Please refer to Water Resources Class 10 Social Science notes and questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Social Science books for Class 10. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
Class 10 Social Science Water Resources Notes and Questions
Hydraulic Structure in Ancient India :
– In the first century B.C. Sringaverapura near Allahabad had sophisticated water harvesting system channeling the flood water of the river Ganga.
– During the time of Chandragupta Mauriya, dams lakes and irrigation systems were extensively built.
– Evidences of sophisticated irrigation works have also been found in Kalinga, Nagarjuna Konda, Bennur, Kohlapur etc.
– In 11th century, Bhopal lake, one of the larest artificial lakes of its time was built.
– In 14th century, the tank of Hauz Khas, Delhi, was constructed by Iltutmish for supplying water of Siri Fort area.
Dam :
A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment.
– Classification of dams according to structure, intended purpose or height.
– Based on structure or material used, dams are classified as timber dams, embankment dams or masonry dams, with several sub-types.
– According to the height dams can be categories as large dams and major dams or alternatively as low dams, medium height dams and high dams.
Rain Water Harvesting :
– In hill and mountainous regions, people built diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’ of the western Himalayas for agriculture.
– Rooftop rain water harvesting was commonly practiced to store drinking water, in Rajasthan.
– In the flood plains of Bengal, people developed inundation channels to irrigate their fields.
– In arid and semi arid regions, agricultural fields were converted into rain fed storage structures that allowed the water to stand and moisten the soil like the ‘khadins’ in Jaisalmer and ‘Johads’ in other parts of Rajasthan.
– Tankas – underground tanks ro tankas for storing drinking water.
– In Bikaner, phalodi and Barmer. – The tanks could be as large as a big room.
– Roof top rainwater harvesting as drinking water.
– The first spell of rain was usually not collected as this would clean the roofs and the pipes.
– Rain water called as Palar Pani.
– Many houses constructed underground rooms adjoining the ‘tankas’ to beat the summer heat as it would keep the room cool.
– Some houses still maintain the tanks since they do not like the taste of tap water.
– In Gendathur, a remote backward village in Mysore, Karnataka, villagers have installed, in their house hold’s roof top, rainwater harvesting system to meet their water needs.
Question. Name any one river valley project which has significantly contributed to the loss of forests.
Sardar Sarovar Dam
Question. On which one of the following rivers Sardar Sarovar Dam is built?
(a) River Kaveri
(b) River Krishna
(c) River Narmada
(d) River Satluj
River Narmada
Question. What is the traditional system of rain water harvesting used in Rajasthan?
Taanka is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique indigenous to the Thar desert region of Rajasthan. A Taanka is a cylindrical paved underground pit into which rainwater from rooftops, courtyards or artificially prepared catchments accumulate for later use.
Question. “Water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing population in India.” Analyse the statement.
A large population leads to greater demand for water.
(i) A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food in various agricultural practices.
(ii) Most of the Indian cities are facing the problem of water due to growing population. This happens because large amount of ground water is pumped out in densely populated colonies. This has drastically lowered the water table.
(iii) Large industries also makes huge demand on water. Further industrial pollution often pollutes the water bodies which further aggravates the situation.
Question. “Urbanisation has added to water scarcity.” Support the statement with arguments.
(a) It is true that urbanization has aggravated water crisis in India. The urban centers support large populations which increases the water demand for personal uses.
(b) In the city housing societies or colonies have their own groundwater pumping arrangements to meet the water requirements. Thus, the water resources are over-exploited.
(c) The urban centers also have many largenumbers of industries. These industries use a huge quantity of water and exert pressure on the existing freshwater resources. Quite often the industries also pollute the water resources.
Question. “Water harvesting system is an effective measure to reduce the problem of water scarcity.” Justify the statement.
Water is an essential item for human existence but it is also one of the mostmisused commodities. Through the passage of time, early societies understood the importance and need for water and planned their lives around it. Civilizations have been born and lost on account of water. Today, we have the advantage of this knowledge.
Rain is the primary source of water, but we get rain only during the monsoon season in India during the months of July, August and September. Even in these three months it has been found that most areas get about 80% of the annual rain in about just 24 days.
A large amount of this precious water just drains away. The only way to save this water from wastage is by rain water harvesting. In its simplest form it involves storing the rain water in tanks, or by making embankments etc. The different methods of rain water harvesting used in India have been as follows:
(a) Guls or Kuls in the Western Himalayas
(b) Rooftop rain water harvesting in Rajasthan associated with tankas .Khadins in Jaisalmer and Johads in other parts of Rajasthan were also popular.
(c) Inundation channels in West Bengal
(d) In Meghalaya which gets copious rain, rain water harvesting is commonly practiced.
(e) In modern civil construction and housing societies provision for rain water harvesting
Question. How has ever increasing number of industries in India made worse position by exerting pressure on existing fresh water resources ? Explain.
After independence, industries are increasing at a rapid pace and have put pressure on existing fresh water resources, fresh water is limited, though renewable. In India, over-exploitation and mismanagement of this resource by industries is aggravating the water stress day-by-day.
(i) Industries especially heavy industries use huge amount of fresh water, they also pollute and waste a large amount of water.
(ii) These industries often depend on hydroelectric projects and this electricity is generated through damming the rivers upstream. So, the river almost dries in the lower stream areas.
(iii) Industries dump the chemical waste in the river, lake, etc. which then consequently pollute the water dangerously. These also contaminate the groundwater through seepage of industrial wastes. So, the increasing number of industries exert pressure on existing fresh water resources.
Question. “Water scarcity is on an increase day by day:” Justify the statement citing three reasons.
The reasons for water scarcity in India are :
(i) Seasonal and annual variation in precipitation.
(ii) Unequal access to water resources.
(iii) Overexploitation of water resources or fresh water bodies
(iv) Large and growing population resulting in greater demand for water resources particularly in cities.
A large population means, not only more water is required for domestic use but also for higher food grain productivity. This has led to over- exploitation of water resources to expand irrigated areas especially for dry season agriculture. It has also contributed to falling ground water levels, adversely affecting the water availability and food security of the people.
(v) Multiplying urban areas with dense population and modern life styles have created an ever-increasing demand for water and energy resources.
(vi) Pollution of water bodies due to discharge of industrial effluents, use of pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers in agriculture, make the river water hazardous for human consumption.
Question. Explain the working of underground tanks as a part of rooftop rainwater harvesting system practiced in Rajasthan.
(i) In semi-arid and arid regions of Rajasthan almost all the houses traditionally had underground tanks for storing drinking water. They are extremely reliable source of drinking water when other sources dry up. Rain water is considered the purest form of natural water.
(ii) The tanks can be as large as big rooms.
(iii) The tanks were part of the well-developed roof-top rainwater harvesting systems.
(iv) The tanks were built inside the main house or the courtyard giving cooling effect to the rooms in the summer.
(v) Those tanks were connected to the sloping roofs of the houses by a pipe.
(vi) Rain falling on these rooftops would travel down the pipe and get stored in these underground tanks.
(vii) Usually first rain water is not collected as it cleans the rooftop and get the pipe.
Question. “In recent years multipurpose projects and large dams have come under scrutiny and opposition”. Explain why ?
The various reasons why multipurpose projects and large dams have come under scrutiny and opposition is because of the following reasons.
They affect natural flow of running water:
(i) Hence, it causes excessive sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir.
(ii) It results in rockier stream beds.
(iii) They also fragment rivers making it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate, especially for breeding.
Affect natural vegetation and soil :
(i) The reservoirs that are created on the floodplains also submerge the existing vegetation and soil leading to its decomposition over a period of time.
(ii) The flood plains are deprived of silt, a natural fertiliser, further adding on to the problem of land degradation.
Create conflicts:
(i) The dams create conflicts between people wanting different uses and benefits from the same water resources.
(ii) Inter-state water disputes are also becoming common with regard to sharing the costs and benefits of the multi-purpose project.
Cause of many social movements:
(i) They have been a cause of many new social movements like the ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ and the ‘Tehri Dam Andolan’ etc.
Displacement of people :
(i) They results in the large-scale displacement of local communities.
(ii) Local people often had to give up their land, livelihood for the project.
(iii) This leads to widening of the social gap
(iv) The local people are not benefiting from such projects.
Failure to control flood :
(i) The dams that were constructed to control floods have often triggered floods due to sedimentation in the reservoir and at the time of excessive rainfall.
(ii) It was also observed that the multi-purpose projects induced earthquakes, caused waterborne diseases.
Change in cropping pattern:
(i) Availability of irrigation has also changed the cropping pattern.
(ii) Farmers have shifted to water intensive and commercial crops.
(iii) This has great ecological consequences like salinisation of the soil.
(iv) It has increased the social gap between the richer landowners and the landless poor.
Question. Describe the working of the Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting being practiced in India.
(i) Rooftop rainwater is collected using a PVC pipe.
(ii) Collected water is filtered using sand and bricks.
(iii) Underground pipe is used to take the water to the tank for immediate usage.
(iv) Excess water from the tank is taken to the well.
(v) Water from the well recharges the underground water.
Question. Mention any four main objectives of multipurpose river valley projects. Name any two Multipurpose Project of India.
A project where many uses of the impounded water are integrated with one another is known as multipurpose project. It is built for irrigation, power generation, water supply, flood control, recreation, etc.
(a) Bhakra Nangal project
(b) Sardar Sarovar project
Question. What is Bamboo Drip Irrigation? Mention any two features of it.
(i) Bamboo Drip irrigation system is a 200 years old system of tapping stream and spring water by using bamboo pipe and transporting water from higher to lower regions through gravity.
(ii) Features :
(a) 18-20 liters of water entres the bamboo pipe system, get transported over hundreds of meters and finally reduces to 20-80 drops per minute at the site of the plants.
(b) The flow of water into the pipes is controlled by manipulating the pipe positions.
Question. How have Industrialization and urbanization posed a great pressure on existing fresh water resources in India? Explain with examples.
Post independence India witnessed intensive industrialisation and urbanisation.
(i) Arrival of MNC’s : Apart from fresh water they required electricity which comes from hydroelectric power.
(ii) Multiplying urban centers with large and dense population and urban life styles have only added to water and energy requirements, which has further aggravated the problem.
(iii) Large-scale migration from rural to urban areas is causing over exploitation of water resources.
Question. Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams as the “temples of modern India”? Explain any three reasons.
Jawaharlal Nehru proclaimed the dams as the “temples of modern India” because :
(i) They eliminate or reduce flooding
(ii) Provide water for agriculture.
(iii) Provide water for human and industrial consumption.
(iv) Provide hydroelectricity for houses and industries.
Question. List any three advantages and three disadvantages of multipurpose river project.
Advantages :
(i) These are an important source of power generation.
(ii) They provide us pollution free and economical energy which is the backbone of industry and agriculture
(iii) These projects control the floods because water can be stored in them. These projects have converted many, rivers of sorrows into rivers of boon.
(iv) These projects are the main source of irrigation and also help in conserving soil.
(i) Due to the construction of dams there are no adequate floods in the river. Because of this, the soil of the downstream regions do not get nutrient rich silt.
(ii) Dams also fragment rivers making it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate for spawning.
(iii) It result in displacement of local communities. The Local people often have to given up their land and livelihood and their meagre access and control over resources.
Question. Water scarcity in most cases is caused by over-exploitation, excessive use and unequal access to water among different social groups’. Explain the meaning of the statement with the help of examples.
The given statement means that most often over exploitation of water resources leads to water scarcity. An important example is growing of crops in dry season with the help of ground water. This had led to severe depletion of ground water levels in different parts of the country.
Distribution of water in terms of precipitation and availability through other sources is quite uneven. For example annual precipitation in Mawsynram, Meghalaya, is, 11,873 mm while annual rain in Jodhpur Rajasthan is less than 100 mm. The uneven rainfall creates its own problems. Where as in areas of scarcity people try to save every bit of precipitation, a lot of water in areas of heavy rain goes waste.
Question. Describe any three traditional methods of rainwater harvesting adopted in different parts of India.
(i) In hilly and mountainous regions, people build diversion channels like ‘gul’ or ‘kul’ in eastern Himalaya for agriculture.
(ii) Roof-top rainwater harvesting was commonly practised to store drinking water particularly in Rajasthan.
(iii) In semi-arid regions agricultural fields are converted into rainfed storage structures that allow the water to stand and moist the soil.
Question. ‘An area or region may have ample water resources but is still facing water scarcity’. Give any three arguments to support the statement.
Many of our cities face this problem; they have adequate supply of water but much of it is unfit for consumption. Many of our cities are on rive banks, but the river water is no longer suitable for consumption because of the toxic wastes it receives.
This is also seen in many hilly areas where rain water is not adequately conserved.
Question. Highlight any three hydraulic structures as part of water management programmes initiated in ancient India along with the period when they were built.
Sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams build of stone rubble, reservoirs of lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation were built in various regions of the country.
(i) A sophisticated water harvesting system channelling the flood water of river Ganga was build at Sringaverapura near Allahabad in the first century B.C.
(ii) Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh, Bennur in Karnataka, Kolhpur in Maharashtra and Kalinga in Odisha have evidences of irrigation structures.
(iii) In the 11th century, Bhopal Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes of its time was built.
(iv) The tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi was constructed by Iltutmish in the 14th century to supply water to the Siri Fort Area.
Question. Why is groundwater a highly overused resource?
Groundwater is a highly overused resource because of the following reasons:
(i) Due to large and growing population and consequent greater demands for water and unequal access to it.
(ii) To facilitate higher food grain production for large population, water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigated areas and dry season agriculture.
(iii) In the housing societies or colonies in the cities, there is an arrangement of ground water pumping devices to meet water needs. Often this is over exploited.
Question. Describe the procedure for roof top rainwater harvesting.
(i) Rooftop rainwater is collected using a PVC pipe.
(ii) Collected water is filtered using sand and bricks.
(iii) Underground pipe is used to take the water to the tank for immediate usage.
(iv) Excess water from the tank is taken to the well.
(v) Water from the well recharges the underground water.
Question. Why is roof top water harvesting important in Rajasthan? Explain.
Roof top water harvesting is important in Rajasthan because :
(i) It provides a good source of drinking water.
(ii) The rainwater can be stored in the tanks till the next rainfall, making it an extremely reliable source of drinking water when all other sources are dried up, particularly in the summers.
(iii) Rainwater, or palar pani, as commonly referred to in these parts, is considered the purest form of natural water.
(iv) Many houses construct underground rooms adjoining the tanks’ to beat the summer heat as it keeps the room cool.
(v) Some houses still maintain the tanks since they do not like the taste of tap water.
Question. Explain any four reasons responsible for water scarcity in India.
(i) The availability of water resources varies over space and time, mainly due to the variations in seasonal and annual precipitation.
(ii) Over-exploitation, excessive use and unequal access to water among different social groups land and livelihood and their meagre access and control over resources for the greater need of the nation. Also,
Over exploitation of water resources leads to water scarcity. An important example is growing of crops in dry season with the help of ground water. This had led to severe depletion of ground water levels in different parts of the country.
Distribution of water in terms of precipitation and availability through other sources is quite uneven. For example annual precipitation in Mawsynram, Meghalaya, is, 11,873 mm while annual rain in Jodhpur Rajasthan is less than 100 mm. The uneven rainfall creates its own problems. Where as in areas of scarcity people try to save every bit of precipitation, a lot of water in areas of heavy rain goes waste.
Question. Why are different water harvesting systems considered a viable alternative both socioeconomically and environmentally in a country like India?
Keeping into view the disadvantages and rising resistance against the multi-purpose projects, water harvesting system is considered a viable alternative both socio-economically and environmentally.
(i) In ancient India also along with the sophisticated hydraulic structures, there existed and extra-ordinary tradition of various water harvesting systems.
(ii) People adopted different techniques in different areas. In hilly regions people build diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or ‘Kuls’ for agriculture.
(iii) Roof-top rain water harvesting was commonly practised to store drinking water, particularly in Rajasthan.
(iv) In the flood plains of Bengal, people developed inundation channels to irrigate their fields. Khadins, Johads and Tanks are the forms of rain water harvesting practised in Rajasthan.
Question. Describe any four traditional methods of rain water harvesting adopted in different parts of India.
Methods of rain water harvesting used in India are :
(i) Guls and Kuls : People built guls and kuls in hilly and mountainous regions to divert water. These are simple channels. They are mainly used in the Western Himalayas.
(ii) Roof top rain water harvesting : Commonly practised to store drinking water in Rajasthan.
(iii) Inundation Channels : These channels developed in the flood plains of Bengal to irrigate fields.
(iv) Khadins and Johads : In arid and semi-arid regions, some agricultural fields were converted into rain fed storage structures. These structures are found in Rajasthan.
(v) Tankas : The tankas were build inside the house or the courtyard. They were connected to the sloping roofs of the houses through a pipe. Rain falling on the rooftops would travel down the pipe and was stored in these underground tanks’ The rainwater was stored in the tankas.
Notes For NCERT Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 Water Resources

• Dam-Embankments or structures built across the river to store rain water for various uses.
• Inundation Canal -Canal meant for diverting flood water mainly during the rainy season.
• Rain water Harvesting- It is a technique of increasing the recharge of ground water by capturing and storing rainwater by construction of dug well, percolation pit etc.
• Guls/Kuls-Diversion channel for agriculture in the hill and mountain regions.
• Khadins-Johads-Rain fed storage structures in agricultural fields that allow water to stand and moisten the soil.
• Bamboo Drip Irrigation-A type of irrigation where water gets dropped in the form of drops near the roots of the plant mainly to conserve the moisture.
Short Answer Questions
Question 1.Why are multi-purpose River ValleyProjects called the ‘temples of modern India?
• Economic prosperity-agriculture, urbanization,Promotion of tourism
• Integrate the development of agriculture and the village economy with rapid industrialization
Question 2. Why is it necessary to conserve water resources in India? Give three reasons?
• To ensure food security.
• To control over exploitation and mismanagement
• To safeguard ourselves from health hazard as quality of water is affected badly.
Question 3. How are dams classified?
Answer: Dams are classified according to structure and height like timber dams, embankments, masonry, large medium height or low dams.
Question 4.Why was the Narmada Bachao Andolan started?
Answer: Andolan focused on environmental issue, rehabilitation of displaced people against the building of Sardar Sarovar Dam.
Question 5. Write a note on the traditional method of rain water harvesting in western Himalayas, Bengal and Rajasthan?
• In hill and mountainous regions, people built diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’ of the Western Himalayas for agriculture.In the flood plains of Bengal, people developed inundation
channels to irrigate their fields.
• In Rajasthan – The tankas were part of the well-developed rooftop rainwater harvesting system and were built inside the main house of the courtyard. They were connected to the sloping
roofs of the houses through a pipe.
Long Answer Questions
Question 1. Explain any five main causes of water pollution.
• Industrial effluents dumped without treatment, Thermal pollution-Polluted hot water is pumped into the river, Domestic waste, Use of washy, oily spills from the ships.
• Use of excessive fertilizers- Drip into the soil- Underground water get polluted.
Question 2 .In recent years, multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition – Why?
• a) Excessive sedimentation,
• b)Difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate,
• c )Large scale displacement of local communities,
• d) Unsuccessful in control of floods at the time of excessive rain fall,
• e) Induced earth quakes, Caused water borne diseases and pests pollution.
• f) Eg. Release of water from dams during heavy rains.

We hope the above Water Resources Class 10 Social Science are useful for you. If you have any questions then post them in the comments section below. Our teachers will provide you an answer. Also refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science