Important Formulas for Physics

Study Material

Are you searching for important formulas for physics. On this page we have provided the full list of all Physics formulas which are applicable in Class 12 and NEET, JEET exams. You should remember these formulas to get better marks in exams. You should also refer to Class 12 Physics Notes which have important notes and questions

Important Formulas for Physics

🎯1. Formulas related to force:
🔰F = ma
🔰F = kx
🔰F = m(vf² – vi²/2S)
🔰F = mv/t
🔰F = md/t²
🔰F = m(vf – vi)/t
🔰F = Area × density × velocity²
🔰F = 1/2 mv²/d
🔰F = 1/2 Pv/d
🔰F = Power/velocity
🔰Fc = mv²/r
🔰Fc = mrw²
🔰Fc/2 = mv²/2r
🔰Fc = 2K.E/r
🔰F = Area × Stress
🔰F = pir² × stress
🔰F = YA × Strain
🔰F = YAl/L
🔰F = pressure × area
🔰F = change in momentum × time interval
🔰F = – 2mVx × Vx/2l
🔰F2 = F1/A1 × A2
🔰F = qE
🔰F = kQ/r²
🔰F = ILB sintheta
🔰F = q (v × B)
🔰F = qE + q(v × B)

🎯2. Formulas related to energy and work
👉Fd = k.e
👉mgh = 1/2 mv²
👉E = 1/2 kx²
👉E = Ve
👉E = nhf
👉E = nhc/lambda
👉E = Pc
👉K.e = hf – work function = hf – hf° = hf – hc/w° (here w° is cutt off wavelength)
👉E = 1/2 Pv
👉mv²/2r= Fc/2
👉K.E/r = Fc/2
👉K.E = Fc×/r/2
👉K.e = 1.5 KT
👉E = VQ
👉E = Power × time
👉E = Fvt
👉% loss in K.e = v1² – v2²/v1² × 100
👉% loss in P.e = h1² – h²/h1² × 100
👉Energy lost due to air friction(Fh) = 1/2mv² – mgh (when body is thrown upward)
👉Energy lost due to air friction(FS) = mgh – 1/2mv² (when body is thrown downward)
👉E = 1/2 CV² (capacitor)
👉E = R × hc (R is Rydberg’ constant)
J = m-¹ × Js ms-¹
👉hf kalpha x rays = EL – Ek
hf kbeta x rays = EM – Ek
👉Binding energy = mass defect × c²
👉W = Fd Costheta
👉W = nmgh (when person is climbing stairs)
👉W = n(m+m) gh (when person is climbing stairs with some load)
👉W = 0mgh + 1mgh + 2mgh + 3mgh ……. (in case of stacking bricks. For ist brick h=0. For 2nd brick h=1. For 3rd brick h=2 and so on)
👉W = Fd = PA × change in V
👉W = Q – change in U
👉Q = mc × change in T
T/273.16 = Q/Q3 (Thermodynamic scale)
👉W = I²Rt
👉W = emf×charge
👉W = VQ
👉W = 1/2 lF
👉W = YAl²/2L
👉W = StressAl²/2Strain
👉W = PressureAl²/2Strain
👉W = Fl²/2Strain

🎯3. Formulas related to Power
💥P = Fv
💥P = E/t
💥P = n(mgh/t)
💥P = Fd/t
💥P = mv²/2t

🎯4. Formulas related to distance, displacement, velocity and accelration
📝d = vt
📝d = at²
📝d = (vf + vi/2) ×t
📝d = 5t² (for distance in ‘n’ seconds)
📝d = 5(2tn – 1) (for distance in ‘nth’ second)
📝d = 1/2 mv²/F
📝d = vit + 5t²
📝d = v × underroot 2H/g
📝d = vt = x°wt = x°2pi/T × t = x°2pift
📝x = x° Sin wt
📝x = x° Sin (underroot k/m) t
vf = vi + at
📝2as = vf² – vi²
📝2as = (vi + at)² – vi²
📝2as = vf² – (vf – at) ²
📝v = underroot Vfx² + Vfy²
📝v = Power/Force
📝v = 2×K.E/momentum (k.e = 1/2 Pv)
📝v² = 2×Power×time/mass (P = mv²/2t)
v = underroot 2as
v = underroot gr (speed at highest point in a verticle circle)
v = underroot 5gr (speed at lowest point in a verticle circle)
📝v² = 2FS/m
📝v² = 2E/m
📝v² = 2Ve/m
📝v = eBr/m (velocity of particle under action of magnetic force along circular path)
📝v² = Force/Area.Density
📝v = w underroot x°² – x²
📝v = underroot k/m × underroot x°² – x²
📝v = x°w (at mean position where x=0)
📝v = x° underoot k/m
📝v = v° underroot 1 – x²/x°² (for determining ratio b/w inst. Velocity and maxi. Velocity)
📝v= x°2pif = x°2pi/T
📝a = x°w² = x°w.w = vw = v.2pif
Common velocity = m1v1/m1+m2
📝vi² = Rg/Sin2theta
📝v = underoot Tension×length/mass
📝V = 2pi ke²/nh (speed of e- in nth orbit)
📝Vn = V/n
📝v = nh/2pimr (lambda = 2pir and lambda=h/p)
📝ma = kx
📝a = kx/m (SHM)
📝a = – gx/l (Simple pendulum)
📝ac = v²/r

🎯5. Formulas related to wavelength ‘w’
❌w = v/f
❌w = 1/wave number
❌w1 = 2l (when pipe is opened at both ends)
❌w1 = 4l (when pipe is opened at one end)
❌Delta w = Us/f (doppler shift)
Wavelength for obs. = w – delta w = v/f – Us/f
❌w = hc/Ve
❌w = hc/E
❌w = h/mv
❌w = h/P as P = underroot 2mE so
❌w = h/underroot 2mE (de Broglie wavelength)
❌w = underroot 150/V A° (short method for de Broglie wavelength. This formula is applicable only for e-)
❌1/w = RH (1/p²-1/n²)
❌Wmaxi/Wmini = n²/n²-p² (for determining ratio b/w maxi. Wavelength to mini. Wavelength for series of atomic spectrum)
❌w = 2pir/n (n is no. of loops in a circle

We hope you liked important formulas for physics given above. Also refer to MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physics which are really useful for Class 12 students