Please refer to The Heart of a Tree Summary by Henry Cuyler Bunner provided below. The summary has been prepared for the chapters given in Class 10 English Books. You will be able to understand the entire chapter by reading the summary below. This following chapter summary has been prepared by expert teachers of Class 10th English. You can refer to more Class 10 English summary of all chapters pdf here.
Chapter Summary The Heart of a Tree by Henry Cuyler Bunner
The Heart Of A Tree (Summary)
‘The Heart Of A Tree’ is a poem written by Henry Cuyler Bunner who is an American poet and a novelist. The structure and theme of the poem is simple to understand. The poem mainly holds the importance of trees in our lives. Trees are helpful in maintaining the ecological balance in our environment. Moreover, it is a support for sustainable development. The poem was published in 1912.
Summary of The Heart of a Tree by Henry Cuyler Bunner
The poem mainly has three stanzas in it. The poet has found several new ways to look towards a tree. Although man has recognized planting trees as a great work. The poet begins with a question in all the three stanzas. The question is asked to the man what he plants when he plants a tree. The poet himself replies that the man who plants a tree planted a friend for the sun and the sky. It reaches the sun and the sky as it grows upwards. It saves the earth from harmful rays of the sun by absorbing it. In the presence of trees, the sun becomes friendly. The poet tells his readers that the man who plants a tree plants a flag. In the mild breeze, this flag flies freely. The poet has made a comparison between a flag to the green leafy branches of a tree. Moreover, the poet compares the shaft of the pole that always stands still with the stem of the tree.
In the second stanza, the importance of the trees is being told by the poet. Trees are important because in the future they will produce seeds and buds. It enhances the beauty of the plain. Also, a forest can be made from a single tree. Thus, the forest’s heritage is planted through the man who has planted a single tree.
In the third stanza, the poet tells his readers that loyally and love for the mother earth is shown by a man by planting trees. He also receives blessings from people around him by fulfilling his duty towards society. He also contributes towards his nation’s growth by planting trees. There is a development in progress from country to country by planting trees. Therefore, the person who plants a tree is the destiny maker of the nation and is all powerful and has progressive thinking.
The last lines hold the core importance of the poem. It tells the readers about the vision, hopes, feelings and heart of the man who plants a tree. All through the poem, ‘ The Heart Of The Tree’ is well justified.
For the conclusion of the poem we can say that this poem focuses on the point that for living beings, trees are extremely important. It helps all the living beings to survive on the earth. It tells us that maintaining the ecosystem trees play a vital role. It provides a home for birds, enhances eco-friendly development and makes the plain beautiful. It creates a healthy atmosphere and gives fresh air and is very useful in our daily life.