MCQs for Class 12 Physical Education with Answers

MCQs Class 12

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physical Education Chapter Wise PDF with Answers have been gathered for students to rehearse. Students can prepare these MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physical Education Chapter Wise PDF . Each question has four choices with answers. Firstly, Solve all these Questions and check your answer with the right answer. If your answers do not match with the right answer, Don’t worry try again because You need to prepare daily to score higher marks in the Class 12 Physical Education Exam.

Read MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physical Education PDF available for all important topics in PDF based on latest academic session and CBSE and NCERT syllabus, examination and expected question paper pattern. The multiple choice questions provided here for Physical Education class 12 have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination pattern issued for the current academic year by CBSE, NCERT and KVS, our team of expert teachers have designed the MCQs for benefit of all Class 12 students.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Physical Education Chapter Wise PDF

Students can click on the chapter wise links below to access free multiple choice questions for standard 12 Physical Education. These Class 12th Physical Education objective questions and answers will help you to thoroughly revise the entire course as given in NCERT and will help you to get good marks in upcoming examinations

Chapter 1 Planning in Sports
Chapter 2 Sports and Nutrition
Chapter 3 Yoga and Lifestyle
Chapter 4 Physical Education and Sports for CWSN – Children with Special Needs : Divyangs
Chapter 5 Children and Women in Sports
Chapter 6 Test and Measurement in Sports
Chapter 7 Physiology and Injuries in Sports
Chapter 8 Biomechanics and Sports
Chapter 9 Psychology and Sports
Chapter 10 Training in Sports

Question. A……… is an injury that results in an irregular break in the skin, more commonly referred to as a cut.
(a) Haematoma
(b) Contusions
(c) Abrasion
(d) Laceration



Question. Sliding friction is a form of dynamic friction applicable in the Sport/Sporting event of……….
(a) Tennis
(b) Running sprints
(c) Broad jump
(d) Ice skating


Ice skating

Question. Which among the following is a type of general motor fitness test?
(a) Standing Broad Jump
(b) Zig Zag Run
(c) Medicine Ball Put
(d) Rock Port Test


Rock Port Test

Question. What are the types of motor skills?
(a) Fine motor skills
(b) Gross motor skills
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Both (a) and (b)

Question. Ball handling is an activity that starts in a child in the developmental stage called……….
(a) Infanthood
(b) early childhood
(c) middle childhood
(d) late childhood


early childhood

Question. Which among the following are the benefits of Bhujangasana?
(a) Cures acidity
(b) Improve blood circulation
(c) Increase the taxability
(d) Strengthens the legs


Improve blood circulation

Question. Increasing the angle of the joints or straightening the joint is called.
(a) Extension
(b) Abduction
(c) Adduction
(d) Dorsiflexion



Question. When a bullet is fired from a rifle with a certain force, which law of motion is taking place.
(a) Law of Inertia
(b) Law of Acceleration
(c) Law of Action And Reaction
(d) Law of rest


Law of Action And Reaction

Question. Which asana is avoided during pregnancy?
(a) Ardha Matsyendrasana
(b) Vajrasana
(c) Natsyasana
(d) Pawan Muktasana


Ardha Matsyendrasana

Question. ……….. are the large molecules that cannot enter the blood directly
(a) Vitamins
(b) Proteins
(c) Fats
(d) Carbohydrate



Question. Which disorder is related to mental illness which changes our behaviour?
(a) ADHD
(b) SPD
(c) ASD
(d) ODD



Question. What kind of motivation occurs in the form of praise or blame?
(a) Intrinsic
(b) Extrinsic
(c) Emotional
(d) Operational



Question. In which year, isokinetic exercises were developed?
(a) 1967
(b) 1968
(c) 1991
(d) 1995



Question. Which one of the following is not a cause of cognitive disability in a child?
(a) Genetic abnormalities
(b) Problem during birth
(c) Arthritis
(d) Chromosomal defects



Question. It true to say that Standing Broad Jump Test is the test for muscular endurance of athletes?
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Can’t say
(d) May be



Question. Assigning well defined roles to athletes enhances their……….
(a) Self-assessment
(b) Self-competence
(C) Self-care
(d) Self-recognition



Question. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a person who is classified as: Ectomorph?
(a) Even tempered, good humoured and sociable
(b) Self-conscious, private and introvert
(c) Courageous, assertive and bold
(d) None of the above


Self-conscious, private and introvert

Question. What is the term used to show movement laterally towards the middle of the body?
(a) Adduction
(b) Flexibility
(c) Adherence
(d) Flexion



Question. Which of the following Vitamins is commonly known as Niacin?
(a) B1
(b) B2
(c) B3
(d) B complex



Question. Which of the following is not a factor that determines strength? 
(a) Aerobic capacity
(b) Bodyweight
(C) Size of muscles
(d) None of these


None of these

Question. Which of the following strategies is/are adopted to make physical activities accessible for children with special needs?
(a) Inclusive classroom
(b) Assistive technology
(c) Adaptive Physical Education
(d) All of these


All of these

Question. Which asana is done in sitting position?
(a) Chakrasana
(b) Parvatasana
(c) Paschimottasana
(d) Bhujangasana



Question. PEI stands for
(a) Partial Efficiency Index
(b) Physical Enrolment Index
(c) Physical Exercise Indicator
(d) Physical Efficiency Index


Physical Efficiency Index

Question. Which of the following is not a form of league type tournament?
(a) Round Robin
(b) Double league
(c) Cyclic
(d) Single league



Question. In a single knockout tournament, how many byes need to be given if 17 teams are participating?
(a) 17
(b) 16
(c) 15
(d) 14



Question. Lubrication is responsible to reduce………
(a) Adduction
(b) Abduction
(c) Friction
(d) Flexion



Question. The source of phosphorus is ……
(a) Fish
(b) meat
(c) egg
(d) All of these


All of these

Question. The disadvantage of Fartlek training is that ……………….
(a) it can lead to heart disease
(b) it keeps the body rigid
(c) it requires specialised equipment
(d) it is difficult to judge the amount of effort made by the athlete


it is difficult to judge the amount of effort made by the athlete

Question. Which of the following is a lifestyle disease?
(a) Fever
(b) Back pain
(c) Headache
(d) Typhoid


Back pain

Question. Which among the following minerals are essential for proper thyroid function?
(a) Calcium
(b) Iodine
(c) Zinc
(d) Copper



Question. Which of the following is a fat soluble vitamin?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin K
(d) All of these


All of these

Question. What is the beneficial effect of physiotherapy?
(a) Returning the normal function to the injured area.
(b) Preventing further damage to the injured area.
(C) Relieving pain caused by the injury.
(d) All of the above


Returning the normal function to the injured area.

Question. Which of Newton’s laws of motion deals with acceleration?
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) None of these



Question. AAHPER full form
(a) American alliance health physical & education recreate
(b) American allience health physical education reliable
(c) American association of health physical education recreation
(d) American alliance health physical education recreation


American alliance health physical education recreation

Question. Which of the following asanas is called ‘Cobra’?
(a) Bhujangasana
(b) Vajrasana
(c) Gomukhasana
(d) Trikonasana



Question. The components of physical fitness related to muscles do not include……….of the muscles.
(a) Size
(b) Strength
(c) Endurance
(d) Speed



Question. What is the source of Vitamin B1?
(a) Egg yolk
(b) Pulses
(c) Yeast
(d) Wheat



Question. ………… the procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures.
(a) First aid
(b) Rolling friction
(c) Seeding
(d) Endomorph



Question. In the 4 x 10 metre shuttle run the total distance run by an athlete is ……..
(a) 40 metres
(b) 10 metres
(c) 20 metres
(d) None of these


40 metres

Question. Which among the following is ‘not water soluble vitamins?
(a) Vitamin B
(b) Vitamin B12
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin C


Vitamin A

Question. What are the factors that do not affecting motor development?
(a) Sports equipment’s
(b) Recreation
(c) Obesity
(d) Heredity


Sports equipment’s

Question. What are the cause of physical disability?
(a) Obesity
(b) Musculoskeletal disorders
(c) Gene inheritance
(d) All of these


All of these

Question. Movement precision starts in a child in the developmental stage called…………
(a) infanthood
(b) early childhood
(c) middle childhood
(d) late childhood


middle childhood

Question. What is measured in Back Scratch Test for senior citizens?
(a) Overall physical fitness
(b) Walking fitness
(c) Lower body fitness
(d) Upper body flexibility


Upper body flexibility

Question. The anterior concavity in the curvature of the lumber and cervical spine is called
(a) Lordosis
(b) Symptoms of Scoliosis
(c) Scoliosis
(d) Kyphosis



Question. What are the parameters in which women are different from men?
(a) Shorter in height
(b) Lesser in body mass and low fat
(c) Lean body shape
(d) All of these


All of these

Question. What are the consequences of regular exercise?
(a) Strengthen bones
(b) Burn calories
(c) Only (a)
(d) Both (a) and (b)


Both (a) and (b)

Question. Which of the following is not a cause of bad posture
(a) Lack of exercise & weekness
(b) Improper clothing & diet
(c) Mental fatigue & dis-order
(d) Heredity & diseases


Mental fatigue & dis-order

Question. Which test is suitable for senior citizens to assess their upper body flexibility?
(a) Rockport test
(b) Harvard step test
(c) Back scratch test
(d) Push-ups


Back scratch test

Question. How much blood is pumped by heart in one beat?
(a) 50 ml
(b) 60 ml
(c) 70 ml
(d) 90 ml


70 ml

Question. Which among them are suitable for fats?
(a) Fat increases the blood pressure.
(b) Fat provides cooked material.
(c) Fat improves the proper functioning of glands.
(d) Fat improves external organs.


Fat improves the proper functioning of glands.

Question. Which one of the following is not a micro nutrient?
(a) Flavour compounds
(b) Vitamins
(c) Iron
(d) Zinc


Flavour compounds

Our teachers have developed really good Multiple Choice Questions covering all important topics in each chapter which are expected to come in upcoming tests and exams, as MCQs are coming in all exams now therefore practice them carefully to get full understanding of topics and get good marks. Download latest questions with multiple choice answers for Class 12 Physical Education in pdf or read online for free.

The above NCERT based MCQs for Class 12 Physical Education have been designed by our teachers in such a way that it will help you a lot to gain understanding of each topic. These CBSE NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Multiple Choice Questions have been developed and are available free for benefit of Class 12 students.

We hope this Physical Education Class 12 MCQ Questions Pdf shared with you will help you to get good marks in your exam. We have also other study material like NCERT Solutions, NCERT Book, Exam Question, and simpler paper of Class 12. If You want to score higher in your exam, So practice all this study material and if you have any problem in regard to the Physical Education Class 12 MCQ Question Pdf then, write it in the comment box and we will guide you as much as possible.

Advantages of CBSE NCERT MCQs for Class 12 Physical Education

a) MCQs will help the kids to strengthen concepts and improve marks in tests and exams.

b) Multiple Choice Questions for Physical Education Class 12 have proven to further enhance the understanding and question solving skills.

c) Regular reading topic wise questions with choices will for sure develop very good hold over each chapter which will help in exam preparations.

d) It will be easy to revise all Physical Education chapters and faster revisions prior to class tests and exams.

Free Printable MCQs in PDF of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education are designed by our school teachers and provide best study material as per CBSE NCERT standards.

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