Students can read the important questions given below for Components of Computers Class 6 Computer Science. All Components of Computers Class 6 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 6 Computer Science Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Computer Science Question Bank Class 6 is available on our website for free download in PDF.
Important Questions of Components of Computers Class 6 Computer Science
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question: What is the function of ALU?
Ans: Full form of ALU is Arithmetic and Logic Unit. It is a core component of CPU. It performs all the arithmetic and logic related tasks. This part is integrated within the “Micro-processor”.
Question: What are the types of memories?
Ans: Computer Memories are of following two types:
• Primary Memory
• Secondary Memory

Question: What is Micro-Computer?
Ans: Micro Computer is also called Personal Computer. These computers are the most common type of computers that are used now-a-days. The cost of these types of computers is very less. These computers are used in small business, small offices, schools or other workplaces.

Question: Write the name of parts of CPU.
Ans: CPU consists of the following three parts:
• Memory Unit (MU)
• Control Unit (CU)
• Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU)

Question: What are different categories of Computers?
Ans: Following are the common categories of computers:
1. Micro Computer (Personal Computer)

2. Mini Computer

3. Main Frame Computer

4. Super Computer

Question: What are Secondary Storage Devices?
Ans: Secondary Storage is also known as Auxiliary Memory. To store data permanently in the computer system, we use secondary storage devices. A processor is not able to access this type of memory directly. Hard Disk, CD, DVD, Pen Drive etc. are the examples of secondary memories.

Long Answer Type Questions:
Question: What do you mean by Block Diagram of Computer? Define its Components.
Ans: Block diagram of computer refers to the layout of attachment of all components within a computer system. Following figure shows the block diagram of computer.
Explanation of its various components is given below:
• Input: This part of computer is used to accept data and instructions. Keyboard and Mouse are the commonly used input devices for this purpose.
• Processing: This part performs operations on data as per the received instructions. Processing
is done by the Microprocessor. There are 3 main components of microprocessor: ALU, CU and MU.
• Output: This part shows the result after processing. Monitor is the commonly used output device for this purpose.

Question: How Computer Works? Explain each term in detail.
Ans: The way of processing within a computer system is called “Processing Cycle of a Computer”. We can represent processing cycle of a computer as given bellow:
Explanation of its various components is given below:
• Input: This part of computer is used to accept data and instructions. Keyboard and Mouse are the commonly used input devices for this purpose.
• Processing: This part performs operations on data as per the received instructions. Processing is done by the Microprocessor. There are 3 main components of microprocessor: ALU, CU and MU.
• Output: This part shows the result after processing. Monitor is the commonly used output device for this purpose.