Click on links below to read and download important questions, answers and Class 11 Economics Notes. These important Q&As have been designed by our teachers based on the latest pattern of examinations which are held in CBSE schools. You can refer to the chapter wise concepts, important problems given below so that you can use them to prepare for your tests and get better marks in your exams
Class 11 Economics
The following chapter wise revision notes and important questions with solutions for class 11 Economics has been prepared by expert teachers for the benefit of students. These notes will help you to revise entire syllabus and will be really useful for revision just before your exams. Also refer to the questions and answers as you will understand the type of questions which can be asked in upcoming exams
Unit I : Development Policies And Experience (1947-1990)
Unit II : Economic Reforms Since 1991
Unit III: Current Challenges Facing The Indian Economy
Unit IV: Development Experiences Of India: A Comparison With Neighbours
Statistics for Economics

Students should go through the class 11 important questions which have been provided here for every chapter which is there in your NCERT book. Important questions for class 11 economics chapter wise have been prepared based on the latest questions which have been coming in the examinations.
Our team of teachers have done a thorough search of the past year examinations to check the type of questions which have been coming in the exams. The questions have been compiled and the solutions which should have been given in the exam are also provided. Students should refer to various concepts for all the chapters which we have provided on a website and then also look at the questions above.
They should try to solve the questions by themselves and then compare their answers with the solutions which have been provided by our teachers. In case you face any problem then you can provide your questions in the comments section below. A team of expert teachers for economics class 11 will go through your questions and provide you responses. We have a lot of other study material for class 11 economics which is very useful and can help you to get better marks in exams. Don’t forget to refer to revision notes which we have specially created for revision test before the examinations for class 11 economics
Frequently asked questions
You can get the latest and the best revision notes for class 11 economics prepared for each chapter in your book from our website
You have come to the right place to get these notes as on our website we have provided the best written notes for you for economics and can be downloaded in a single click in PDF format
Yes the chapter wise notes which we have provided here have been designed keeping into consideration the latest syllabus which has been issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS
On our website we have provided all short chapter wise notes which can be used on the day of the exam by the students and can also be downloaded for free for the benefit of students