Introduction to Windows Class 6 Computer Science Notes and Questions

Notes Class 6 Revision Notes

Please refer to Introduction to Windows Class 6 Computer Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Computer Science books for Class 6. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.

Class 6 Computer Science Introduction to Windows Notes and Questions

Fill in the Blanks using the right option:

Question 1 The Primary screen (first to open) of computer is called ……………
(1) My Network (2) Icon (3) Desktop (4) Recycle Bin



Question 2 The bar lying at the bottom of the desktop is called ………….
(1) Title Bar (2) Status Bar (3) Task Bar (4) Scroll Bar


Task Bar

Question 3 The bar present at the top of the window is called ……
(1) Title Bar (2) Status Bar (3) Task Bar (4) Scroll Bar


Title Bar

Question 4 Deleted files go to ……………
(1) My Network (2) My Documents (3) My Computer (4) Recycle Bin


Recycle Bin

Question 5 …………… button is used to close the window.
(1) Minimize (2) Maximize (3) Close (4) Start



Write down True or False :

Question 1 Windows is an Operating System.



Question 2 Primary Screen of windows is called My Computer



Question 3 My computer helps us to see drives of my Computer.



Question 4 My Documents icon contains files and folders.



Question 5 We should turn off our computer directly from power button.



Short Answer type Questions :

Q 1. What is an Operating System?
Ans: The operating system is the most important program on a computer. The operating system runs the
computer and allows other programs to run. Example: DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux.

Q 2. What is windows?
Ans: Windows is an Operating System. It is installed on a Computer System. It provides us Graphical User
Interface (GUI). It opens in a frame like a window.

Q 3. What is a window desktop?
Ans: Desktop is the basic screen that is visible after completion of Booting process. Desktop have the following
three parts :
1. Icons
2. Taskbar
3. Shortcut

Q 4. What are icons? Name any three icons.
Ans: Icons are like small pictures on Desktop. Icons act like button. Icons represent folders and files.
Examples of desktop icons.
1. Computer
2. Network
3. School
4. Recycle Bin

Q 5. Name different components of windows.
Ans: 1. Title Bar
2 .Menu bar
3. Toolbar
4. Scroll Bar

Q 6. Write down about Show Desktop button on Task bar.
Ans: Show Desktop Button is used to minimize all open programs and access the desktop.

Long Answer type Questions :

Q 1. Explain Task Bar.
Ans: The bar lying at the bottom of the desktop is called Task Bar. It has many parts
1. Start button
2. Quick launch icons
3. Active programs
4. Notification area
5. Date & time.
6. System Tray
7. Show Desktop button

Q 2. Explains different components of windows.
Ans: 1 Title Bar: It appears at the top of the windows. It has three buttons 1. Minimize Button 2. Maximize
Button 3. Restore Button.
2. Menu bar: This bar contains generally used commands.
3. Toolbar: It contains buttons for the commands.
4. Scroll Bar: This bar lets a user to scroll the contents of the window.

Q 3. Explain the following icons.
Ans: 1. Computer : we can see everything available in Computer. It has many files, folders and Drives.
2. Networks : We can see our network settings.
3. School : This icon is used to save the files created or downloaded by us.
4. Recycle Bin : All the deleted files and folders are stored in the Recycle Bin.

Introduction to Windows Class 6 Computer Science

We hope the above Introduction to Windows Class 6 Computer Science are useful for you. If you have any questions then post them in the comments section below. Our teachers will provide you an answer. Also refer to MCQ Questions for Class 6 Computer Science