Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set F

Sample Papers for Class 10

Please refer to Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set F provided below. The Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science have been prepared based on the latest pattern issued by CBSE. Students should practice these guess papers for class 10 social science to gain more practice and get better marks in examinations. The Term 2 Sample Papers for Social Science Standard 10 will help you to understand the type of questions which can be asked in upcoming examinations.

Term 2 Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science With Solutions Set F

1. Which of the following was the reason for calling off ‘the Non-Cooperation Movement’ by Gandhiji?
(a) Pressure from the British Government
(b) Second Round Table Conference
(c) Gandhiji’s arrest
(d) Chauri-Chaura incident
Answer : (d)

2. Identify the important highways of India with the help of the following features and write its name.
• Six-lane Super Highways
• link Delhi-Kolkata-Chennai-Mumbai
• are being implemented by the NHAI
Answer : Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways.

3. How can democratic reforms be carried out by political parties?
Answer : Democratic reforms be carried out by political parties through:
(i) A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties.
(ii) It should be made compulsory for political parties to maintain a register of its members.

4. Which form of government is considered best?
Answer : Democratic form of government is considered best.

5. Read the given information carefully, and answer the question that follows:

Rita has taken a loan of ₹ 7 lakhs from the bank to purchase a car. The annual interest rate on the loan is 14.5 per cent and the loan is to be repaid in 3 years in monthly installments. The bank retained the papers of the new car as collateral, which will be returned to Rita only when she repays the entire loan with interest.

Analyse the loan information given above, select the correct option.
(a) Mode of re-payment
(b) Terms of credit
(c) Interest on loan
(d) Deposit criteria
Answer : (b) Terms of credit

6. Analyse the contribution of communication technology in globalisation.
Answer : Communication technology has played a major role in outspread of products and services across countries through its arms such as telecommunications (mobile, fax etc.), computers and internet. These have helped the people in communicating with each other living in different geographical locations.

7. Evaluate the contribution of folklore, songs, popular prints, etc. in shaping the nationalism during freedom struggle.
Answer : History and fiction, folklore and songs, popular prints and symbols, all played a part in making of nationalism. In the 19th century, nationalist toured village to village and collected folktales sung by local singers. These tales gave a true picture of our traditional culture and created a sense of pride in our past traditions. In Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore began collecting nursery rhymes and folk tales. In Madras, Natesa Sastri published collections of folk tales and published “The Folklore of Southern India”. Bankim Chandra Chatopadhyay wrote ‘Vande Mataram’ as a hymn to the motherland.

8. Describe any three major problems faced by cotton textile industry in India.
Answer : (i) The weaving, knitting and processing units cannot use much of the high quality yarn that is produced in the country.
(ii) Erratic power supply, outdated machinery and low output of labour.
(iii) There are some large and modern factories in these segments, but most of the production is in fragmented small units, which cater to the local market.
(iv) As a result, many of our spinners export cotton yarn while apparel/garment manufacturers have to import fabric. This mismatch is a major drawback for the textile industry in India.

9. How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain with an example.
Answer : A democratic government has to be responsive to the needs of its citizens:
(i) Through pressure groups, and public protests, the democratic government can check the popularity of its decisions and mechanism of administering justice.
(ii) A government which is able to respond to grievances faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance.

10. “Foreign trade is an important component of globalisation”. Explain any three points in this regard.
Answer : Foreign trade is an important component of globalisation because:
(i) Foreign trade implies exchange of goods and services across the countries.
(ii) It helps to expand the size of market for producers.
(iii) Producers and consumers can get commodities produced in any part of the world.
(iv) It works to integrate markets in different countries.

11. What was Bardoli Satyagraha? Give a brief description of Vallabhbhai Patel’s contribution in this struggle.
Answer : Bardoli is a city in the state of Gujarat. In 1928, Bardoli Satyagraha was a major movement of farmers against the increase of land revenue. This Satyagraha led the foundation of the Civil Disobedience Movement against the British rule.
In 1928, the British raised the land revenue approx 30 per cent in Bardoli, Gujarat. This unjustified heavy tax was opposed by the farmers of Bardoli under the strong leadership of Vallabhbhai Patel, who was one of the most prominent leaders from Gujarat. This satyagraha got great sympathy in several regions of India.
The government tried to crush the movement through brutal action, but Vallabhbhai Patel left no stone unturned to ensure its positive outcome. Finally the government agreed the demands of farmers. Vallabhbhai was given the title of ‘Sardar’ by the locals of Bardoli.

12. Why is the economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries? Explain with examples.
Answer : The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries.
Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development in general and economic development in particular mainly because:
(i) Manufacturing industries not only help in modernising agriculture, which forms the backbone of our economy, but also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sector.
(ii) Industrial development is a precondition for eradication of unemployment and poverty from our country.
(iii) It was also aimed at bringing down regional disparities by establishing industries in tribal and backwards areas.
(iv) Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce, and brings in much needed foreign exchange.
(v) Countries that transform their raw materials into a wide variety of furnished goods of higher value are prosperous.

13. Illustrate the situations which display lack of internal democracy within the political party. 5
Answer : Situations which display lack of internal democracy within a political party–
(i) Parties do not keep membership registers, do not hold organisational meetings, and do not conduct internal elections regularly.
(ii) Ordinary members of the party do not get sufficient information on what happens inside the party.
(iii) They do not have the means or the connections needed to influence the decisions. As a result the leaders assume greater power to make decisions in the name of the party.
(iv) Since one or few leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership find it difficult to continue in the party.
(v) More than loyalty to party principles and policies, personal loyalty to the leader becomes more important.

14. ‘Self-Help Groups’ help borrowers to overcome the problem of back of collateral. Examine the statement.
Answer : (i) In a self-help group most of the important decisions regarding the savings and loan activities are taken by the group members.
(ii) Group members are well known to each other. They belong to the same society.
(iii) Also, it is the group which is responsible for the repayment of the loan.
(iv) Any case of non repayment of loan by any one member is followed up seriously by other members in the group.
(v) Due to this feature, banks are willing to land to the poor women when organised in SHGs, even though they have no collateral as such.
Thus, through the above points, we can easily say that the Self-Help Groups help borrowers to overcome the problem of back of collateral.

15. One feature is marked on the given political map of India. Identify this feature with the help of the following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
The place associated with the movement with Indigo planters.

16. On the same map locate and label the following :
Vijayanagar Iron and Steel Plant

Answer : 

Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set F

Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 With Solutions Set F

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