see that the bangle sellers are shouting in a temple fair to sell their bangles to the passer. The bangles have been described by the speaker as ” lustrous tokens of radiant lives “. These lustrous bangles can bring happiness in the lives of daughters and wives of the ones who will buy. In the next stanza we see that the bangle sellers carry different types of bangles for women of different types and needs.
The bangles which are silver and blue in colour belong to the young girls. The silver and blue colour of the bangles has been compared with the mountain mist. This is to represent freshness in young girls. Bangles of red and pink in colour have been compared with tender buds of flower. It represents the dream for marriage. The green bangles for young women represent freshness. This is all about the early stage of women’s life.
In the third stanza, we see that the poet tells her readers about yellow bangles. Those bangles look like a field of sunlit corn. It highlights the looks of the bride on the day of her wedding. She will look brighter throughout the day. The sellers also have red and orange bangles. These bangles represent the wishes and desires of a newly married bride. Here, happiness of starting a new life represents the bridal laughter and the pain of separation from her parents have been described as bridal tears. This stanza highlights the transition in the life of a young girl to a wife.
The life of a woman after marriage has been by the speaker in the very last stanza. Some purple bangles with gold and grey flecks are being sold by the bangle sellers. This colour holds another significance. It signifies the life of a woman who has raised her children well , journeyed through life and stayed by her husband’s side in all good and bad. Pride and honour is the representation of purple colour while maturity of a middle-aged woman is being representated by grey colour. This bangle is most suitable for those women who worship gods and maintain the pride of their family.
This poem is well-described for all the life stages of a woman.
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