Please refer to Class 10 Social Science Board Exam Important Questions with solutions below. These revision notes and important examination questions have been prepared based on the latest Social Science books for Class 10. You can go through the questions and solutions below which will help you to get better marks in your examinations.
India and Contemporary World II – History
Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe |
Chapter 2 Nationalism in India |
Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World |
Chapter 4 The Age of Industrialisation |
Chapter 5 Print Culture and the Modern World |
Contemporary India II – Geography
Democratic Politics II – Civics
Understanding Economic Development – Economics
Chapter 1 Development |
Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy |
Chapter 3 Money and Credit |
Chapter 4 Globalization and The Indian Economy |
Chapter 5 Consumer Rights |
Class 10 Social Science Board Exam Important Questions
Question Why had the Indian Government put a barrier to foreign trade and foreign investment after independence? State any one reason.
Ans . The Indian Government put a barrier to trade and foreign investment after independence to protect the producers within the country from foreign competition.
Question. Why did Mahatma Gandhi Ji decide to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act? Explain any three reasons.
Ans. Mahatma Gandhi Ji decided to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act: to trade, Rowlatt Act had been hurriedly passed through the Imperial Legislative Council despite the united opposition of the Indian members.
▪ It gave the government enormous power to repress political activities.
▪ Allowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years.
▪ It was the unjust law.
Question.”The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to Democrats all over the world.” support the statement.
Ans . The struggles of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to Democrats all over the world: – The autocratic decision of King Gyanendra in February 2015 resulted in a protest by the political parties and people of Nepal. Political Parties having diverse ideology joined together and defied the curfew. The leaders rejected the half-hearted concessions by the king, ultimately the king was compelled to concede all the three demands made by the protesters. Hence, this struggle of Nepali’s known as the Second Movement for Democracy became a source of inspiration to Democrats all over the world.
Question.Describe the conditions in which markets do not work in a fair manner.
Ans . Conditions in which markets do not work in a fair manner:
▪ When producers are few and powerful.
▪ When consumers purchase in small amounts.
▪ When consumers are scattered.
▪ When large companies have a monopoly in production of goods as they have huge wealth and can manipulate the market in various ways.
▪ Passing on false information through media and other sources to attract consumers.
Question .In recent years how our markets have been transformed? Explain with examples.
Ans. Transformation of our markets:
▪ There is a wide choice of goods and services before us in the market. The latest models of digital cameras, mobile phones, and televisions made by the leading manufacturers of the world are within our reach.
▪ Every season new model of automobiles can be seen on Indian roads and the Indians are buying vehicles produced by the top companies of the world.
▪ A similar explosion of brands can be seen for many other goods from shirts to televisions to processed fruit juices.
Question. why is conservation of mineral resources essential? Explain any three methods to conserve them.
Ans . Reasons for conservation:
▪ The strong dependence of industry and agriculture upon minerals.
▪ The process of mineral formation is slow.
▪ They are non-renewable. Any two points to be explained. Methods to conserve: –
▪ Minerals should be used in a planned and sustainable manner.
▪ Improved technology needs to be constantly evolved to allow the use of low-grade ore at low cost.
▪ Recycling of metals using scrap metals.
▪ Wastage in the mining and processing should be minimized.
Question. Describe any five major functions of political parties.
Ans . Functions of political parties:
▪ Parties contest elections.
▪ They put forward policies and programmes.
▪ Parties play a decisive role in making laws.
▪ Parties form and run the government.
▪ Defeated parties in the election play its role of opposition to the parties in power.
▪ Parties shape public opinion.
▪ Parties provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes.
Question. How do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics? Explain with examples.
Ans . Pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics in various ways:
▪ Pressure groups and movements try to gain public support and sympathy for their goals and activities.
▪ They often organize protest activities.
▪ Business groups often employ professional lobbyists.
▪ The pressure groups are either formed or led by the leaders and political parties.
▪ Sometimes political parties grow out of movements.
▪ In most cases, the relationship between parties and pressure groups is not so direct.
Question. The place where held the Indian National congress session was in 1920.
Ans . Kolkata/Calcutta.
Question. Why is the supervision of the functioning of formal sources of loans necessary?
Ans. Supervision of formal sources of loans is necessary for the following reasons:
▪ So that the targeted groups for whom specific loans have been designed can avail of such loans.
▪ In order to check the creditworthiness of prospective clients to minimize defaults.
▪ So that the appropriate rates of interest are charged.
▪ In order that the targeted economic activity gets a boost.
▪ So that the Banks and other lending institutions have adequate resources to meet their lending objectives.
Question. ” The Ho Chi Minh Trail became advantageous to Vietnamese in the war against the U.S.” Support the statement with arguments.
Ans. Ho Chi Minh’s Trail was a network of roads and footpaths. Most of the trail was in Laos and Cambodia. It was used by the Vietnamese in their war against the U.S forces.
▪ It was used to transport goods and people from North Vietnam to South Vietnam.
▪ It was used for the quick movement of forces from one war front to the other.
▪ It was used to supply food, arms and ammunition to the soldiers.
▪ It had support bases and hospitals along the way.
Vietnamese made use of their limited resources in an effective way in the struggle against imperialist forces. Ho Chi Minh’s Trail is an example for that.
Question. Suggest any three steps to minimize the environmental degradation caused by the industrial development in India.
Ans . Three steps to minimise the environmental degradation caused by Industrial development in India are:
▪ Minimising use of water for procuring by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.
▪ Harvesting of rain water can be dense to meet water requirement.
▪ Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
Question. Which three challenges do you feel are being faced by political parties in India? Give your opinion.
▪ Lack of internal democracy
▪ All over the world, there is a tendency of political parties towards the concentration of power in one or few leaders at the top.
▪ Parties do not keep membership register.
▪ They do not conduct internal elections regularly.
▪ Ordinary members of the party do not have sufficient information as to what happens inside the party.
▪ No Transparency
▪ Since most political parties do not practice open and transparent procedures for their functioning, these are very few ways for an ordinary worker to rise to the top in a party.
▪ Those who happen to be the leaders are in a position of unfair advantage to famous people close to them or even their family member.
▪ In many parties, the top positions are always controlled by members of one family.
▪ Money and Muscle Power
▪ Since parties are focussed only on winning elections, they tend to use short cuts to win elections.
▪ They tend to nominate those candidates who have or can raise a lot of money.
▪ Rich people and companies who give funds to the parties tend to have influence on the policies and decisions of the party.
Question Why had the Indian government put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment after independence? Analyze the reasons.
Ans. Removal of barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment:
▪ Barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment were partially removed.
▪ Goods could be improved and exported easily.
▪ Foreign companies could set up factories and offices here.
▪ Opportunities for Indian producers to compete with producers around the globe.
Question. Explain the importance of conservation of minerals. Highlight any three measures to conserve them.
Ans. Importance of conservation of Minerals:
▪ Mineral resources are being rapidly consumed which takes millions of years to be created and concentrated.
▪ Mineral resources are finite and non-renewable.
▪ Continued extraction of ores leads to increasing costs as mineral extraction comes from greater depths along with decreasing quality.
The three measures to conserve minerals are:
▪ It should be used in a planned a sustainable manner.
▪ Improved technology needs to be constantly evolved to allow use of low grade ores at low costs.
▪ Some of the metals are recyclables.
▪ Scrap of metal can be used and sore other substitute can be found.
Question. Describe the popular struggle of Bolivia.
Ans . The democratic governments are better than other forms of governments:
▪ Democratic governments have formal constitution, while not in another form of governments.
▪ They hold regular elections, while not in other forms of governments.
▪ They have political parties, while not in other forms of governments.
▪ They guarantee the rights of citizens, while not in the other form of governments.
▪ Such governments allow room to correct mistakes, while not in the other form of government.
▪ Such government accommodates social diversities, while not in other forms of government.
Question. “Political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy “.Analyze the statement with examples.
Ans. Political parties are necessary condition for a democracy.
▪ Without political parties democracies cannot exist.
▪ If we do not have political parties – in such a situation every candidate in elections will be independent.
▪ No one will be able to make any promises to the people about any major policy changes.
▪ The government may be formed but its utility will remain uncertain.
▪ Elected representatives will be accountable to their constituency for what they do in their locality.
▪ But no one will be responsible for how the country will run.
▪ The role of opposition party in a democracy necessiates the existence of political parties,
▪ As societies become large and complex they also needed some agencies to gather different
▪ views on various issues and to present these to the government, that is why political parties are needed.
▪ The problem of bad politics can be solved by more and better politics.
Question.Describe the impact of Globalization on Indian economy with examples.
Ans . The Globalisation has impacted Indian economy in the following ways:
▪ Increase in foreign investment, Over the past twenty years, the foreign investment has increased.
▪ Emergence of Indian companies as multinational Several of the top Indian companies like Tata Motors, Infosys, Ranbaxy have been able to get benefit from the increased competition created as a result of Globalisation.
▪ Creation of new opportunities Globalisation has created new opportunities for Indian companies, particularly providing services like IT.
▪ Creation of new jobs For those which are Globalisation has created new jobs and has helped in reducing unemployment rate to an extent.
▪ A host of services such as data entry, accounting, administrative tasks, engineering are now being done cheaply in India.
Question. Describe the process of Unification of Italy.
Ans . Economic hardships faced by Europe in the 1830s:
▪ The enormous increase in population was seen all over Europe.
▪ In most countries, there were more seekers of jobs than employment.
▪ Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.
▪ Small producers in towns were often faced with stiff competition from imports of cheap machine-made goods from England.
▪ In Europe where the aristocracy still enjoyed power, peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations.
▪ The rise of food prices as a result of a bad harvest led to widespread pauperism in town and country.
Question. Describe the role of different religious groups in the development of anti-colonial feelings in Vietnam.
Ans . Role of religious groups in the development of anti-colonial feelings in Vietnam Religion played an important role in strengthening colonial control; it also provided ways of resistance in Vietnam.
▪ Vietnam’s religious beliefs were a mixture of Buddhism, Confucianism, and local practices.
▪ Christianity introduced by French missionaries.
▪ Many religious movements were hostile to the Western presence.
▪ The revolt was led by officials at the Imperial Court angered by the spread of Catholic Church and French power.
▪ French crushed the movement, but uprising served to inspire others.
▪ Scholars Revolt
▪ Hao Hoa Movement (1939)
Question. How has foreign trade been integrating markets of different countries? Explain with examples.
Ans. Foreign Trade is Integrating markets of different countries-
▪ Foreign trade creates an opportunity for producers to reach beyond the domestic markets.
▪ Producers can sell their products in the markets located in other countries.
▪ It helps for expanding the choice of goods beyond domestic market.
▪ It is a main channel connecting countries.
▪ Highly helpful for extensive trade.
▪ The trading interest attracts various trading companies.
Question. How do we feel the impact of globalization on our daily life? Explain with examples.
Ans. Impact of Globalization-
▪ Globalization and greater competition among producers have been of advantage to consumers.
▪ The greater choice before consumers.
▪ Availability of standard quality products at lower price.
▪ Improvement in living standard.
▪ Foreign investments have increased in many areas like cell phones, automobiles, electronics, soft drinks etc.
▪ The new job has been created.
▪ Several of the units have shut down rendering many workers jobless.
▪ Globalization has also created insecurity of job.
Question. Name the state where Narora Nuclear Power Plant is located.
Ans. Uttar Pradesh(U.P)
Question. Why is the iron and steel industry called the basic industry?Explain any three reasons.
Ans. Iron and steel industry are called the basic industry due to the following reasons: –
▪ Iron and steel industry are the key industry as all heavy, light, small scale, as well as large scale industries, are dependent on it for raw materials.
▪ Iron and steel are used to manufacture variety of goods like surgical instruments, defense appliances, electric devices, wires, utensils, electronic goods etc.
▪ It is backbone of industrial development of our country.
Question. Explain the improvements made by the Indian railways in its functioning.
Ans. Improvements made by Indian Railways in its functioning are listed below:
▪ Earlier sleepers were made of wood but now cemented sleepers have taken their place which lasts longer.
▪ Steam engines have been replaced by electrical and diesel engines.
▪ Special compartments and bloggers have been added for disabled people and women etc.
Question. How do pressure groups and movement exert pressure on politics? Explain with an example.
Ans . Pressure groups and movements strengthen democracy:
▪ They try to gain public support and sympathy for their goals and their activities by carry out information campaigns, organizing meetings, filing petitions etc.
▪ They often organize protest activities like strike etc.
▪ Sometimes the pressure groups are either formed or led by the leaders of political parties or act as extended arms of political parties.
▪ Sometimes political parties grow out of movements.
Question. Compare the popular struggles of Nepal and Bolivia.
Ans . In Bolivia’s popular struggle, the struggle was against a aspect of a democratic government. I get inspiration from Bolivia’s struggle when reading about the democratic conflict through mass mobilization. I am inspired by the popular participation and democratic conflict through political organization. When the rights of people are underkept, people can force the government through popular participation. The political organizations which helped in Bolivia’s water war came to power in next elections. Thus, Bolivia’s water war reflects mass mobilization, helping mentality of political organization and concerned individuality of people as a citizen.
Question.“Globalisation has been advantageous to consumers as well as to producers”. Support with suitable examples.
Ans. Impact of Globalization-
▪ Globalization and greater competition among producers have a greater advantage to consumers.
▪ The greater choice before consumers.
▪ Availability of standard quality products at lower price.
▪ Improvement in living standard.
▪ Foreign investments have increased in many areas like cell phones, automobiles, electronics, soft drinks etc.
▪ A new job has been created.
▪ Several of the units have shut down rendering many workers jobless.
▪ Globalization has also created insecurity of job.
Question. Why are the rules and regulations required in the market-place? Explain.
Ans. We participate in the market both as producers and consumers. Producers produce their goods and sell their products in the market. Consumers buy those goods produced and they buy the final finished goods. Rules and regulations have been made to protect workers in the unorganized sector. Similarly, rules and regulations have been made to protect consumers in the market place because consumers are often exploited in the market place. If we complain about a product, the shopkeeper turns the responsibility to the consumers. As they are not bothered when the sale is over. For ex: the shopkeeper tells the consumers,” if you don’t like what you bought. please go elsewhere”. Consumers are also exploited in the market place by some false methods such as reducing the weight of the products, the black-marketing, hoarding, rampant food shortages, adulteration, etc. In the olden day, it was the responsibility of the consumer to be aware of the products. But now different consumers groups have been formed and it gives as serval rights such as:
1.Right to safety
2.Right to information
3.Right to seek redressed
4. Right to represent.
Question. Name the state where Kandla seaport is located.?
Ans . Gujarat is the State where Kandla seaport is located.
Question. Name the place where the movement of indigo planters was started.
Ans . Champaran.
Question. Describe any four merits of road transportation.
Ans . Four merits of air transport are listed below:
▪ It is comfortable and the fastest means of transport.
▪ It provides access to inaccessible places and prestigious made of transport.
▪ It is the best means of transport used in the natural calamity.
▪ It has helped to reach the region of difficult, rugged relief especially northeastern states of India.
Question. Which government body supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans in India? Explain.
Ans . The Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans.
Question. Explain any three effects of the Non- Cooperation Movement on the economy of India.
Ans. Reasons for slowing down of Non-Cooperation Movement:
▪ The Indians could not boycott for a long time because Khadi cloth was more expensive than mass-produced mill cloth and poor people could not afford to buy it.
▪ The boycott of British institutions posed a problem as an alternative Indian institution had to be set up so that they could be used in place of British ones.
▪ Students and teachers began trickling back to government schools and lawyers joined back work in government courts in the absence of alternate Indian Institutions.
Question. What is a Trade Barrier? Why did the Indian Government put up trade barriers after Independence? Explain.
Ans . Trade barrier is a kind of restriction imposed by government so as to regulate free trade, thereby regulating exchange. The country decides what goods would come, how much etc. These are imposed for three reasons-
▪ supporting indigenous producers.
▪ developing infrastructure.
▪ the progress of the country. Eg. tax on imports
Reason: After colonization of British for our 200 years, India’s whole infrastructure development came to an end. The time between 1950-1960 was known as a period of development liberalization of that point of time would not have allowed small infants industries to the computer with giant MNC’s and no infrastructure development would have been possible. Moreover, all developed countries at the initial step had imposed trade barriers and allowed.
Question. Explain how dynastic succession is a major challenge for political parties in India.?
Ans. The three challenges faced by political parties in India are:-
▪ Lack of internal democracy.
▪ Challenge of dynastic succession.
▪ The growing role of Money and Muscle power.
▪ Often parties do not seem to offer a meaningful choice to the voters.
Question. Explain the idea of Satyagraha according to Gandhiji.
Ans . Gandhiji when came back to India in Jan 1915 started :
▪ It is a novel method of mass agitation
▪ Its tools are truth and non-violence.
▪ Under this, if the cause was true and struggle was against injustice, it did not require force to win battle oppressive i.e. he had to be persuaded to see the truth, rather using force to accept it.
▪ He considered this method of Ahinsa to bring unity In this battle, the truth was bound to triumph.
▪ It was a movement of active resistance, it calls for great courage and determination to show, love who is appressed i.e. he had to be persuaded to see the truth, rather using force to accept it.
Question. ‘Environmental degradation has been seen everywhere’. Explain any three values that can help to prevent environmental degradation.
Ans . steps to minimize the environmental degradation caused by industrial development in India are –
Every liter of wastewater discharged by our industry pollutes eight times the quantity of freshwater.
▪ Minimizing use of water for processing by Reusing and Recycling it in two or more successive stages.
▪ Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements.
▪ Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
▪ Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smokestacks to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers, and inertial separators.
▪ Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories.
▪ Machinery and equipment can be used, and generators should be fitted with silencers.
▪ Almost all machinery can be redesigned to increase energy efficiency and reduce noise.
Question. How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain with an example.
Ans . Government (democratic) is known as a responsive government. It is responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. Eg.The right to information act was passed by the government of India in 2005. By this act, almost all the citizens can have the right to be informed about the goods and
services they have bought. This Act was passed with respect to the need of the citizen. Thus, democratic government produces a responsive government where people can easily access the decisions taken by it. This phenomenon is known as transparency.

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