Please refer to Control Flow Class 11 Computer Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Computer Science books for Class 11. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
Class 11 Computer Science Control Flow Notes and Questions
Objective Type Questions
Question 1 C Language is the example of _____
a. Object Oriented Language
b. Object Based Language
c. Structural Programming Lang
d. None of these
Structural Programming Lang
Question 2 Structured Programming provide benefits of ______
a. modules
b. Control Structures
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
Both a and b
Question 3 Comma (,) is used as a ______________
a. Seprator in C
b. Operator in C
c. Terminaotr in C
d. Delimiter in C
Seprators in C
Question 4 A Blank/Null statement can be represented by ____
a. new line
b. blank space
c. semicolon
d. colon
Question 5 Infinite loop is _________________
a. useful for time delay
b. useless
c. used to terminate execution
d. not possible
Question 6 Break statement is used in _____
a. selective control structures only
b. loop control structures only
c. Both a and b
d. switch control structures only
both a and b
Question 7 Continue Statement is used for ____________
a. continue the next iteration of the loop statement
b. exit the block of loop statement
c. continue execution of the program even errors occurs
d. exit from the outmost block even it is used in the innermost block
continue the next iteration of the loop statement
Write True of False
- Question 1 Each continue statement should be terminated with semicolon (;)
Question 2 The keyword else is always used with if statement.
Question 3 In switch statement, break statement is used in each case block except the last case.
Question 4 In switch statement, the value in the case statement should always be in increasing order.
Question 5 Continue statements are not used with selective control statements.
Questions of Exercise
Q:1 What are Loops?
Ans: Loops are the control flow statements. These are those statements which are used to repeat execution of
statements. There are two types of looping statements in C language:
Pre-Test Loop: The loops ‘for’ and ‘while’ are the examples of pre-test loops in C language. In these loops, body of
the loop is executed after the test-condition of the loop. If result of test-condition becomes true, only than the body
of the loop will be executed. If the test–condition becomes false initially, it may not execute even once.

Post-Test Loop: The loop ‘do while’ is an example of post test loop in C language. In these loops, body of the loop is
executed before the test condition of the loop. If result of test-condition becomes true, only than the body of the
loop will be executed. Even if the test –condition becomes false initially, it must execute at least once.
Q:2 What do you mean by Forward and Backward Jumps? Which loop is used as alternative of these statements?
Ans: When we execute a C program, the control may jump from current statement to some forwarding statement.
Such jumps are called Forward Jumps. Similarly, if the control jumps from the current statement to some previous
statement, it is called Backward Jump. For such jumpings in C Language, we use Jumping statements. Goto, break,
and continue statements are used for these jumps in C. Do while loop can be used as an alternate of these
Q:3 When will you prefer to use if else statement?
Ans: If else statement is a branching statement in C language. This statement is used in decision making tasks. When
we want to execute one of many statements, we will use this statement. Following code shows the syntax of if else

In the above syntax code, either statement1 or statement2 will be executed which entirely depends on the result of
condition. If given condition returns true value than the statement1 will be executed otherwise statement2 will be
Q:4 What are the four fundamental conditional statements in C?
Ans: Following are the four fundamental conditional statements in C language:
• if
• if else
• if else if
• switch case
These are the branching statements. These statements are used in decision making tasks. When we want to execute
one of many statements, we can use these statements. These statements are also called decision making
Q:5 What is meant by implementation of condition? Where are these useful?
Ans: Computer requires set of instructions to perform a specific task. These instructions are written in a sequence in
the form of a program. Computer implements these instructions one by one in the given sequence. This way of
implementing instructions is suitable in those situations where no decision making task is involved. But actually, it is
required to control the execution sequence of instructions in the program. In such situations, where we want to
control the execution sequence of instructions, implementation of conditions is required in the program. These
conditions are useful for decision making statements. In C language, branching and looping statements – if else,
switch case, for, while, do while are used for implementation of conditions.
Q:6 What are case labels and how are they used?
Ans: In C Language, case is a keyword. Case labels are used in the switch statement of C language. In switch
statement, instructions are implemented by testing the value of a variable or expression with the help of case labels.
In each case statement, a fixed constant value is added as a label after the case keyword. Each case statement is
different from all other case statements in the switch block. Each block of case statement should ends with the break
statement. Following syntax of switch statement shows how to use case labels:

Q:7 When will we use for loop? How is it different from while loop?
Ans: C Language has for, while and do while as a looping statements. These statements are used to repeat the
exaction of set of statements. The loops – for and while are the pre-test loops in C language. The for-loop is used in
those cases when we know, in advance, the no of iterations of a loop. But in those situations where we do not know
the no of iterations in advance, we prefer to use while loop. These both loops are pre-test loops. It means in these
loops, condition is tested before the execution of the body of the loop. If condition becomes true only than the body
of loop will be executed otherwise control will be transferred to the next statement after the loop.
Other Important Questions
Q:1 What are Control Flow Statements? Write about their types.
Ans: Those statements which are used to control the execution flow in the program are called Control Statements.
There are three types of control statements in C language. These are as follows:

Branching Statements: These statements are also called Decision Making Statements. In these control flow
statements, execution of instructions depends on result of test-condition. The statements – if else and switch case
are the examples of Branching statements.
Looping Statements: These statements are also called Iterative Control Statements. These statements are used to
repeat set of instructions. The statements – for, while and do while are the examples of looping statements.
Jumping Statements: These are also called skipping statements. These statements are used to transfer the execution
control from one location to some other location in the program. The statements – goto, break, and continue are the
examples of jumping statements.

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